Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Quote:Maybe a <redacted> with the <redacted> archetype from Ultimate Intrigue could work too.This makes me wonder, is there any chance of alternate classes in Ultimate Intrigue?
We tend to playtest those unless we have tons of "playtest" data already (like for Unchained), so I would say the chances are pretty slim. The first redacted might just be avoiding giving away which classes get archetypes in Intrigue ;)

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).

Mark Seifter Designer |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Cool! Looking forward to it if it can happen, and there are plenty of shiny things coming along in the meantime. *looks pointedly at Ultimate Intrigue, Hell's Vengeance, Strange Aeons, and all the horror stuff*QuidEst wrote:Hey Mark! I was just curious if the ol' Harrowed Medium was still in hopeful planning to make an appearance at some point. I know it's a hard thing to find the right space for!I am vaguely hopeful that we can have a harrow-themed Campaign Setting or something with the Harrowed medium in it. However, I have already brought it up at staff meetings enough times that I feel it would hurt my chances to mention it again at least for a little while, and at the end of the day, I have no influence whatsoever over releases in other lines other than by pitching them to coworkers.
Oh there is definitely some shiny stuff. I particularly like playing games with intrigue in them, so I'm pretty excited for Intrigue. Also Jason, after approvals on the spells section that I developed with Logan, said that he really liked these spells more than usual even and felt like some of them were so compelling that they almost felt like they belonged in the core all along!

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey Mark,
I was wondering if you've ever had to rule on how Share Memory works? It isn't listed as a harmless spell, so would the caster be able to pick a memory from the target? Or would you run it that the target gets to pick the memory?
If its the former, would the caster have an idea of what memories they have to choose from? Or would they pick a memory that they think the target might have, and get something from that only if the target has that memory?
The spell isn't totally clear, though the spell level gives us a hint that we're not looking at a spell that should let us learn our choice of a creature's secrets (compare mind probe). In my home group, this came up in our Kingmaker game a few years ago (someone sent a bard to mess with us) and our group ruled that the target picks, though we still got some great use out of it when we convinced the bard that sharing the memory of being hired with us voluntarily was in his best interest.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Quote:So the answer then, is just "No." Nothing I say here is an official statement.While it's not "officially official" by the nature of your position as a designer your opinion carries a lot of weight. To many in the RAW crowd, of which I am a member, that weight is enough for us to set aside RAW for RAI, especially within the confines of organized play.
Just a note, my personal opinion is not binding for PFS (only John's, Linda's, and Tonya's are) as a replacement for the text (you can feel free to use it as evidence if you find something legitimately ambiguous, but it also doesn't override an individual GM's ruling on those either). For non-PFS, I'm totally with you, but wanted to make sure people aren't enforcing my posts in this thread as gospel in PFS.

Mark Seifter Designer |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Hope you have a fun time!Chess Pwn wrote:When does your office "close down" for the Holidays?Since the store needs to keep running, only the holidays themselves are office closures. But generally you lose most of the creative team on vacation days. For instance, I'm out starting next Friday until after the new year.
Me too! We'll be staying with Linda's family. I'm certain it will be more fun than last time when I got sick, stayed in Linda's room to keep others from catching it, and just read RPG Superstar entries (which is how I read every entry for Round 1).
Also, whew, finally caught up!

Xethik |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Milo v3 wrote:We tend to playtest those unless we have tons of "playtest" data already (like for Unchained), so I would say the chances are pretty slim. The first redacted might just be avoiding giving away which classes get archetypes in Intrigue ;)Quote:Maybe a <redacted> with the <redacted> archetype from Ultimate Intrigue could work too.This makes me wonder, is there any chance of alternate classes in Ultimate Intrigue?
Is <redacted> before or after the poison druid archetype that I'm hoping is in Ultimate Intrigue? :)
PS: Gratz on catching up and best of luck avoiding illness this holiday season. And in general, I suppose.

