Mark Knights |

Hi Pathfinder Paizo people. I just had a discussion with a friend of mine after I wrote http://www.thepathfinderchronicles.com/2014/06/intelligent-items.html that blog.
He was really excited about the idea that a dead God may once have invested his power into an intelligent item and that perhaps that "dead god" could be reinstated or destroyed utterly with the item. He asked me if I was using Sauron's Ring as inspiration and I said partly but I had also been thinking about the dead God Aroden and wondering if he was ever going to make a return.
He said that I should pitch it as an AP. I said no because you probably get that all the time. On reflection I thought why not. So there you go. It is an AP I would like to see made and it would fit well with a Mythic style campaign in my view.
Thanks for reading. By the way if you are not a Paizo person but you like the idea too, add a comment giving it some support :)

Rathendar |

If i recall correctly, Paizo has stated that Aroden will not be making a return. (other posters are welcome to correct me.) That said, your premise is similar in part to Serpent Skull's AP, and
As well as Curse of the Crimson Throne with

leo1925 |

Also nearly the exact same scenario you thought up plays out in a pathfinder tale is