The End is Nigh ~ Into the Planar Blue Yonder


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Grand Lodge

@Sedoriku: The growth power of the Growth domain with your current wisdom would be usable 4 times a day lasting 1 round each time no?

Nice find on the seasons i have never seen it before

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Algar Lysandris wrote:

@Sedoriku: The growth power of the Growth domain with your current wisdom would be usable 4 times a day lasting 1 round each time no?

Nice find on the seasons i have never seen it before

Yup but then combine it with Enlarge Person (as a domain spell) and it becomes 14. The seasons is just something I found on srd...

From my bloodline I also have an enlarge person spell (that lasts for 40 rounds), so there would be some redundancy if you joined our team.

So I suggest this

1) Ashe (Ryuke, kensai magus), Donald (Zoey, oracle of life), Algar (Stehphen, barbarian/rage chemist), Chyrone (Cassandra, bard/fighter)

2) LilWilly5 (ninja), Threeshades (Arrahska, tattooed sorcerer), SamuraiRuy (Slobad, fighter), Zelit (oracle of life?)

3) Ralwind Winterbreath (Eskul, Necromancer), Grimdog73 (Patros, rogue), Juan Adriel (Adam, Skirmisher Ranger), Sedoriku (fighter/cleric)

4) Litany of Curses (?), Joshua Hirtz (?), [vacancy], [vacancy]

Arrahska Simik wrote:

3) Ralwind Winterbreath (Eskul, Necromancer), Grimdog73 (Patros, rogue), Juan Adriel (Adam, Skirmisher Ranger), Sedoriku (fighter/cleric)

I'm A-Okay with this team suggestion.

sure, if everybody is ok.

Me too, I'm ok with it.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arrahska Simik wrote:

3) Ralwind Winterbreath (Eskul, Necromancer), Grimdog73 (Patros, rogue), Juan Adriel (Adam, Skirmisher Ranger), Sedoriku (fighter/cleric)

Sure, just need to make sure I focus on being able to heal, but move a skill ponit here and there and I should be able to help with non-magical healing.


Here is the crunch of Adam, so if any idea or suggestion for background or character creation, just let me know. Remember he is not going to be able to cast spells due the archetypes, so no magical healing from me, just the ranks I have in the healing skill.


Adam, The protective guide
Male Human Guide/Skirmisher (ranger archetypes)
[Favored Class - HP:3 Skill:0]
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3 Senses Perception +
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 armor)
hp 33 (3d10 +3 (FCB))
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
+8 Longbow 1d8+2
Ranger focus (+2): 1/1day
Favored terrain: Underground (+2)
Str 14 (6,6,2)
Dex 19 (6,6,5) +2 human
Con 11 (3,3,5)
Int 10 (4,5,1)
Wis 14 (6,6,2)
Cha 6 (4,1,1)

Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 19
1-Point blank shot/- Precise shot (human)
2-Rapid shot (ranger, archer combat style)
3-Iron will/-Endurance (ranger)

Skills (6+1 human)
Climb* (Str) (1) = 6
Craft weapons (Int) (3) = 6
Handle Animal (Cha)
Heal (Wis) (3) = 7
Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) (1) = 4
Knowledge (geography) (Int) (1) = 4
Knowledge (nature) (Int) (1) = 4
Perception (Wis) (3) = 8
Profession hunter (Wis) (1) = 6
Ride* (Dex)
Spellcraft (Int)
Stealth* (Dex) (3) = 10
Survival (Wis) (3) = 9
Swim* (Str) (1) = 6

*Armor penalty -

Languages: Common
Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Endurance Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire you.
+4 bonus : Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.
You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Favored Terrain (Ex): At 3rd level, a ranger may select a type of terrain from the Favored Terrains table. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses)