Mark Seifter Designer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Milo v3 wrote:We tend to playtest those unless we have tons of "playtest" data already (like for Unchained), so I would say the chances are pretty slim. The first redacted might just be avoiding giving away which classes get archetypes in Intrigue ;)Quote:Maybe a <redacted> with the <redacted> archetype from Ultimate Intrigue could work too.This makes me wonder, is there any chance of alternate classes in Ultimate Intrigue?Is <redacted> before or after the poison druid archetype that I'm hoping is in Ultimate Intrigue? :)
PS: Gratz on catching up and best of luck avoiding illness this holiday season. And in general, I suppose.
Well druid is pretty early in the alphabet, so chances are, if there was a druid that had a living poison as an animal companion like you want, it's likely before most other archetypes.
Yup, not getting sick is awesome!

Mark Seifter Designer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Isn't it more like being a data-entry Batman?Jiggy wrote:Only if you are a nefarious data-enterer, not a trustworthy one.Mark Seifter wrote:While I do the data entry, that isn't the true ultimate power.Isn't it, though? >:D
Since there's a chart of Batman being every alignment, I think he can be an example of anything if you use the right incarnation.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark, are there plans in the works (that you're allowed to share) for a spontaneous druid spell list user? Seems like every other prepared caster has their spontaneous equivalent.
How about a full BAB shifter type? The ranger archetype is...less than thrilling.
While those are certainly intriguing possibilities for new archetypes, we don't have them yet that we have announced. I recommend my masquerade reveler barbarian archetype as a somewhat-shapeshifter with full BAB though.

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Xethik wrote:Mark is back! Wooh! Good luck going through the pages.I'll start by just doing p70 for now!
Speaking of page 70, I think this may have gotten lost in the shuffle...
My kitsune slayer just leveled up, and is looking for a new talent (she already has the first ranger combat feat Aspect of the Beast). She likes to bite things, so this could be good for her if it is the same thing. (I'd say yes, but a second opinion would be nice!)

MichaelCullen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark, thanks for the responses to my rules questions.
I have another one I would like to run by you.
Who receives a saving throw against forcecage?
Those inside? Those adjacent? Those adjacent who are also inside?
And what happens if they pass?
The spell fails?
The creature who passed is moved outside the area?
The creature who saved does not move but is not affected by the spell?
School evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (ruby dust worth 500 gp)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area barred cage (20-ft. cube) or windowless cell (10-ft. cube)
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no
This spell creates an immobile, invisible cubical prison composed of either bars of force or solid walls of force (your choice).
Creatures within the area are caught and contained unless they are too big to fit inside, in which case the spell automatically fails. Teleportation and other forms of astral travel provide a means of escape, but the force walls or bars extend into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel.
Like a wall of force, a forcecage resists dispel magic, although a mage's disjunction still functions. The walls of a forcecage can be damaged by spells as normal, except for disintegrate, which automatically destroys it. The walls of a forcecage can be damaged by weapons and supernatural abilities, but they have a Hardness of 30 and a number of hit points equal to 20 per caster level. Contact with a sphere of annihilation or rod of cancellation instantly destroys a forcecage.
Barred Cage: This version of the spell produces a 20-foot cube made of bands of force (similar to a wall of force spell) for bars. The bands are a half-inch wide, with half-inch gaps between them. Any creature capable of passing through such a small space can escape; others are confined within the barred cage. You can't attack a creature in a barred cage with a weapon unless the weapon can fit between the gaps. Even against such weapons (including arrows and similar ranged attacks), a creature in the barred cage has cover. All spells and breath weapons can pass through the gaps in the bars.
Windowless Cell: This version of the spell produces a 10-foot cube with no way in and no way out. Solid walls of force form its six sides.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Xethik wrote:Mark is back! Wooh! Good luck going through the pages.I'll start by just doing p70 for now!Speaking of page 70, I think this may have gotten lost in the shuffle...
My kitsune slayer just leveled up, and is looking for a new talent (she already has the first ranger combat feat Aspect of the Beast). She likes to bite things, so this could be good for her if it is the same thing. (I'd say yes, but a second opinion would be nice!)
Yeah, I obviously wasn't here yet at the time, but it seems most likely that the name of the feat changed at a later point in the process than the combat style was written, and then the combat feat didn't change to reflect. I'd say they're probably the same.

