Complete character Overhaul after 1?

Pathfinder Society

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Is it possible? I realized I made alot of mistakes for me PFS inquisitor. Including base ability skills.
Is there any way to completely rebuild him even after lvl 1? I am dissatisfied with him.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.

Sovereign Court 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You may change anything you wish free of charge until you play it one time after first level.

After that, there are retraining rules in Ultimate Campaign. Going over it quickly, it looks like you can change the ability score increases from lvl 4, 8, 12, etc., but not the base score.

It may be better just to create a new character, honestly.

EDIT - Dammit, ninja'd by the Decemvirate...


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sior wrote:

EDIT - Dammit, ninja'd by the Decemvirate...

We didn't say a blasted thing.

However, since you asked,

SEPIA SNAKE SIGIL followed by EXPLOSIVE RUNES and your stupid Grand Master Torch can't do anything about it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (just to fulfill the 25 word count ;-)

Screw it, at the end of carrion crown he might end up doing something tremendously stupid.

Michael Brock wrote:
Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.

I saw....but what I mostly want to change is ability scores/skills :(

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

As far as those go, you're stuck.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

13 people marked this as a favorite.
hotsauceman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.
I saw....but what I mostly want to change is ability scores/skills :(

Some of the best roleplaying experiences can come from salvaging a character that is thought wrecked by a poor build (or roll 3 dice 6 times and place them in the attributes in the order they were rolled). How about listing your character here, advise your thoughts on how you would like the character to progress, and let the community help you with some suggestions? You might be surprised how fun the character could actually be to play, especially if you want to incorporate roleplay suggestions into it.

As a matter of fact, if you do such, play the character to 8 levels higher than it is now, and then give a report here of what it was like and how the character progressed, I will send you one of my personal, unused GM race boons (of your choice) I have that is collecting dust.

5/5 5/55/55/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

we can rebuild it. Stronger. Faster. We have the quasi defined fantasy steampunk technology...

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll totally help. Take Mike up on his offer. That's awesome.

My first character was really not that great and I stuck with it. He's played 12th level plus games and done well.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

"Arr matey, we be good at findin' ways around those pesky things called *air quotes* "rules"..."

*Notices the Decemvirate hanging around* "Not that there be anything wrong with rules...just a mite bit of workin' th'corners, ye see..."

"Either way, we Pathfinders, we be good at stickin' t'gether matey, so lay it on us!"

The first character I actually played in Society started off as a Cleric/Gunslinger/Ranger who was absolutely "unoptimized" on many levels...13 levels later and a wee bit of retraining near the end before Eyes of the Ten, he's a local legend now! Totally take Mike up on his offer! :)

4/5 ** Venture-Captain, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

Yeah, I'd jump on that. There's no way that ends badly, Hotsauce. Sounds like a fun challenge.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I play a couple of "non-optimized" characters and they're really fun. Sometimes it's great just to see the look on peoples' faces when you mention you're playing a monk/witch. Also, role-playing is not the same as roll-playing. Put some character into your character and you can play a 12 intelligence wizard and have a ball.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I have to agree with everyone else. It's those un-optimized characters that I've had the most fun with. I like to see an evolution with my characters and an explanation of why he's doing something vs trying to roll the most amount of dice.

Michael Brock wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.
I saw....but what I mostly want to change is ability scores/skills :(

How about listing your character here, advise your thoughts on how you would like the character to progress, and let the community help you with some suggestions? You might be surprised how fun the character could actually be to play, especially if you want to incorporate roleplay suggestions into it.

As a matter of fact, if you do such, play the character to 8 levels higher than it is now, and then give a report here of what it was like and how the character progressed, I will send you one of my personal, unused GM race boons (of your choice) I have that is collecting dust.

Post your character, get suggestions and then take Mike up on his offer


Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Optimization is definitely not required for PFS...

I've had a lot of fun playing a generalist rogue, for example (which was my first PFS character). I actually made a couple of mistakes with his build early on (such as having a STR13 and INT 12 - preventing me from taking Combat Expertise, and then Two-Weapon Feint). I later realized (when I still had time to make it work), that he could qualify for Combat Expertise by getting a Headband of Vast Intelligence, and thus get the trick that I really wanted for him. With some help from some friends (including Andy Christian), I plotted out a feat/trick train that is giving him the combat coolness that I always thought he should have. Of course, even without that, he was an expert skill monkey, fast talker, etc.

So, I say... play on! There are always way to make a character fun!


I'll rally behind the "You should totally jump on Mike's offer" crowd; I'm jealous of the race boon ;)

Post the base stats for your character including Race, Abilities, and Skills. But more importantly, also say what you *don't* like about your character and what you wish you could do or why you don't like your character as it is.

