Now I'm trying to decide which is worse: A meeting where you have to go pee, or a meeting where you're hungry.
At least I can occupy myself. That's one of the good things about the bosses expecting you to bring your laptop to the meeting.
One of my co-workers was saying the weather reports are now calling for perhaps 4-5 inches of snow next week.
My supervisor is here in the meeting. He's wearing contacts instead of his glasses. It looks most unnatural.
I only say that because my shoulder is really hurting today. So is my side, towards the back. Yesterday it was more my stomach. Getting old sucks.
At least I have a doctor appointment tomorrow with my cardiologist. That should hopefully clear some things up or perhaps put some ideas to rest.
That's tomorrow, however. Today, I've got work to do.
Although I do think I've either got to go back to physical therapy for the shoulder or maybe look into the idea of surgery. I'd prefer the physical therapy. It isn't perfect or permanent. It's better than being cut open, though.
I did at least have a fairly decent drive in. Until I got on the interstate that is. Getting on there was this dude taking his own sweet time. And he kept managing to stay in front of me until we got off. Then he got over, thank the gods, and I was able to accelerate past his sorry ass.
Then there was another dumbass at the u-turn under the interstate. Taking his own sweet time. Idiot.
The day is going to be very busy. We've got a package that's supposed to go out today, and I don't think it will. Somehow, the designer managed to screw up the model, which in turn screws up the isometric diagrams. It also meant I wasn't able to perform a Caesar stress analysis. We had to eyeball the pipe supports using only vertical loads.
We've got a young kid who was just made the lead mechanical designer, however. Hopefully, he can get things straightened out and everybody on a standard page.
Another mechanical designer, who's been with the company several years, could have been the lead mechanical designer, but he kept saying he didn't want it. So they gave it to the younger guy.
Kind of like me. I could probably gotten the lead mechanical engineer slot, but I didn't want it. Partly because it would come with too many headaches. Partly because I don't think I deserve it.
Did I mention the jackasses in New Mexico finally got around to sending me my confirmation email that with my License card and number? It only took them three months since my application, and three business days since they updated their roster with my number and active status.
What a bunch of lazy idiots. They're government bureaucrats, though. So I guess I should have expected this.
Stoopid young punks. Why they gotta think they're funny and one of the cool kids?
Well, that was messier than I’d have liked, but nowhere near as bad as I expected.
And a brief internet search tells me one of my two favorite seasoning mixes does indeed come in a “no salt” variety. The other favorite only comes in a “low sodium” variety.
So when the store doesn’t have either, it’s because they hate me.
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