Mark Seifter Designer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark, thanks for the responses to my rules questions.
I have another one I would like to run by you.Who receives a saving throw against forcecage?
Those inside? Those adjacent? Those adjacent who are also inside?And what happens if they pass?
The spell fails?
The creature who passed is moved outside the area?
The creature who saved does not move but is not affected by the spell?** spoiler omitted **...
This looks like a result of conversion from 3.5, when the spell had no save, to Pathfinder, with the goal of making it less of an auto-win, but then not remembering to adjust the text itself. I'd say everybody can save, with a success meaning you leaped out of the area.

Mark Seifter Designer |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
OK, this is official. I will be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.

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Mark Seifter wrote:OK, this is official. I'll be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
Pretty Cool! I'm in Florida too, so still too far away for me, but I hope you have a great time on the other side of the Con.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Pretty Cool! I'm in Florida too, so still too far away for me, but I hope you have a great time on the other side of the Con.Mark Seifter wrote:OK, this is official. I'll be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
I guess even though it's in Eastern Texas, it's still only a little closer than Indy is. I've done cons before from the other side (since we do Paizocon and Gencon each year); this is just the first con that personally asked for me as the GoH specifically.

Gisher |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:OK, this is official. I will be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
That is pretty cool.

BigP4nda |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Mark Seifter wrote:OK, this is official. I will be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
Woo! You guys are finally dropping by Htown. I will be seeing you there Mark! Can't wait!

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Woo! You guys are finally dropping by Htown. I will be seeing you there Mark! Can't wait!Mark Seifter wrote:OK, this is official. I will be at Owlcon (at Rice University in Houston, February 19-21) as a Guest of Honor. Pretty cool, huh? This is my first GoH slot so far.thegreenteagamer wrote:You can see if either of those cons wants to fly me out as a guest of honor, though they won't let you do the sidecart thing. In interesting and related news, I might be a Guest of Honor at a con farther than the ones you listed but nearer to Florida than Gencon or Paizocon. It is looking very likely right now (I've been invited and Jason is asking higher up the food chain), but I don't want to jinx it by saying the name yet; ask me tomorrow, though, and I'll probably be able to say. If this happens, this could be a chance to play Anagnorisis or First World Problems (my Paizocon one-shots mentioned earlier in this AMA thread).Mark Seifter wrote:Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?thegreenteagamer wrote:Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.
Thanks. :-D
See you there!

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I understand I likely wont get a proper answer from this because Ultimate Intrigue is months away, but is there any chance of the vigilante having a method to count as lower level for the purposes of alignment detecting spells?
Nothing specific to only the vigilante that wasn't in playtest round 2 on that very particular note, I believe (though to note, playtest round 2 already included an option where you could claim to be Bob the peasant and get Bob's results for all divinations, which would presumably include his lower level for the purposes of alignment detecting spells).

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Alanya wrote:Yeah, I obviously wasn't here yet at the time, but it seems most likely that the name of the feat changed at a later point in the process than the combat style was written, and then the combat feat didn't change to reflect. I'd say they're probably the same.Speaking of page 70, I think this may have gotten lost in the shuffle...
My kitsune slayer just leveled up, and is looking for a new talent (she already has the first ranger combat feat Aspect of the Beast). She likes to bite things, so this could be good for her if it is the same thing. (I'd say yes, but a second opinion would be nice!)
Thank you! It's good to run it by someone else (I asked my David, and he said to ask you...), just to make sure my interpretation isn't way off.
Also, congratulations on your first GoH slot! I'm sure this is the first of many, and hopefully we get you and Linda here in NE someday sooner than later. :)

Milo v3 |

Nothing specific to only the vigilante that wasn't in playtest round 2 on that very particular note, I believe (though to note, playtest round 2 already included an option where you could claim to be Bob the peasant and get Bob's results for all divinations, which would presumably include his lower level for the purposes of alignment detecting spells).
That doesn't really help the fact that anyone who uses a detect spell on your social identity will realize your higher level than a baker should be. I'll be hopeful that there'll be something for all (or most) classes.

