Famous Curves

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I don't see Dead Man's curve anywhere on the list.

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More famous curves.

The Exchange

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I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.

Moorluck wrote:
I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.

Jayne Mansfield in hot pants isn't enough for you?

no laffer curve?

The Exchange

Shadowborn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.
Jayne Mansfield in hot pants isn't enough for you?

Ain't gonna knock Miss Mansfield at all, just prefer Marilyn when it comes to curves. Of course I don't think either of them hold a candle to Audry Hepburn. :)

I'll see your Hepburn, and raise you a Raquel Welch.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:
I'll see your Hepburn, and raise you a Raquel Welch.

Hmmm, that would be a tough one to beat, or even match in all honesty.

Aha! I see your Raquel, and offer my wife!

Sorry, no pic available. But a more incredible woman you will not find, not only is she beautiful, but she puts up with me! ;)

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I'll fold, respectfully leaving your wife to you. After all, it's often hard to find a partner that will put up with a gamer's crap. I was lucky enough to find one that also games.

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Heh. Did anyone read _Doorways_In_The_Sand_ by Roger Zelazny? It has a poem which describes the curves of conic sectors, making them sound like the curves of women's bodies. I liked that poem so much, I memorized it.

The Exchange

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Shadowborn wrote:
I'll fold, respectfully leaving your wife to you. After all, it's often hard to find a partner that will put up with a gamer's crap. I was lucky enough to find one that also games.

Kudos to you too then, seems we both found our own gamer goddesses. ;)

The Exchange

Hit us with it Aaron, I'm game for a good poem.

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Christina Hendricks is where I go for curves nowadays.

Scarab Sages



Yeah I spent a couple of years in Mansfield... Ohio.

A couple of my favorite curves;


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Cybill Shepherd in The last Picture Show and Ann-Margret, early-to-mid-1960s are the two most perfectly beautiful runners-up ever.

But nothing compares to Audry Hepburn's beauty.


Moorluck wrote:
Hit us with it Aaron, I'm game for a good poem.

I think that writing it all out may be a copyright infringement...

Shadowborn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.
Jayne Mansfield in hot pants isn't enough for you?

Them ain't hot pants! They's capris!

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Hit us with it Aaron, I'm game for a good poem.
I think that writing it all out may be a copyright infringement...

Only if you claim it as your own work.

Even then, you are not trying to profit from it.

Culture transmits.

Benicio Del Espada wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.
Jayne Mansfield in hot pants isn't enough for you?
Them ain't hot pants! They's capris!

Fine. They're pants. They're hot. I refuse to argue the semantics any further.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I thought this would be a thread about Marilyn Monroe. My bad.
Jayne Mansfield in hot pants isn't enough for you?
Them ain't hot pants! They's capris!
Fine. They're pants. They're hot. I refuse to argue the semantics any further.

Not... argue... semantics?

What is this strange concept you speak of? I find it vaguely attractive but appalling at the same time... like millions of interweb trolls cried out at once and then were silenced.

I think I need to sit down...

W E Ray wrote:

Cybill Shepherd in The last Picture Show and Ann-Margret, early-to-mid-1960s are the two most perfectly beautiful runners-up ever.

But nothing compares to Audry Hepburn's beauty.


I beg to differ. (Yes, different decade, but still...)

Christina Hendricks is definitely a beautiful woman. I'm personally a fan of Jennifer Love Hewitt and, even though I vehemently disagree with her politics, Scarlett Johannson.

Scarab Sages

Two words: Halle. Berry.

Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe

Barbara Stanwyck

Rita Hayworth

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Roger Zelazny wrote:

Lobachevsky alone has looked on Beauty bare.

She curves in here, she curves in here. She curves out there.
Her parallel clefts come together to tease
In un-callipygianous-wise;
With fewer than one hundred eighty degrees
Her glorious triangle lies.

Her double-trumpet symmetry Riemann did not court -
His tastes to simpler-curvedness, the buxom Teuton sort!
An ellipse is fine for as far as it goes,
But modesty, away!
If I'm going to see Beauty without her clothes
Give me hyperbolas any old day.

The world is curves, I've heard it said,
And straightway in it nothing lies.
This then my wish, before I'm dead:
To look through Lobachevsky's eyes.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Let us not forget ...

Scarab Sages

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe

Barbara Stanwyck

Rita Hayworth

How about a two-fer-one?

What a shame, that most of the delectable ladies in these links, if they were still performing today, would be pursued by the vile, scabrous hacks of the back-biting, poison-tongued, self-hating women's magazine trade, trying for telefoto evidence of them putting on an ounce, so they can rung their pre-written headline of "OMG LOOK AT THIS FAT COW! HOW CAN SHE DARE GO OUT LIKE THIS, THE FREAKISH HEFFALUMP?".
Followed a week later, after losing the ounce, with the cover revelation "OMG! LOOK AT THIS SKINNY B#%+$! IS SHE BULIMIC, OR WHAT?"

Scarab Sages

W E Ray wrote:

Cybill Shepherd in The last Picture Show and Ann-Margret, early-to-mid-1960s are the two most perfectly beautiful runners-up ever.

But nothing compares to Audry Hepburn's beauty.


Here's one for you, Ray. It blew little Snorter's mind, back in the day. Haven't looked at an eclair the same way since.

Grand Lodge

I'm alot younger than most people that know Ann-Margret -- the only thing I know her from, from my generation, is Grumpy Old Men.

Then I saw her on a 60's magazine cover on some TV show and I flipped out.


I think Ms. Hepburn was too bony for me. I tend to like women somewhere between voluptuous and lush.

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe

Barbara Stanwyck

Rita Hayworth

Audrey Hepburn is probably the most beautiful woman to ever exist, followed by Natalie Portman in a close second, she is nowhere near curvy.

