Standstill feat and a reach weapon

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Benefit: When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, you can make a combat maneuver check as your attack of opportunity. If successful, the enemy cannot move for the rest of his turn. An enemy can still take the rest of his action, but cannot move. This feat also applies to any creature that attempts to move from a square that is adjacent to you if such movement provokes an attack of opportunity.

However reach weapons only provoke at their range distance, for instance, a halberd at 10ft. That makes it impossible to both move through an adjacent square and provoke an AOO making Standstill useless for ranged weapons.

Am I correct is this?

Unless there is an FAQ I am unaware of, then you are correct that a character provoking an AOO against someone wielding a reach weapon would not activate the Standstill feat because they would not be moving through an adjacent square.

Change your last line to reach weapons instead of ranged, and yes you're correct.

However, there are methods of obtaining attacks (such as Improved Unarmed Strike) that would allow you to threaten with a reach weapon and with a non-reach weapon (unarmed strike) allowing you to utilize both.

Grand Lodge

You could use a reach weapon* to just trip them which would effectively end their movement also, as they'd have to spend a move action to get back up, if they had one remaining. This wouldn't require Standstill. (Though you might want a trip weapon so you don't trip yourself if you fail miserably)

edit: *note that reach doesn't really matter here, it's just your question specifically asks about reach. I don't see what the point of this feat is since you can already trip someone with your attack of opportunity which will also ends their movement if successful and is more useful because they're now prone. I mean, I suppose it's useful if you're going against a foe too large to trip, but if they're that large, they're going to be able to reach you anyways if you stop them not-adjacent to you. Or if the opponent has more than two legs.. But overall this looks like it's just letting you do what you can already do with trip without falling over yourself. And if you're taking this feat I'd hope you'd already have a high CMB and can make a trip roll anyways.

To add on to what claxon said, armor spikes is another option if you're wearing metal armor (so most heavy or medium chain mail) to threaten adjacent spaces. Or you can wear a cestus (studded glove) which allows you to threaten adjacent spaces much more cheaply without having to have the proper armor. Neither of these require feats or dipping into a class to naturally be able to threaten. I'm sure there are other options, too, but those are just off the top of my head.

I believe there are also feats that can allow you to make a reach weapon threaten squares around you.

To add something to claude's statement, a cestus doesn't work well here.

All reach weapons that I am aware of require two hands to wield. A cestus is glove worn on the hand. So, you can either be wielding the cestus or the reach weapon, but not both at the same time. If it is your turn you can freely switch between which you are using as a free aciton, but at the end of the turn you are only wielding either the two handed reach weapon, or the cestus. You can't wield both. This obviously affects what AoO you can make and with what weapons.

To this end, Unamred Strikes or Armor Spikes are the go to weapons to threaten up close while wielding reach weapons.

*Please also note unarmed strikes can be performed with any part of the body and not restricted to punches, that is why they can be used in conjunction.

Dolanar wrote:
I believe there are also feats that can allow you to make a reach weapon threaten squares around you.

To my knowledge there is no such thing.

Grand Lodge

Claxon wrote:
All reach weapons that I am aware of require two hands to wield. A cestus is glove worn on the hand. So, you can either be wielding the cestus or the reach weapon, but not both at the same time. If it is your turn you can freely switch between which you are using as a free aciton, but at the end of the turn you are only wielding either the two handed reach weapon, or the cestus. You can't wield both. This obviously affects what AoO you can make and with what weapons.

That's a really good point, I didn't take that into consideration. So either armor spikes on metal armor, Improved Unarmed Strike (like claxon said this is ambiguous and doesn't apply just to hands), or class dipping to get some other natural weapons.

Have to agree that I'm fairly certain there's no official feat for "being able to threaten adjacent squares with a reach weapon." Even if you could threaten..what would you hit them with since your reach weapon can't hit something next to you?

Tripping would require improved trip (or risk provoking). Trip also has the problem of a lot of creatures being immune/resistant to it. Many characters/monsters have a higher Trip CMD than normal CMD.

There are no (that I am aware of) extra defenses against Stand Still and it works against ALL creatures, even those that are flying or otherwise can't be tripped.

Stand still does not work with reach weapons. I guess they worried about the stand still feat from 3.5, but that one mostly worked because of how it stopped you. It make it easy to stop people.

Grand Lodge

Komoda wrote:

Tripping would require improved trip (or risk provoking). Trip also has the problem of a lot of creatures being immune/resistant to it. Many characters/monsters have a higher Trip CMD than normal CMD.

There are no (that I am aware of) extra defenses against Stand Still and it works against ALL creatures, even those that are flying or otherwise can't be tripped.

If the creature doesn't threaten you, it cannot take the AoO that an unimproved trip gives. And the higher trip CMD is usualy fairly obvious, since it usually comes from things like extra legs or no legs.

Each of the attacks has its own benefit, but Stand Still is hard to do for a reach weapon user.

Polearm Master (Fighter archetype) includes an ability, using an immediate action, to change the threat range of a reach weapon to adjacent, with a penalty to hit reduced as your level goes up. This is basically similar to the old 23.5 feat Short Haft.

Also, if you use a smaller polearm than your size, it becomes a one-handed weapon, but retains the reach, allowing you to be able to use your other hand for adjacent AoOs. You do take a penalty to hit with your attacks with the incorrectly sized polearm.

Also, there is always the whip, especially with the Whip Mastery & Improved Whip Mastery feats, which is a reach weapon that threatens adjacent.

Silver Crusade

@OP: Correct. Stand Still is useless in combination with a reach weapon. Wear Armor Spikes if you want to wield a reach weapon and still use Stand Still.

A smaller reach weapon does not increase the reach for the bearer, just as a larger weapon does not. It must be appropriately sized.

My post was showing how it is a useful feat, if you're interested in it. Not to say it is better than trip, just that it has its uses outside of trip.

Komoda wrote:

A smaller reach weapon does not increase the reach for the bearer, just as a larger weapon does not. It must be appropriately sized.

I agree that is how it should be, but do the rules actually say that?

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Another option to threaten adjacent squares while wielding a reach weapon is having a bite or gore natural attack, or some other natural attack that doesn't need your hands.

You know Wraith, I can't find anything in Pathfinder that states that. Only 3.X. Apparently a bigger reach weapon will help, but not a smaller one.

Final 3.5 FAQ wrote:

How do reach weapons work if they are of a different size than the creature wielding them?...

A reach weapon doubles its wielder’s natural reach, but only if the weapon is at least of an appropriate size for the wielder. Wielding a “too-small” reach weapon grants no reach...

I saved the FAQ years ago. I couldn't find a link to it quickly enough.

Komoda wrote:

You know Wraith, I can't find anything in Pathfinder that states that. Only 3.X. Apparently a bigger reach weapon will help, but not a smaller one.

Final 3.5 FAQ wrote:

How do reach weapons work if they are of a different size than the creature wielding them?...

A reach weapon doubles its wielder’s natural reach, but only if the weapon is at least of an appropriate size for the wielder. Wielding a “too-small” reach weapon grants no reach...

I saved the FAQ years ago. I couldn't find a link to it quickly enough.

Good find. I agree that this makes sense, and it should have been put into the rules.

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