Guide (archetype)
Many rangers are loners, but some choose to use their familiarity with the land to guide others safely through the wilderness. The guide forgoes a favored enemy to focus on the task or foe at hand, and can pass his knowledge and luck on to his charges. A guide has the following class features.
Ranger's Focus (Ex): At 1st level, once per day, the guide can focus on a single enemy within line of sight as a swift action. That creature remains the ranger's focus until it is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or surrenders, or until the ranger designates a new focus, whichever occurs first. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target of his focus. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.
At 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the ranger can use this ability one additional time per day. This ability replaces favored enemy.
Terrain Bond (Ex): At 4th level, the guide forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the ranger grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the ranger's allies leave no trail and can't be tracked. The ranger can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires. This ability replaces hunter's bond.
Ranger's Luck (Ex): Upon reaching 9th level, once per day the guide can either reroll one of his attack rolls or force an enemy who just hit him with an attack to reroll the attack roll. The ranger must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. A ranger can use this ability once per day at 9th level, plus one additional time per day at 14th and 19th levels. This ability replaces evasion.
Inspired Moment (Ex): At 11th level, the guide can have an inspired moment once per day as a free action. The ranger gains the following benefits until the end of his next turn. His speed increases by 10 feet. He can take an extra move or swift action on his turn. He gains a +4 bonus to AC and on attack rolls, skill checks, or ability checks. Finally, he automatically confirms any critical threat he scores. He can use this ability one additional time per day at 19th level. This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.
Improved Ranger's Luck (Ex): Upon reaching 16th level, the ranger's luck increases. He gains a +4 bonus on his rerolls made with the ranger's luck ability, or if he forces an enemy to reroll an attack, that enemy takes a –4 penalty on the roll. This bonus or penalty is also applied on any roll to confirm critical hits. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Skirmisher (archetype)
Many rangers rely on spells, but there are some who eschew aid from divine powers for their own reasons. Skirmishers rely on their wits, their wisdom, and sometimes even instinct to aid in their quests. A skirmisher has the following class features.
Hunter's Tricks: At 5th level, a skirmisher ranger learns the use of hunter's tricks, which typically grant a boon or bonus to the ranger or a nearby ally. At 5th level, the ranger learns one trick, selected from the list below. At 7th level, and every two levels thereafter, he learns another trick. A ranger can use these tricks a total number of times per day equal to 1/2 his ranger level + his Wisdom modifier. Tricks are usually swift actions, but sometimes move or free actions that modify a standard action, usually an attack action. Once a trick is chosen, it can't be retrained. A ranger cannot select an individual trick more than once. This ability replaces the ranger's spells class feature. Skirmishers do not gain any spells or spellcasting ability, do not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger and spell completion magic items.
bagpack, blanket winter, flint & steel, dagger, warhammer, Masterwork Composite (+2) Longbow, Mithral chain shirt, everburning torchx2
Total weight: 28,5/58(light) 116(medium) 175(heavy)
GP: 1262 SP:5
Special Abilities
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Algar, Ashe mentioned a preference for the arcane archetype.
Do you think it will benefit us greatly over the normal type of bard?

Looks good!

Little confused on this bit:

JuanAdriel wrote:


bagpack, blanket winter, flint & steel, dagger, warhammer, Masterwork Composite (+2) Longbow, Mithral chain shirt, everburning torchx2
Total weight: 28,5/58(light) 116(medium) 175(heavy)
GP: 1262 SP:5

Do you mean you have 1262gp left over? I can think of a hell of a lot of stuff to suggest purchasing with that kinda cash. (from what I can tell DM Avian Aloft is implying that we can't take it[our gold] with us and expect it to be useful. maybe items to barter would be something to grab?)

As for background I myself was thinking about what I should have for mine and then I remembered something I read forever ago about a necomancer using the undead as a workforce. I think I'll run with that idea! Something along the line of working in the construction business with a group of people who used the undead as general laborers.

Maybe you could be from the same crew? Or maybe you're investigating them for un-sanitary practices (unsanitary according to the church anyway who listens to them anyhow) Could be that I was sent out in advance to prospect a location of a new dungeon site and you were hired to ensure I got around the location safely? (dat low str. man, kills every time)

Those would all be good if you wanted a story as to why we were traveling together. If you're looking for something with a more solitary flare could be that you had to flee the woods you were chilling in when reality started to break down, maybe you were on a pilgrimage to visit Silas Shoreborn when things went to crap?

