The Legend of Korra Book 3: Change ***Spoilers***


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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kalshane wrote:

Jet died.

Though some people felt that was unclear. :P

That's why I said that the Earth Queen was the first case of a major character uncontestably being killed on screen. There simply is no question that she is indeed deceased. Up till that point, every death mentioned in Avatar was essentially offscreen.

Combustion Man is pretty definite, there's a piece of prosthetic but no body was ever seen. But the Earth Queen's the first case where no chance of survival can be allowed for.

LazarX wrote:
Kalshane wrote:

Jet died.

Though some people felt that was unclear. :P

That's why I said that the Earth Queen was the first case of a major character uncontestably being killed on screen. There simply is no question that she is indeed deceased. Up till that point, every death mentioned in Avatar was essentially offscreen.

Combustion Man is pretty definite, there's a piece of prosthetic but no body was ever seen. But the Earth Queen's the first case where no chance of survival can be allowed for.

That's not necessarily true. It's entirely possible he knocked her unconscious and put her in a jail. Though I doubt that's what happened. Due to the censorship, the show never actually says 'dead' or 'killed' only that 'Zaheer took out the Earth Queen' or 'the Earth Queen has been defeated' etc.

No, she was stated as dead in the most recent episode.

Freehold DM wrote:
No, she was stated as dead in the most recent episode.

Did they use the word dead or killed or something? Because my understanding is that US censorship prevents cartoons from including such words in their shows. It's why they have to use words like 'vanquished' or 'defeated' etc. There is, of course, some leeway and loopholes, like at during Avatar when Aang asked his past lives for advice on how to take out the Fire Lord.

It's not US Censorship, it's generally the network (though I'm sure the exact wording used may have an effect on the show's age rating). Network execs don't want to risk offending parents due to the content of their "kid's shows".

Clone Wars, for example, was aimed at an older audience than Korra, and they used the words "dead" and "kill" all the time (not to mention having a lots of obvious onscreen deaths.)

I don't recall the DCAU dancing around using the D-word (though they did have to have the Joker affect people with his laugh toxin instead of killing them because of network standards) but they may have just done a better job of hiding it.

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Well, that finale is probably one of the best either series has ever had.

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Yeah, I really enjoyed the finale, though the ending was a bit of a downer due to Korra's condition.

On another site I speculated that with all the focus on Bolin trying and failing to metal bend that he we would end up learning how to lava bend instead. Glad to see I called that one.

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Yep. And I can't wait for season 4. There are questions I want answered.

Wow...that ending was horrible.
Not like in horrible writing, just...horrible.

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It left more questions than answers. I actually LIKED the ending. Yes it was horrible. But in a way that forwards the show. Plus, life is not always peaches and cream.

It kind of reminds me of the end of season 2 of Avatar the last airbender.

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I have to say, that's a pretty ballsy move to end the season like they did. Although, it's completely brilliant too. It basically guarantees either another season, or maybe a movie to wrap it up. I doubt Nick would let such a thread left hanging like that.

If their willing to dish out money for idiotic crap like the Fred movies which all lost them money, I'm hoping they're willing to keep dishing out money for Korra, regardless of the ratings.

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WOW! that was a messed up ending, but still good though.

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I thought the P'Li jump-cut was a bit confusing.

I mean, the plume of smoke was a bit of a tell, but it was a seriously jarring cut.

Also, can we talk about Tenzin showing some character growth by breaking centuries of Air Nomad tradition with his little announcement at the end?

I imagine that the original animation was fuller (don't even think we heard the explosion). My guess is that execs had them cut around it to air, definitely felt like an "only this far or it won't air" bit.

I really hope the last season of the series will explain/reveal some things.
-How, why, when did Sokka die.
-Did Sokka get married(Suki?) and/or have kids.
-What happened to Toph.
-who are the biological fathers to Toph's kids.
-How did Aang die.

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I think it has been stated that Aang died young due to the distress of being frozen for 100 years.

Sharoth wrote:
I actually LIKED the ending. Yes it was horrible. But in a way that forwards the show. Plus, life is not always peaches and cream.

This. I approve very heartily.

So P'li is very obviously dead, Gozan very likely dead. Ming Wa is a little more questionable - not sure if dead or just unconscious, and if the latter if Gozan's cave-in killed her or not. Zahir's alive, but locked up again, hopefully this time in an airbender-proof prison.

Curious if next season will have a new set of villains, or some new Red Lotus leader will step up to fill the void.

I think the question of "Is the Avatar really still necessary?" will come into play next season.

jemstone wrote:

I thought the P'Li jump-cut was a bit confusing.