Mark Seifter Designer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Nothing specific to only the vigilante that wasn't in playtest round 2 on that very particular note, I believe (though to note, playtest round 2 already included an option where you could claim to be Bob the peasant and get Bob's results for all divinations, which would presumably include his lower level for the purposes of alignment detecting spells).That doesn't really help the fact that anyone who uses a detect spell on your social identity will realize your higher level than a baker should be. I'll be hopeful that there'll be something for all (or most) classes.
If you're a high-enough level vigilante, you are an amazing baker known for the best breads (especially if you take the new crafter/profession related social talents that weren't in the playtest ;)). People should expect you to be a high-level expert at that point.

Luthorne |
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Okay, here's a question. It says in the Core Rulebook that, "A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD." Do items like gunfighter's poncho and the gunman's duster that grant a luck bonus to your touch AC improve your Combat Maneuver Defense? They are a luck bonus to AC, but only to touch AC; however, it seems that most combat maneuvers require only getting your hands on the target or some portion of them, so I could see an argument for it making sense in addition to the argument that it's still a luck bonus to AC. But I could also see someone saying that it's not a real bonus to AC since it only applies to some kinds of attacks against your AC. What's your take on it?

thegreenteagamer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark, do you still do research and work from your former field for fun, even though you're working as a professional designer now? I have to imagine you don't get into MIT with just a casual enough interest in a subject where you can totally disconnect and walk away without looking back. (You were in MIT right? I'm not remembering the wrong thing? Could've sworn it was AI research and robotics or something like that.)

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark Seifter wrote:Alanya wrote:Yeah, I obviously wasn't here yet at the time, but it seems most likely that the name of the feat changed at a later point in the process than the combat style was written, and then the combat feat didn't change to reflect. I'd say they're probably the same.Speaking of page 70, I think this may have gotten lost in the shuffle...
My kitsune slayer just leveled up, and is looking for a new talent (she already has the first ranger combat feat Aspect of the Beast). She likes to bite things, so this could be good for her if it is the same thing. (I'd say yes, but a second opinion would be nice!)
Thank you! It's good to run it by someone else (I asked my David, and he said to ask you...), just to make sure my interpretation isn't way off.
Also, congratulations on your first GoH slot! I'm sure this is the first of many, and hopefully we get you and Linda here in NE someday sooner than later. :)
Hey, if Totalcon wants to GoH us and pay for flights and hotels, we can likely come. That's typically the deal for any con for getting Paizo staff, though some members have more cons doing this already and have to make sure they aren't overscheduled (plus occasionally a con is just during a time when we need to be present enough that we can't miss a day or two of work).

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, here's a question. It says in the Core Rulebook that, "A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD." Do items like gunfighter's poncho and the gunman's duster that grant a luck bonus to your touch AC improve your Combat Maneuver Defense? They are a luck bonus to AC, but only to touch AC; however, it seems that most combat maneuvers require only getting your hands on the target or some portion of them, so I could see an argument for it making sense in addition to the argument that it's still a luck bonus to AC. But I could also see someone saying that it's not a real bonus to AC since it only applies to some kinds of attacks against your AC. What's your take on it?
I think that it has to raise AC by the rules, but given that all the AC types that raise CMD are precisely the bonus types that add to touch AC, it wouldn't be too outlandish to add them. Balancewise, though some of those abilities that raise touch AC to meet full AC grant a larger bonus than usual, so the baseline rules of "has to add to AC" are probably a little more balanced in that regard.