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wasn't planning on doing much work on mr. fighter/cleric today but I did decide upon a name (Aspen Thatcher) for the sake of something shorter than fighter/cleric if nothing else.

@Juan Adriel Everything looks okay except your Perception modifier in the Senses area (it isn't listed,) but I haven't read it over closely...

Ralwind Winterbreath wrote:

As for background I myself was thinking about what I should have for mine and then I remembered something I read forever ago about a necomancer using the undead as a workforce. I think I'll run with that idea! Something along the line of working in the construction business with a group of people who used the undead as general laborers.

Maybe you could be from the same crew? Or maybe you're investigating them for un-sanitary practices (unsanitary according to the church anyway who listens to them anyhow) Could be that I was sent out in advance to prospect a location of a new dungeon site and you were hired to ensure I got around the location safely? (dat low str. man, kills every time)

Those would all be good if you wanted a story as to why we were traveling together. If you're looking for something with a more solitary flare could be that you had to flee the woods you were chilling in when reality started to break down, maybe you were on a pilgrimage to visit Silas Shoreborn when things went to crap?

I'm okay with having Aspen be hired protection/muscle for an undead construction crew. (Which is a brilliant idea, btw... with this one could potentially be a good alligned necromancer, using undead for the good of all.)

A possibility, that still allows some solitude, could be we were traveling to build an addition to Silas Shoreborn's tower/castle/magical hovel.

Ralwind Winterbreath wrote:


Looks good!

Little confused on this bit:

JuanAdriel wrote:


bagpack, blanket winter, flint & steel, dagger, warhammer, Masterwork Composite (+2) Longbow, Mithral chain shirt, everburning torchx2
Total weight: 28,5/58(light) 116(medium) 175(heavy)
GP: 1262 SP:5

Do you mean you have 1262gp left over? I can think of a hell of a lot of stuff to suggest purchasing with that kinda cash. (from what I can tell DM Avian Aloft is implying that we can't take it[our gold] with us and expect it to be useful. maybe items to barter would be something to grab?)

As for background I myself was thinking about what I should have for mine and then I remembered something I read forever ago about a necomancer using the undead as a workforce. I think I'll run with that idea! Something along the line of working in the construction business with a group of people who used the undead as general laborers.

Maybe you could be from the same crew? Or maybe you're investigating them for un-sanitary practices (unsanitary according to the church anyway who listens to them anyhow) Could be that I was sent out in advance to prospect a location of a new dungeon site and you were hired to ensure I got around the location safely? (dat low str. man, kills every time)

Those would all be good if you wanted a story as to why we were traveling together. If you're looking for something with a more solitary flare could be that you had to flee the woods you were chilling in when reality started to break down, maybe you were on a pilgrimage to visit Silas Shoreborn when things went to crap?

As I said in my first post, this is spare money for the party to decide if we need some extra equipment, like mounts or a wand of CLW resources like light food and water, and ammo for my archer, of course :D.

About the question of the background, the hired idea is more apropiated, because that character isn't in any way a solitary one. He used to be with people as a guide and protector (as a concept).

@Sedoriku: is missing, yeah, but it is in the skills section.

heh didn't expect this much enthusiasm. Honestly between the need for premade parties and the words of power I thought I'd be lucky to put together one party :D

Some quick clarifications on the equipment issue. Your portals will be large enough to fit a small wagon through. You can also consider npc hirelings (as long as you are willing to pay that years wage up front to convince them to go) You don't "lose" any gold you don't spend you just have no assurance of a chance to use it on the other side (at least before that year is up. Whatever colonists come through the second portal will likely be willing to exchange goods and services)

Keep in mind the aforementioned Wand of CLW, if made prior to the journey, will be subject to the wild magic because it was made with the old magics of the old land, however should a caster simply purchase the supplies to make it, and then craft it on the other side using the local magics, it would function fine. The idea behind using the words of power system is that the established set spells and gods are different in the distant planes, it's meant to be assumed you were regular casters in Golarion and are falling back on the more primitive, basic magics and essentially re-learning the craft for the new world.