** spoiler omitted **

Also, can we talk about Tenzin showing some character growth by breaking centuries of Air Nomad tradition with his little announcement at the end?

booooooo censorship

I have to wonder

is Korra dying?

Silver Crusade

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Mercury poisoning is no joke (I caught that once they were told the poison was metallic and Suyin removed it from Korra). She's presenting signs of hypotonia (muscle weakness) and there could be other symptoms we're not aware of (brain damage, being one).

What caught me by surprise was the fact that Kuvira is voiced by Zelda Williams.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tels wrote:

I have to say, that's a pretty ballsy move to end the season like they did. Although, it's completely brilliant too. It basically guarantees either another season, or maybe a movie to wrap it up. I doubt Nick would let such a thread left hanging like that.

If their willing to dish out money for idiotic crap like the Fred movies which all lost them money, I'm hoping they're willing to keep dishing out money for Korra, regardless of the ratings.

Nick is a buisness. They're only going to dish out money for the possibility of profit bouncing back. The ratings for the broadcast version of the show apparently seriously tanked. There aren't that many Nick shows that actually kill characters on screen, and Korra is now a true oddball among the lineup. It may very well be that the only reason we saw the complete season was that they'd been paid for, the money spent.

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LazarX wrote:
Tels wrote:

I have to say, that's a pretty ballsy move to end the season like they did. Although, it's completely brilliant too. It basically guarantees either another season, or maybe a movie to wrap it up. I doubt Nick would let such a thread left hanging like that.

If their willing to dish out money for idiotic crap like the Fred movies which all lost them money, I'm hoping they're willing to keep dishing out money for Korra, regardless of the ratings.

Nick is a buisness. They're only going to dish out money for the possibility of profit bouncing back. The ratings for the broadcast version of the show apparently seriously tanked. There aren't that many Nick shows that actually kill characters on screen, and Korra is now a true oddball among the lineup. It may very well be that the only reason we saw the complete season was that they'd been paid for, the money spent.

My understanding is that the ratings on the TV were fine, but the ratings online were blowing them out of the water. Korra seems to have a phenomenal following in the digital media market, so Nick wants to capitalize on that.

I think the darker tone also really forced the issue with Nick. So much of their stuff is so light hearted, a show like Korra is an odd ball. The whole Avatar series in general is an odd ball compared to the rest of the stuff they make.

I brought up the Fred movies because Nick has funded 3 such movies, each of which have been bombs, financially. So if they're willing to keep funding a move series that has failed consistently, while Korra is at least making them money, I'm hoping they'd be willing to invest more into Korra.

The NPC wrote:
I have to wonder ** spoiler omitted **

I don't think so, but as Blayde said, she was going through some pretty nasty stuff. She just has a really long recovery time ahead of her, and that's likely factoring in things like Kya being there to provide regular healing sessions and her own natural Avatar talents and physical toughness. Were she someone else, she likely would be even less likely to recover.

I can't wait to see season 4 just to see were there going with it.

Am I the only one who is suspicious of the woman(forgot her name) who saved Korra's father in the second to last episode?

Also nice new avatars Orthos and Tels;)

Orthos wrote:
The NPC wrote:
I have to wonder ** spoiler omitted **
I don't think so, but as Blayde said, she was going through some pretty nasty stuff. She just has a really long recovery time ahead of her, and that's likely factoring in things like Kya being there to provide regular healing sessions and her own natural Avatar talents and physical toughness. Were she someone else, she likely would be even less likely to recover.

Not to mention, this is a world where magical healing exists. It could very well be that in a world like this, the long-term effects of mercury might not be quite as debilitating with such treatments available. Time will tell.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The NPC wrote:
I have to wonder ** spoiler omitted **
I don't think so, but as Blayde said, she was going through some pretty nasty stuff. She just has a really long recovery time ahead of her, and that's likely factoring in things like Kya being there to provide regular healing sessions and her own natural Avatar talents and physical toughness. Were she someone else, she likely would be even less likely to recover.
Not to mention, this is a world where magical healing exists. It could very well be that in a world like this, the long-term effects of mercury might not be quite as debilitating with such treatments available. Time will tell.

It's also a world where magical healing has limits.... and we're talking about a major dose of an exotic poison. Many of mercury's poison effects are irreversible.

The real question becomes if Kora IS a permanent cripple, will she end her own life so that she can pass on the Avatar to another?

Nick has greenlit book 4 and I very doubt they would allow it to go that far. While they give them some latitude, they are still a kid's network.

EDIT: I'd also be really disappointed in the crew for that direction, in the longshot it's touched on. They've been great at showing that disability =/= ineffective or unable to live well and that idea seems a complete 180.

