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Hi all. The Gen Con special we are running at PaizoCon (and PaizoCon UK) is the play test for Gen Con. As such, we are saving some surprises for the final version at Gen Con and ever final running afterwards.
With that in mind, people playing the Gen Con special at PaizoCon will be allowed to play the special again at Gen Con or afterward once all the surprises are revealed. This will work similar to the GM replay, where you can play it at PaizoCon and then again once afterwards for credit, as long as it's a different character. This is our way to say thank you for helping us make it an awesome scenario and rewarding you for feedback helping us make it an awesome event for worldwide release.

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And yet another reason I get to be bummed about not getting to Seattle this year. :(
Mike, will this possibly be a recurring thing for 2015 as well, or does this look more like a single time occurrence?
If we do a play test again in 2015, it will likely apply then as well. But, if I can make my fortitude and Will saves, I hope to eventually make the Grand Convocation a thing again.

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zylphryx wrote:If we do a play test again in 2015, it will likely apply then as well. But, if I can make my fortitude and Will saves, I hope to eventually make the Grand Convocation a thing again.And yet another reason I get to be bummed about not getting to Seattle this year. :(
Mike, will this possibly be a recurring thing for 2015 as well, or does this look more like a single time occurrence?
You have just made so many Pathfinder's lives so much better with that statement, Mike...

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zylphryx wrote:If we do a play test again in 2015, it will likely apply then as well. But, if I can make my fortitude and Will saves, I hope to eventually make the Grand Convocation a thing again.And yet another reason I get to be bummed about not getting to Seattle this year. :(
Mike, will this possibly be a recurring thing for 2015 as well, or does this look more like a single time occurrence?
The Grand Convocation being a thing again might be the tipping point that brings me to Paizocon.

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zylphryx wrote:If we do a play test again in 2015, it will likely apply then as well. But, if I can make my fortitude and Will saves, I hope to eventually make the Grand Convocation a thing again.And yet another reason I get to be bummed about not getting to Seattle this year. :(
Mike, will this possibly be a recurring thing for 2015 as well, or does this look more like a single time occurrence?
I would be so psyched to see the GC come back! I'll be crossing my fingers that you roll well on those saves.
<hands Mike a cloak of resistance +5, a headband of inspired wisdom +6, and a belt of mighty constitution +6 ... then sets about to find clerics with the Luck and Good domains to keep tapping his shoulders while he makes the saves>

GM Lamplighter |

The Grand Convocation featured several special scenarios and events, and a live-action re-enactment of some serious campaign events in-character which led into the "special" for PaizoCon. We got to meet many faction leaders and Venture-Captains in character and in costume, and influence who Michellia Blakros would marry. A lot of the GC events played out in later scenarios, which continue to play out even today.
It was... awesome, and really immersive, and brought the Society to life in a way I haven't seen before or since, but a HUGE amount of work for both Paizo and the freelance team who got to work on it, either writing scenarios and quests, or writing and producing the live-action scenes. We learned a lot from doing it, and I really hope it does become a "thing" again so we can make it even better!

Curaigh |

The Grand Convocation featured several special scenarios and events, and a live-action re-enactment of some serious campaign events in-character which led into the "special" for PaizoCon. We got to meet many faction leaders and Venture-Captains in character and in costume, and influence who Michellia Blakros would marry. A lot of the GC events played out in later scenarios, which continue to play out even today.
It was... awesome, and really immersive, and brought the Society to life in a way I haven't seen before or since, but a HUGE amount of work for both Paizo and the freelance team who got to work on it, either writing scenarios and quests, or writing and producing the live-action scenes. We learned a lot from doing it, and I really hope it does become a "thing" again so we can make it even better!
Nice Lamplighter.
If you have ever been to one of those murder mystery dinner shows, it might give you an idea of what to expect. The scenarios and events all awarded a chronicle too, from Ioun stone cups to having your fortune harrowed, to archery test... something for every character :)
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I used to be in an improv theater group that did some murder mystery dinner theater shows. There were no chronicle sheets, and we were an independent group (not part of an organization). We'd have a story, and then the 6-8 of us would go in and stage a few scenes and talk to people in character. Somewhere along the way, one of us would get murdered, and then the people at the party had to try to figure out who did it.
Was always fun. I got killed once, and managed to break the host's glass coffee table when I fell... OOPS. That was pretty embarassing. But, people tended to enjoy it.
All the GMing I did starting as a kid was good prep for doing improv theater. and, all the GMing I did over my life, plus all the theater I've done over my life, was good prep for teaching college....

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Michael Brock wrote:zylphryx wrote:If we do a play test again in 2015, it will likely apply then as well. But, if I can make my fortitude and Will saves, I hope to eventually make the Grand Convocation a thing again.And yet another reason I get to be bummed about not getting to Seattle this year. :(
Mike, will this possibly be a recurring thing for 2015 as well, or does this look more like a single time occurrence?
You have just made so many Pathfinder's lives so much better with that statement, Mike...
Here, here! Thank you!

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GM Lamplighter wrote:We also got to see a Hellknight inducted into her order, and Michellia Blakros hit on me. (Well, maybe I dreamed that last part.)I still have that Hellknight's shield. It looks good hanging on the wall ;)
It was quite an honor to have that happen in my Lodge!
(Gods I loved playing Ambrus)
I look forward to another Grand Convo and possibly reprising my role as the GL VC. I just enjoyed working with everyone and interacting with the players who werent involved with the live action set themselves. Some even dressed and acted as their characters they were playing at PCon, which made it that much more awesome.
See some of you this year, and those who didnt make it, next!

Paulicus |

GC does sound pretty cool. I hope to see it myself sometime!
This year's special was quite the trip! I certainly enjoyed it. I ran for a party in the 7-8 tier, though they were strong enough that they ended up fighting in the 10-11 tier and beyond for the final fight! I have no doubt they would've trounced the big bad if time hadn't run out during the first round. Archers, man... :P

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Heh. I was tier 5-6. Some in our group were wusses, erm, including me, and we didn't tier up in the final fight.
The good news is, though, everybody survived. (My character was brought below 0 three times, however. As was my brain, actually, late on Saturday night after two con-days of not enough sleep.)