And a clarification on summoner: It is NOT banned, it's also not entirely un-doable. I just wanted to put emphasis on the risk said class would bring to the table for this scenario. I do have a series of events and side quests in place should someone attempt it. That is another of the reasons that I wanted parties who agreed to play together as the party that takes a summoner will have their own unique challenges.

Quick Edit: Just as an aside, these 4 worlds are ones I've made and used in the past for other campaigns, including a play through of this campaign with 4 different groups locally. I'm really excited to share them with you but at the rate we are going we may have more parties than originally called for. If thats the case I will consider adding more :D

@Sedoriku, others, ect.

I want to get this out of the way right now: [incoming text wall spoiler'd for convenience!]

And I hate to disappoint, but I'm going to stick with the Neutral Evil alignment of my character.


I've never played an Evil character but from what I've been told alignment is more of a guideline how to act then the absolute. From my research it seems that being motivated by power (through money acquirement, learning new spells, ect) will be the main motovation that should drive my actions. With a bit of cruelty mixed in (burining innocents and the like apparently).
I'm fully intending to treat my alignment as a guidelines how to act rather than "I must burn this family because of my alignment" randomly burning people probably won't further my goals in anyway so yep.

Anyway I think you have to be evil to cast necromancy spells, that's what i took away from the descriptions anyway. I wasn't really excited about chaotic evil (to much "lel random death because I'm cayoootic!") and Lawful evil seemed to constraining than I wanted to try to deal with. Reading what I have, they claim that NE is the hardest to play but the guidelines seem pretty simple, do what benefits you the most essentially.

Sedoriku wrote:

Wasn't planning on doing much work on mr. fighter/cleric today but I did decide upon a name (Aspen Thatcher) for the sake of something shorter than fighter/cleric if nothing else.

I'm okay with having Aspen be hired protection/muscle for an undead construction crew. (Which is a brilliant idea, btw... with this one could potentially be a good alligned necromancer, using undead for the good of all.)
A possibility, that still allows some solitude, could be we were traveling to build an addition to Silas Shoreborn's tower/castle/magical hovel.

Heh heh magical hovel on the outside, parthenon of Silas Shoreborn on the inside.

I'm glad you like the undead construction crew idea! I am totally ripping it from a greentext i read a while back. I've always wanted to try it!

I'll have a personal back story pounded out sometime tomorrow. Currently beer-ing it up because MURICA and all that.

@DM Avian Aloft, et all.
For our party background story How bout this for the basic framework:

We were an advance survey group for the larger crew that was finishing up a different job.

Travel is dangerous through the region between the two job sites so [local escorts who know the land / extra protection] were [hired/sent with] by the company to ensure the next site's preparation.

Job site was being surveyed for [silas shoreborn / community near by silas shoreborn / DM Avian Aloft's Choice]

Reality Cataclysm happens and we were drawn in with the other refuges.

Thoughts/Critisism/Approval/Denoucement of this please!

JuanAdriel wrote:

As I said in my first post, this is spare money for the party to decide if we need some extra equipment, like mounts or a wand of CLW resources like light food and water, and ammo for my archer, of course :D.

About the question of the background, the hired idea is more...

Somehow I completely missed that you had said that. This is incredibly generous of you!

As part of my selected equipment I purchased a riding dog to help carry my crap, he's pretty loaded up at the moment but more pack animals or possibly even a wagon is something we can look into.

If the party wants I can start pricing up some extra survival equipment to aid us with scouting and have it ready for review in a google spreadsheet?

Or if someone needed an item and couldn't afford it before now would be a good time to speak up even!

Thank you again JuanAdriel for your generosity!

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am perfectly fine with your alignment. I just thought it'd be interesting to use in another case or for another character, and also expalins the NG companions.

Grand Lodge

@Chyrone: this would depend on your preference if you wanted to play one of those archetype.

As long as your character can contribute with decent fighting skills i am fine with it...