LazarX wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The NPC wrote:
I have to wonder ** spoiler omitted **
I don't think so, but as Blayde said, she was going through some pretty nasty stuff. She just has a really long recovery time ahead of her, and that's likely factoring in things like Kya being there to provide regular healing sessions and her own natural Avatar talents and physical toughness. Were she someone else, she likely would be even less likely to recover.
Not to mention, this is a world where magical healing exists. It could very well be that in a world like this, the long-term effects of mercury might not be quite as debilitating with such treatments available. Time will tell.

It's also a world where magical healing has limits.... and we're talking about a major dose of an exotic poison. Many of mercury's poison effects are irreversible.

The real question becomes if Kora IS a permanent cripple, will she end her own life so that she can pass on the Avatar to another?

I admit that this is nit picky and I intend nothing mean by it, but she would reincarnate not pass on a mantle.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The NPC wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The NPC wrote:
I have to wonder ** spoiler omitted **
I don't think so, but as Blayde said, she was going through some pretty nasty stuff. She just has a really long recovery time ahead of her, and that's likely factoring in things like Kya being there to provide regular healing sessions and her own natural Avatar talents and physical toughness. Were she someone else, she likely would be even less likely to recover.
Not to mention, this is a world where magical healing exists. It could very well be that in a world like this, the long-term effects of mercury might not be quite as debilitating with such treatments available. Time will tell.

It's also a world where magical healing has limits.... and we're talking about a major dose of an exotic poison. Many of mercury's poison effects are irreversible.

The real question becomes if Kora IS a permanent cripple, will she end her own life so that she can pass on the Avatar to another?

I admit that this is nit picky and I intend nothing mean by it, but she would reincarnate not pass on a mantle.

The thing is... it's both at once. Korra isn't Aang, any more than either of them are Kyoshi or Wa. The avatar isn't a single spirit, but a double spirit, consisting of a celestial spirit that joins with a new human spirit when each avatar dies. The past lives that an Avatar connected to are the spirits of different people.

Its Rava and the same soul reincarnating each time. If it was just Rava being passed on it would be a mantle being passed on.

Wild theory on Kuvira, the metalbender who saved Tonraq.

A lot of people have been speculating on what the intention behind Tonraq and Kuvira being introduced is. Typically, an introduction like Kuvira had usually means romantic interest, or foreshadowed enemy, or plot twist. We know Tonraq is married to Senna, so that's unlikely. While her being an enemy is possible, it's unlikely she would have saved Tonraq in that case. I think it's more likely a plot twist.

Some people have speculated that Kuvira is the daughter of Suyin and Zaheer from ages passed based off this picture of Suyin in the circus. Note, the man looks an awful lot like Zaheer, the only issue being that he's way too tall. See the full picture here.

However, my theory is that Kuvira is [i]Tonraq's daughter![/url] The reason being, is if you look at Tonraq and shave his head, you'll see a very similar facial structure to that of the man in the photograph. See here and here. Notice the similar cheek bones, and jaw structure, plus Tonraq is a tall man, which we see that the man in the photo is as well.

I think Kuvira is going to be a very interesting character in book four, and may represent the largest switch in Avatar content yet. This season alone we have Toph having children with two separate men while remaining unmarried, and the deaths of multiple characters on screen. I think Korra is taking a much more adult turn, and we might see some less 'PG' material included in the 4th season.


She's a member of the Red Lotus and wanted to keep close to everyone to assist her fellow cultists.


She's just a random Metal Bending Zaofu soldier who has eyes for Korra's dad.

I say both these things because...

Suyin is incredibly proud of her children, and introduced us to all of them at the big family dinner when Team Avatar showed up. She isn't the kind of person to keep one of her children a secret - especially not if she founded an entire city on "being true to yourself" and "embracing your full potential." Keeping one of her children a "dirty little secret" would not live up to either of those things. It would be horribly out of character for Suyin to keep her child a secret.

I don't think that's Tonraq in that picture, if for no other reason than that the eyebrows are wrong. Also, the character in that picture has the same cauliflower ear that Zaheer is shown as having. The eyebrows are also wrong for Zaheer, mind you, but the ears are an identifying characteristic, to be sure. As to the height issue, yeah, he is too tall to be Zaheer.

Just my two Republic Coins.

I also really hope that season 4 will finally show us the firebender who killed Mako and Bolin's parents.

Tels wrote:

Wild theory on Kuvira, the metalbender who saved Tonraq.

** spoiler omitted **

I think Kuvira is going to be a very interesting character in book four, and may represent the largest switch in Avatar content yet. This season alone we have Toph having children with two separate men while remaining unmarried, and the deaths of multiple characters on screen. I think Korra is taking a much more adult turn, and we might see some less 'PG' material included in the 4th season.