Mark Seifter Designer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mark, do you still do research and work from your former field for fun, even though you're working as a professional designer now? I have to imagine you don't get into MIT with just a casual enough interest in a subject where you can totally disconnect and walk away without looking back. (You were in MIT right? I'm not remembering the wrong thing? Could've sworn it was AI research and robotics or something like that.)
AI research on language and thought. While it's fair to say that most people who get into MIT might not know exactly which subject they love (you only select a major sophomore year), I'm still interested in those topics; that said, now it's more of a reading about them thing, since you don't really freelance out AI research.

Mark Seifter Designer |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.
I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.

Steve Geddes |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

BigP4nda wrote:What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.
Is it true that Cosmo is paid in souls? (Or is that just what he tells everyone?)

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Mark Seifter wrote:Is it true that Cosmo is paid in souls? (Or is that just what he tells everyone?)BigP4nda wrote:What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.
False. He's paid in misery and tears.

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BigP4nda wrote:What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.
Is it actually possible to work in the tabletop games industry without something else as your "real job"? I've heard a lot of doom and gloom.
I don't need to be rich... but I'd like to focus on this career (including plenty of freelancing, as necessary). I also like eating and having a roof over my head. Are both possible?

Diminuendo |
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Mark, do you feel allowing an Ironskin Monk to Flurry while in light armor, like a Sohei, is a resonable ruling?
Would an official response on this be possible in future?

BigP4nda |
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D&D had a couple of movies, Mortal Kombat got a movie, now WoW and Assassin's Creed are getting movies.
Has there ever been any discussion on a potential movie or miniseries based on the Pathfinder Storyline? Perhaps with the help of Kickstarter/IndieGoGo much like they are doing with Dragon's Lair.

Tels |
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thegreenteagamer wrote:Mark, do you still do research and work from your former field for fun, even though you're working as a professional designer now? I have to imagine you don't get into MIT with just a casual enough interest in a subject where you can totally disconnect and walk away without looking back. (You were in MIT right? I'm not remembering the wrong thing? Could've sworn it was AI research and robotics or something like that.)AI research on language and thought. While it's fair to say that most people who get into MIT might not know exactly which subject they love (you only select a major sophomore year), I'm still interested in those topics; that said, now it's more of a reading about them thing, since you don't really freelance out AI research.
Years of science fiction and T.V. says otherwise... :P

AlgaeNymph |
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I've been meaning to ask you, what's your opinion on an official writeup for Senara in Hell's Vengeance? Also, if you were to houserule the Brimstone Den into the official city, how do you think it would interact with the part of the AP taking place in Senara?

Mark Seifter Designer |
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Mark Seifter wrote:Is it true that Cosmo is paid in souls? (Or is that just what he tells everyone?)BigP4nda wrote:What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.
I've never seen him paid in souls, but that doesn't mean he isn't.

Mark Seifter Designer |
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Mark Seifter wrote:BigP4nda wrote:What is the estimated starting salary for a Paizo Employee? Just out of curiosity.I think the joke I used to hear at a lot of cons as a fan was "How do you make a small fortune in the RPG business? Start with a large fortune." Without discussing numbers, I'll say that designing tabletop RPGs is a labor of love and pays much like a graduate student's stipend rather than like a video game developer, which is one reason why so many tabletop RPG designers and developers also take freelance assignments to make ends meet. If you don't truly love it, I don't recommend trying to break into the industry.Is it actually possible to work in the tabletop games industry without something else as your "real job"? I've heard a lot of doom and gloom.
I don't need to be rich... but I'd like to focus on this career (including plenty of freelancing, as necessary). I also like eating and having a roof over my head. Are both possible?
So, I know Owen did full-time freelance and was one of the few who has done that. He did so by having tons of freelance and working very quickly. Even now, Owen still runs Rogue Genius and works for Green Ronin in addition to developing here, so three jobs. Honestly, the freelance rate for a good freelancer will be the same money no matter where you live, and that means you could live somewhere cheaper than this area, so I can believe that purely freelancing with high quality and extremely fast speed is hard but workable. Also, even graduate student stipend level of pay is enough to subsist, assuming you are in good health and don't need expensive things like a car, etc. But the rent prices are going up around here pretty steeply recently, so who knows how things will change.