Okay, guys any ideas for a party backstory? Do any of you have your character stories already?

Algar, Ashe, Donald,

Concerning a common background from which we can make our own;
I'd thought something along the lines of what Ashe suggested, though slightly different.

Your opinions please.


2 sisters [insert names of choice] were part of a mercantile fleet. 1 of them, a musical and social type, met her respective other while docking on one of the ports of the Inner sea's trade routes (say..Magnimar). This other was of Tian blood.

The other sister continued and settled down elsewhere along the coastal regions also with a man of Tian blood. The man was part of a Tian community who'd started a community along the coast.

[insert event] caused the 2nd sister, now mother of a [?] year old son (Ryuke) to become a widow. [Insert occasion] where she met an elven man, remarried and went to [insert location]. (Maybe to eventually have the Baristan siblings/twins)

The 1st sister had a daughter, whom took a little after her father on combat but more of her mother. So cue their individual issues, the sister would get sent to find her cousin(& half cousins). They'd end up traveling or enlisting as a group for some reason.

Note: Magic is a so-so viewed concept by the common masses in the less massive cities at the inner sea regions.

Sorry guys been away from the computer with the holiday. Will catch up and post soon as I can.

@Arrahska Simik I don't have a backstory yet and I saw you already have one, we could use the end of your story to write a group one

@DM my chainmail+1 and bracers of protection+1 would still work on the other side of the portal or I don't know until we go through?

Slobad, they will still be magical, but the effect they have change and vary. for things like that with a permanent function it will be possible to "stabilize" them but it won't happen right away, they may prove both more beneficial or a liability at times. It's also noteworthy that there is no such thing as bracers of protection in pathfinder, Bracers of Armor don't stack with your chainmail, the ring of protection is more expensive, and the cloak of resistance affects saves.

DM, do potions of CLW still work?

@Arrahska- Don't have a backstory written yet but the last part of yours would be easy to fit into.

Thinking of having my ninja been exiled from his order after a failed assisination.(Maybe one of the other party members?) And for a while worked as a mercenary until the world started to end and is now the last from his old order.

ALL pre-existing (ie created before you step through the portal) magic items will be subject to magic flux and wild magic effects. The ONLY exception to this rule are spell trigger items IF the activator still has access to the spell through a class feature such as bloodline or domain.

I have taken care to tailor the charts so there should be no "rocks fall, everyone dies" moments from this.

@DM Sorry I mixed the names with the ring, and didn't know they don't stack, thanks for the clarification :) I'll fix it.
I'll spend my gold on other things then.

Hm, likewise. I don't have craft alchemy, so potions could turn out toxic.
So much for any magic disguise items too.....

I'll beat the metagame upside the head a bit here, overall, permanent magic items with static bonuses will be a safer bet than consumables. Largely more interesting for the fluxes as well heh

For consumables, wands will be a better choice than potions or scrolls, especially for CLW as it seems a number of the characters WILL have those spells through class features and thus will be able to activate them as normal.

Again while I am urging caution I do not want to scare anyone away from using magic items entirely. The flux and wild magic effects have the potential to be even more beneficial than intended just as much as they could fail or have wildly different effects.

Ah, since i'm carrying 2 items, one which changes appearance to either human child or halfling like and one that can alter clothes to wished, i could end up as a female bugbear in a purple dress.

Now there's a prospect if the flux goes bad XD

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay I will stick with the +1 armor then, (curiosity, mostly). Edit looked up the creation rules...

@party memebers
We may seriously look into getting some one able to use cure light wounds as a class feature... I'll see if I can do anything but losing free endure elements and goodberry from seasons would hurt a bit.

Ah for magic item creation as long as you have the relevant words to simulate the spell as closely as possible it will be as normal, if you have some but not all of the words to do so the penalty will only be -2 on the spell craft check and if you cant even get close it will be the standard -5 as if you did not have the spell. For potions and activated items such as scrolls and wands there is no difference from words of power and spells so you will be able to custom craft quite a few consumables that would normally be impossible.