For example, did you make a ranged inquisitor and wish he was melee? Did you put all of your skill points in profession: basket weaving? What about him isn't fun for you?


Silbeg wrote:

Optimization is definitely not required for PFS...

While I find this is about 90% true. I would not want to play a character which started 14 STR as 2 handed melee character that has no casting, no special tricks other than PA and not particularly inspiring saves in the waking rune, bonekeep, or most season 5 7-11s.

Anything before season 4 just requires you to not intentionally gimp your build (7 int wizards, 7 con fighters, 7 dex archers) to do well.

I'd agree with the posting the build suggestion. There's a big difference between starting with 14/14/14/14/10/10 and starting with two 7s on poorly distributing stats (No offensive stats). Feats are re-trainable. I'd recommend posting it.


I wonder if Mike has a "human boon" to use for xenophobia...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.
I saw....but what I mostly want to change is ability scores/skills :(

Some of the best roleplaying experiences can come from salvaging a character that is thought wrecked by a poor build (or roll 3 dice 6 times and place them in the attributes in the order they were rolled). How about listing your character here, advise your thoughts on how you would like the character to progress, and let the community help you with some suggestions? You might be surprised how fun the character could actually be to play, especially if you want to incorporate roleplay suggestions into it.

As a matter of fact, if you do such, play the character to 8 levels higher than it is now, and then give a report here of what it was like and how the character progressed, I will send you one of my personal, unused GM race boons (of your choice) I have that is collecting dust.

Take the offer. 15 years later from now when they're interviewing Mike Brock on 60 Minutes, John Stewart, and the Tonight Show, you'll be able to make a fortune on that boon in Pawn Stars!

Seriously though... take it.

Shadow Lodge

LazarX wrote:
Take the offer. 15 years later from now when they're interviewing Mike Brock on 60 Minutes, John Stewart, and the Tonight Show, you'll be able to make a fortune on that boon in Pawn Stars!

Why would anyone interview Mike while he's standing on top of John Stewart?

For that matter, why WOULD Mike be standing on John Stewart?

Lantern Lodge 3/5

hotsauceman wrote:
Screw it, at the end of carrion crown he might end up doing something tremendously stupid.

As Mike suggested, post your PC here, or PM me with it. I promise I can help you out to at least average power range for your level no matter how borked your stats are.

3/5 *

hotsauceman wrote:
Screw it, at the end of carrion crown he might end up doing something tremendously stupid.

Carrion Crown... I don't suppose you're playing through the entire 6-book AP? If so, then changes would be up to your DM:

"Alternatively, if you are participating in a Pathfinder
Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the
entire, six-book campaign, you may receive credit for
playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you
had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs
running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules
of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such
as 20 point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc...) when
running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the
adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters
from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign may not play
in the same adventure." - From the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play

If, however, this is a character just playing through the parts of the adventure path that are sanctioned modules for PFS credit, then yeah, you're stuck following normal PFS rules.

That said, I'm with the others: excited to see what you can make of your character, and jealous that you could get a race boon from Mike himself. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

SCPRedMage wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Take the offer. 15 years later from now when they're interviewing Mike Brock on 60 Minutes, John Stewart, and the Tonight Show, you'll be able to make a fortune on that boon in Pawn Stars!

Why would anyone interview Mike while he's standing on top of John Stewart?

For that matter, why WOULD Mike be standing on John Stewart?

Confirmed critical?

4/5 5/55/5

Truly I back this 100%. Stats don't make the character, you do. If you're playing at the table and fully own the role you step into and enthrall the group with your style and flavor, nobody will even bother to ask "hey what is your strength score anyways?" These questions typically get asked in a near accusatory tone when somebody is doing so ground breakingly broken and near impossible that it starts a mild character audit.

I like to think that with the characters I play, I keep them very descriptive in the context of how you would meet someone on the street. What does a 20 strength look like compared to a 16? could you really tell the difference? would it really matter? capitalize on your flaws and make them strengths.

I'd love to see where this goes. Best thing you can probably do, record the journey in the form of journal entries to hopefully be published as a Pathfinder Chronicle someday. An unassuming drunk became a deity on a dare after all...


When people ask me advice on building a character I often say smart play beats smart builds.

A creative idea is worth all the stats in the world if it completely bypasses the encounter.

I say a build is like the wapon you go to war with. An idiot with a bazooka is just as lethal to himself.