It has been stated that Toph's daughters are from different fathers, but when was it mentioned that she wasn't married to either of them?

The NPC wrote:
Tels wrote:

Wild theory on Kuvira, the metalbender who saved Tonraq.

** spoiler omitted **

I think Kuvira is going to be a very interesting character in book four, and may represent the largest switch in Avatar content yet. This season alone we have Toph having children with two separate men while remaining unmarried, and the deaths of multiple characters on screen. I think Korra is taking a much more adult turn, and we might see some less 'PG' material included in the 4th season.

It has been stated that Toph's daughters are from different fathers, but when was it mentioned that she wasn't married to either of them?

Never stated directly, but it's been assumed because the daughters kept Toph's name. Although I guess that could just be the case of Toph having a more prestigious name than that of her husband(s).

Tels wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Tels wrote:

Wild theory on Kuvira, the metalbender who saved Tonraq.

** spoiler omitted **

I think Kuvira is going to be a very interesting character in book four, and may represent the largest switch in Avatar content yet. This season alone we have Toph having children with two separate men while remaining unmarried, and the deaths of multiple characters on screen. I think Korra is taking a much more adult turn, and we might see some less 'PG' material included in the 4th season.

It has been stated that Toph's daughters are from different fathers, but when was it mentioned that she wasn't married to either of them?
Never stated directly, but it's been assumed because the daughters kept Toph's name. Although I guess that could just be the case of Toph having a more prestigious name than that of her husband(s).

Maybe the husbands took her name?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The NPC wrote:
Tels wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Tels wrote:

Wild theory on Kuvira, the metalbender who saved Tonraq.

** spoiler omitted **

I think Kuvira is going to be a very interesting character in book four, and may represent the largest switch in Avatar content yet. This season alone we have Toph having children with two separate men while remaining unmarried, and the deaths of multiple characters on screen. I think Korra is taking a much more adult turn, and we might see some less 'PG' material included in the 4th season.

It has been stated that Toph's daughters are from different fathers, but when was it mentioned that she wasn't married to either of them?
Never stated directly, but it's been assumed because the daughters kept Toph's name. Although I guess that could just be the case of Toph having a more prestigious name than that of her husband(s).
Maybe the husbands took her name?

In a family as prestigious and status conscious as the Bei Fongs, that would normally be the case.

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Renewal confirmed, premieres online October 4th. Which is, like, really soon.

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Matthew Downie wrote:
Renewal confirmed, premieres online October 4th. Which is, like, really soon.

October 3rd, actually.

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Wow, that is a lot sooner then I thought season 4 would come out. I thought for sure it would be at least a year if not more.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Wow, that is a lot sooner then I thought season 4 would come out. I thought for sure it would be at least a year if not more.

Which means it was probably in the can before Season 3 was launched.

Technically, the way Nick orders the seasons means that Book 1 and 2 were season 1 and Book 3 and 4 are season 2. Book 4's was ordered when Book 3 was, and they worked on both of them pretty much at the same time IIRC.

Book 4 Preview.

Dark Archive

I can't wait for the next season. I was worried they were not going to do another season

Cool, thanks for posting Tels. Though I wish they just showed random scenes throughout the season instead of a short clip. But it is better then nothing.

I had ignored this series for quite a while (to be honest, I've never been a fan of anime in general), but after accidentally watching the first episode last week, I was caught. Ended up binge-watching the three seasons.

I really enjoyed the series, and cannot wait for Season 4.

Now, I have a sort of tangential question: I understand LoK is a spin-off from Avatar: the Last Airbender. I tried watching some of the first episodes, but it felt more like a kid show compared to LoK and so far I have not been able to get caught.

Is the tone and style of the first episodes of The Last Airbender the same throughout the rest of the series, or does it change afterward?

AtLA is aimed at a younger audience than Korra, but does get better.

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It gets better and (slightly) more mature as the series goes on. I HIGHLY recommend it. I own all 3 season of AtLA and the first two of LoK. Each can stand on it's own but LoK benifits from watching AtLA first.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

I had ignored this series for quite a while (to be honest, I've never been a fan of anime in general), but after accidentally watching the first episode last week, I was caught. Ended up binge-watching the three seasons.

I really enjoyed the series, and cannot wait for Season 4.

Now, I have a sort of tangential question: I understand LoK is a spin-off from Avatar: the Last Airbender. I tried watching some of the first episodes, but it felt more like a kid show compared to LoK and so far I have not been able to get caught.

Is the tone and style of the first episodes of The Last Airbender the same throughout the rest of the series, or does it change afterward?

Avatar the Last Airbender does get pretty mature, but maintains a quality of silliness throughout the run. It's why it's so good.

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