As an addendum, the feats tied to words of power that allow you to learn spells should be considered off limits for character creation, but are PERFECTLY acceptable once you start leveling up. In these cases it is the equivalent of creating new set spells and learning the intricacies of the local magics. I am not trying to eliminate spells from the campaign. The goal is more to create a unique experience with the feel of being very alien to the characters.

I have to bow out RL stuff sorry

I think at this point we need some advertising for this threas, because it is already so long that it's unlikely, it will have anyone who has not already posted here come in. The more mosts in a recruitment thread the less likely it seems they still have openings.

Sedoriku wrote:

Okay I will stick with the +1 armor then, (curiosity, mostly). Edit looked up the creation rules...

@party memebers
We may seriously look into getting some one able to use cure light wounds as a class feature... I'll see if I can do anything but losing free endure elements and goodberry from seasons would hurt a bit.

Since JuanAdriel is allowing use of his remaining gold we could possibly purchase reagents and craft wands of cure light wounds?

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I also realized I have crafting skills and had bought stuff at full price and have about a 1,000 in GP left after reducing the prices.
Sounds great Ralwind but do we have the right feats?

Sedoriku wrote:

I also realized I have crafting skills and had bought stuff at full price and have about a 1,000 in GP left after reducing the prices.

Explain this wizardry! You can reduce prices of items? I might have gold left? NEAT!

As for having the right feats/skills to craft magic items, let me look into that. Thinking about it you might have to be able to cast the spell you want to imbibe the item with so that plan could be out the window.

Maybe there's some other way we can do this. Let me look through the core book a bit. I was considering asking DM Avian Aloft if they were open to open to me knowing a method of raising the dead due to my character's background fluff. Maybe we can work in one of our party having healing magic knowledge in similar method?

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DM Avian Aloft wrote:
Starting gold is dice max+additional dice, times 100. Items may be purchased from the core books and Ultimate Equipment freely at regular price, or at crafting cost if your character or someone in your party qualifies to make them. Bare in mind however the unsurety of magical gears function in the new world.

So yes we can get things at half price, nonmagical things mind you. I don't know if it's Kosher but I have skills in craft armor, weapons and bows so our party might be able to get them at half price...

If some one in the party has the spell they can help in creation...

Sedoriku wrote:

So yes we can get things at half price, nonmagical things mind you. I don't know if it's Kosher but I have skills in craft armor, weapons and bows so our party might be able to get them at half price...

If some one in the party has the spell they can help in creation...

I decided on having Eskul have craft skills in:

Craft (Carpentry/Woodworking), Craft (Stoneworking), Craft (Armor/Metal working), with Profession (Construction)

So if we need to construct something I've got it! haha

Adam(JuanAdriel) has Craft weapons, so we should be able to use that, and Pathos (Grimdog73) didn't take any crafting skills which is fine!

Lemme just spec out armor crafting for our party really quick,


Lets see, you already spec'd out your own equipment so that leaves:

Pathos (Grimdog73):
Mithral Shirt - N/A (technically a magic item would require craft magic ect.)

Mithral shirt - N/A

Leather Armor - 10gp->100sp->1/3(100sp)= 33.3sp = 3gp 3sp

Next on to weapons!

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mithral isn't magic, is it?

Forgot Pathos's masterwork buckler - 155gp->1550sp->1/3(1550sp)= 516.6sp= 51gp 6sp 6cp
Not a bad price reduction

I'm going to guess that JuanAdriel already took the craft cost for his weapons and leave that off.

I'll spec out the rest of the party's equipment via Aspen and Adam's skills of craft armor, weapons, and bows.



Masterwork Composite(+2) longbow - 400gp->4000sp->1/3(4000sp)= 1333.3sp-> 133gp 3sp 3cp

Warhammer - (not calculated)
Dagger - (not calculated)

Light Crossbow - 35gp->[math]->116.666sp=11gp 6sp 6cp
Dagger - 2gp->[math]->6.66sp= 6sp 7cp
Crossbow Bolts - 1gp->[math]-> 3sp 4cp

Pathos (Grimdog73):
Masterwork rapier - 320gp
Masterwork shortsword - 310gp
dagger - 2gp = 6sp 7cp
shortbow - 30gp->[math]-> 100sp = 10gp
arrows - 1gp-> 3sp 4cp

I didn't see your character sheet yet but I'm guessing you already took care of your needs here too.