Michael Brock wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Rebuild rules can be utilized from Ultimate Campaign. Additionally, a GM boon for some tiers of Gen Con allow a full rebuild.
I saw....but what I mostly want to change is ability scores/skills :(

Some of the best roleplaying experiences can come from salvaging a character that is thought wrecked by a poor build (or roll 3 dice 6 times and place them in the attributes in the order they were rolled). How about listing your character here, advise your thoughts on how you would like the character to progress, and let the community help you with some suggestions? You might be surprised how fun the character could actually be to play, especially if you want to incorporate roleplay suggestions into it.

As a matter of fact, if you do such, play the character to 8 levels higher than it is now, and then give a report here of what it was like and how the character progressed, I will send you one of my personal, unused GM race boons (of your choice) I have that is collecting dust.

Cool, Hopefully I could get PFS started at the college Im attending, although with work that may be impossible

Martrel: Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus LVL3 HP:21
Alternate Racial(Heart of the Wilderness)

World Traveler
Indomitable Faith

Ac 18 Touch: 14 Flatfooted: 14
CMD 16

Diplomacy: 5
Intimidate: 6
Know(Dungeoneering) 3
Know(Religion) 4
Perception 7
Sense Motive 7

MW Longbow +7(1d8+2)
Heavy Mace +4(1d8+3)

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Teamwork: Duck and cover

special Abilities
Persistence Inquisition
(Stock Inquisitor Abilities)
0 LVL Spells
Acid Splash
Read Magic
Disrupt Magic
Lvl 1 spells
Divine Favor
Magic Weapon
True Strike
Expeditious Retreat
Im thinking of using the inquisitor ability to change their Teamwork feat on the fly to Precise shot.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I see nothing that wrong with this character.

Using your bane and ripping off arrow shots is pretty brutal. It is not optimized for that, btu you are pretty close along the lines.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

Awesome! What's the character's background?

This is one of the hardest I did. But he is From Cheliax and seaks to find those who did not honor contracts or failed others. He also seeks to root our other less favorable gods from cheliax. His adventure lead him to PFS to gain wealth to allow this.

I'm not saying the character is brutally optimised but I agree with Finlanderboy, I don't see any glaring problems by any means. Could you maybe post what you had wanted to change and why? Eg was there an ability you had hoped to maximise more or did you intend for your focus to be on something else?

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Were his parents perhaps persecuted by House Thrune, or perhaps was one of them even enslaved for not living up to a contract they had signed? How did Martrel find his faith in Asmodeus to be so strong that he would leave his homeland hunting those who fly in the face of his god's teachings?

Is his place in the Pathfinder Society only to gain wealth, or is he perhaps seeking to learn more about the ways in which blasphemous lore is spread, collected, found, studied, and horded by those he may one day be called upon to hunt? Or does he truly believe that the Society does part of his job for him in keeping dangerous artifacts away from those who might use them (accidentally or not) to work against the iron bonds that those of his faith must strive to stay within?

For the life of me, I can't remember where I found these, but I re-named them "character backstory worksheets" and put them on my dropbox to share with others. From a story perspective, if any of these help you with his story, I'm very happy :)

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

I'm more of a story > statistics guy myself, but he looks pretty solid to me so far in that regard :)

PS - What college are you attending, if you're willing to say on a public forum? Finding gamers around a college campus can be easier than one might think!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Your build looks pretty darn good so far. Still, I'm going to throw out some ideas for you.

By the way, you are short a 0th-level spell. I have a recommendation on that in a moment.

I personally find multiclass characters more fun to play. So my first suggestion is to multiclass. Probabably wait until after you pick up another level of inquisitor though—you want to get those 2nd-level spells.

My initial thought when I saw your ability scores and feat selection was that you have a great gunslinger on your hands.

I might go:
4th— another level of inquisitor; put your ability score boost into Wisdom; take mending as your missing 0th-level spell. Use truestrike for when you want to go into melee or (even better) when you want to perform a combat maneuver.
5th— add a level of gunslinger. Take Rapid Reload (pistols) as your feat and go with the pistolero archetype (because you already have rapid shot).
6th— either return to inquisitor or dip a level of fighter for the bonus feat. There are two feats you probably will want if you go this route: Deadly Aim or Extra Grit (if you go with pistolero). Secondary to these is Quick Draw.
7th— again, you may want to dip into fighter if you want more feats. Otherwise, sticking with inquisitor from here out would be worthwhile also. If you go all inquisitor with only one level of gunslinger, then I'd recommend Deadly Aim as your 7th-level feat.

A bane pistol sounds terrifying.


I recently found the preacher archetype fire inquisitors, and I'm thinking of taking that for my second PFS inquisitor (I really enjoy the class, mechanically and thematically). You'd have to retrain, but not very much since it kicks in at level 3. Seems like it might fit your character too.

Preacher basically trades teamwork feats for a few nifty immediate-action abilities (rerolls and AC boosts).

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

I'll second the idea for gunslinger, getting five levels of musket master (which I prefer) would be outstanding with these stats. I'd probably go for the gunslinger levels first, though, cause you want to get to the fifth level of that as soon as you can for the DEX to damage bit. Get lots of paper cartridges and go nuts!


Re-iterating, what is it about your character that you don't enjoy? Ranged inquisitors aren't the *best* though there are some ranged Team Work Feats that should be coming in the Advanced Class Guide coming out in August.

Also, if you're open to multiclassing, your stats are fairly similar to a Inquisitor / Gunslinger that I have who works really well. Gunslinger 5 / Inquisitor X. You can play up the "Hates Contract-breakers" LN roaming gunman style character.


Do not Multiclass out of Inquisitor until after 5th lvl. Bane is a game changer and you want it ASAP (and as much as you can get it). I've got a 8 Inquisitor/1 Fighter and I regretted even the single lvl delay in picking up Bane. Honestly, Inquisitor gets enough goodies throughout their leveling that it's almost worth it to stay straight Inquisitor all 12 levels. And you're not in terrbile shape for a ranged Inquisitor. Your CON is a bit low, but that's not too terrible in an archer. Just be sure to stay behind the melee folks.

Im thinking of putting the +1 into wisdom.
Maybe a gunslinger aint so bad of an Idea for my Inquisitor. But I love Archery and I have a gunslinger Already
Also, would a INT headband be a bad Idea?

Silver Crusade 3/5

Wisdom headband is better for this character. It's ok that you dumped Int.

Don't make this character a gunslinger. Just dip one level in gunslinger, then he is an inquisitor. With a gun.

Edit: if you want to stick with bows...
Go Inquisitor 5/Ranger 2 with favored enemy (humans).

Pistol Might be fun.
I would Have a Heavy Mace
Light Mave
MW Composite longbow
And a Pistol
And if I do Rapid Reload as a feat I would have 4 grit points....
With Bane and the Deed Pisterlos get I could do 1d8+3d6 damage twice a round.

Silver Crusade 3/5

We would still like to know what you do and don't like about your character and what you wanted to do with it.

Mostly the INT score. And how he never hits even with Pluses.

Mike Bramnik wrote:
PS - What college are you attending, if you're willing to say on a public forum? Finding gamers around a college campus can be easier than one might think!

UC Santa Cruz. The area is notorious around here for not being that good for PFS. We have a Venture LT who is trying though

Sovereign Court 2/5

If you want to continue down the archery path for the sake of trying something new, a fighter or ranger are good choices. A strong benefit for an archer ranger is Improved Precise shot at Ranger 6.

EDIT: Difficulty hitting is somewhat of a problem at early levels, especially when you have a class without full BAB progression. It can be addressed by getting a dex belt, and by purchasing lesser bracers of archery. If you start taking levels in fighter and ranger, this problem will steadily go away. Improved Precise shot also helps enormously. When I had a ranger, I was initially somewhat discouraged by difficulty to hit at early levels, but it does get better. I'm sure over time you'll find that this character is effective.

EDIT2: I noticed that you have a longbow, but it seems you are adding strength to damage. You will need to purchase a composite longbow to do that. See here and here.

Oh...My bad, it is a Comp Longbow


A +7 to hit with ranged attacks really isn't bad at level 3. If you're fighting enemies with a sufficiently high AC you don't have to use Rapid Shot (though you're probably more likely to hit with two attacks even at a penalty.) If this is something that you're really worried about, the Gunslinger route *would* significantly aid your chances on hitting non-dex based enemies.

As for the Intelligence, some of the best characters have a flaw of some kind. Yours is that you're not great with the book smarts. Inquisitors start with a large number of skill points and you've got a high Perception / Sense Motive skill. If you'd like to, you can play up your lack of intelligence. You're wise, so you don't have to do anything to sabotage your party, but you're above "scholarly pursuits."

Silver Crusade 2/5

Contact us in Santa Clara County. Some of us would be happy to cross the Hill. Do you have a warhorn entry?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you're ever in Sacramento we have a thriving community you can visit, too =).

4/5 ****

I almost played in this Carrion Crown game, but I gave my seat away to avoid having to send somebody home.

I hope everybody there has a blast.

Silver Crusade

Hey I know that game at BDG. If you wish you can have my spot this upcoming tuesday.

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