As for our healing issue I found This spell. But I'm not really sure how to make it work with words of power yet.

Sedoriku wrote:
Mithral isn't magic, is it?

Not sure, this is why I think it's magical

There is also this discussion on healing options I found. and we might be able to summon creature "archon" down the line but at level 3 that's not an option.

specifically says nonmagical even in your link ;)

The special materials are non-magical, as are standard alchemical items

DM Avian Aloft wrote:

specifically says nonmagical even in your link ;)

The special materials are non-magical, as are standard alchemical items

Sweet! I love being wrong when it means saving money! Thank you for the clarification DM Avian Aloft.

Something I've been meaning to ask you about is with the words of power it lists words for wizards and witches seemingly as separate classes.

Where wizards can't cast spells listed as witch and vise versa. Is this true or can I have Eskul cast words that are classified as "witch"?

Our team lost his healer :P

Wizards and Witches ARE separate classes, they have separate spell lists, so they have separate word lists. Thus a wizard does not get to select off the witch list.

DM Avian Aloft wrote:
Wizards and Witches ARE separate classes, they have separate spell lists, so they have separate word lists. Thus a wizard does not get to select off the witch list.

Thank you for clarifying, witches are female wizards then im guessing?

Or could I possibly do multi-classing later on and nab some witch spells?

The Witch class is a separate base class found in the Advanced Players Guide. It is a full progression casting class similar to the warlock of D&D past. There is no reason you couldn't multiclass into it if you wanted at some point. It's one of the three arcane spellcasting classes with easy access to healing.

DM Avian Aloft wrote:
The Witch class is a separate base class found in the Advanced Players Guide. It is a full progression casting class similar to the warlock of D&D past. There is no reason you couldn't multiclass into it if you wanted at some point. It's one of the three arcane spellcasting classes with easy access to healing.

AH HA! I've only been reading the Pathfinder Core and the Advanced Equipment guide. Seems like I need to boost my knowledge some more!

Thank you again for correcting me and pointing me in the right direction.

@My Party

Okay clearly we need to either re-spec one of our characters to have magical healing
we live with having non magical means of healing starting out. We can always multi-class later once we start leveling.
Additionally DM Avian Aloft said we could possibly hire people maybe we look into hiring someone who could tend our basecamp and heal us up? Not sure where to start for costs on that. I'll look in the handbook.
A note on not having magical healing: is it really that necessary? We have some pretty hard hitters, the only really squishy character that we seem to have would be Eskul and I wasn't planning on having him Hack and Slash on the front line anyway.
I know with any RPG there are monster encounters expected but honestly we should be way more worried about prepping materials to scout the location we arrive in so we have things ready to go when Silas rings us up after a year passes.
That and the whole issue of magic spells not working properly when we arrive, might as well prep for non-magic healing from the get go. A wand of cure light wounds could turn into a wand of illumination or somesuch!

Additionally the only real problem with healing the slow way seems to be the time lost. So long as we pack enough healing kits we should be okay methinks?

@DM Avian Aloft
Will we be able to "time skip" over natural healing periods? e.g. the entire party needs to heal 10hp, so time skip 3 days and have whoever is providing healing roll for each day of care?


The adjusted price for a mithral shirt would be 366gp 6sp and 6cp.


Please use the price adjustments as reflected in above posts and let me know how much cash yall have left-over.

I'm combing through the Advanced Equip Guide for some better scouting stuff we can get. (Unless there was something you wanted to buy, in which case please purchase and then provide remaining gold levels.)

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can do some magical healing, though very little. We can make potions, if we get the feat...

Sedoriku wrote:
I can do some magical healing, though very little. We can make potions, if we get the feat...

All right I'll give up my armor feats. Hows this gonna work, I brew the potion and you cast the spells on it?

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