Raquel Welch, Marilyn Monroe, and the other classic beauties have much better curves than Audrey. They have the curves but she has the grace.

Edit: Photo links added for comparison;

Audrey Hepburn

Raquel Welch

Marilyn Monroe

Scarab Sages

Snorter wrote:

What a shame, that most of the delectable ladies in these links, if they were still performing today, would be pursued by the vile, scabrous hacks of the back-biting, poison-tongued, self-hating women's magazine trade, trying for telefoto evidence of them putting on an ounce, so they can rung their pre-written headline of "OMG LOOK AT THIS FAT COW! HOW CAN SHE DARE GO OUT LIKE THIS, THE FREAKISH HEFFALUMP?".
Followed a week later, after losing the ounce, with the cover revelation "OMG! LOOK AT THIS SKINNY B##%%! IS SHE BULIMIC, OR WHAT?"

Yeah, that is really sad. Channel surfing earlier during a commercial break of the MNF game and saw Tyra Banks making much of the same point. Saw a pic of Kim K going to the gym sans make-up and I thought she looked so much better than she does with make-up.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

In my travels I have come across many women, and I am disapointed to see only a couple names thrown up in this discussion of beauty and curves.

I would have to say that most people are wrong if they claim Cleopatra was the most beautiful woman of all time. She was actually pretty plain, and lacking in the curves department. She made up for it with force of personality, and in this case the personality was the attractive part of her. She was able to convince almost anyone to do just about anything, and her charisma all but made up for the average looks.

Joan of Arc also wasn't all that great in the curves department. She was a poor peasant, and honestly didn't have diet to sustain any curves. That, and her combat training kept her pretty boyish and muscular. Once again, personality and charisma made up for that.

Helen of Troy, on the other hand, was a looker. I wish I could show you pics, but alas it is against time travel law to do so. She really was worth a war, and if she was my wife I wouldn't have let her out of my sight in the first place. In fact, I probably would have made sure she was so happy with me she wouldn't even consider starting a war by running away. She blows your Audry and Marlyn out of the water.

Okay, in all seriousness, I consider my wife to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I am even going to prove it at PaizoCon, because she is attending with me.

That being said, I do recognize that there are some other beautiful women out there. Like I was told once, (not sure by who though,) "You don't look once, you are not a man. You look twice, your not a husband."

Now for the Geeks out there: Famous Curves.

The Exchange

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Hit us with it Aaron, I'm game for a good poem.
I think that writing it all out may be a copyright infringement...

Thus, thus, so and thus: awakening as a thing of textures and shadings: advancing and retreating along a scale of soft/dark, smooth/shadow, slick/bright: all else displaced and translated to this: The colors, sounds and balances a function of these two.

Advance to hard and very bright. Fall back to soft and black . . .
"Do you hear me, Fred?"--the twilight velvet.
"Yes" --my glowing scales.
"Better, better, better . . ."
"Closer, closer, that not a sound betray . . .

CalebTGordan wrote:

In my travels I have come across many women, and I am disapointed to see only a couple names thrown up in this discussion of beauty and curves.

I would have to say that most people are wrong if they claim Cleopatra was the most beautiful woman of all time. She was actually pretty plain, and lacking in the curves department. She made up for it with force of personality, and in this case the personality was the attractive part of her. She was able to convince almost anyone to do just about anything, and her charisma all but made up for the average looks.

Joan of Arc also wasn't all that great in the curves department. She was a poor peasant, and honestly didn't have diet to sustain any curves. That, and her combat training kept her pretty boyish and muscular. Once again, personality and charisma made up for that.

Helen of Troy, on the other hand, was a looker. I wish I could show you pics, but alas it is against time travel law to do so. She really was worth a war, and if she was my wife I wouldn't have let her out of my sight in the first place. In fact, I probably would have made sure she was so happy with me she wouldn't even consider starting a war by running away. She blows your Audry and Marlyn out of the water.

Okay, in all seriousness, I consider my wife to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I am even going to prove it at PaizoCon, because she is attending with me.

That being said, I do recognize that there are some other beautiful women out there. Like I was told once, (not sure by who though,) "You don't look once, you are not a man. You look twice, your not a husband."

Now for the Geeks out there: Famous Curves.

sets link aflame Burn, math. BURN!!!!!!!!!!

Young Stephanie Seymore had the curves AND the looks. I guess she wasn't into the acting thing, too much.

A little on the thin side, but not bad...

Scarab Sages

My biggest gripe is about the height/weight standards. If you're X tall you're supposed to weigh Y pounds. Taking a closer look at that and it's highly unrealistic. Nearly all the women we've listed so far: Overweight/Fat.

Goto Pamela Tiffin

I knew going in that the famous curves promised us would be framed in math, but a part of me secretly hoped against hope that they would be framed in a bath.

I am calling you out, Freehold DM.

Now, I admit, that I prefer a woman with a bit more of a badunkadunk, but I find the idea that you, or any heterosexual male, would kick Ms. Hepburn out of bed for eating crackers absolutely preposterous!

More hawt chicks:

The other Ms. Hepburn

Jean Seberg

Tippi Hedren and Suzanne Plechette

This one's not entirely SFW

I would kick her out of bed for her accent alone.

Xabulba wrote:
I would kick her out of bed for her accent alone.

And send her back to Who-ville, Mr. Grinch? For shame.

Liberty's Edge

Maybe I'm just not as nostalgic as some of y'all, but the first thing that popped into my head was Kim Kardashian...followed shortly by Rihanna.


Aaron Bitman wrote:
Heh. Did anyone read _Doorways_In_The_Sand_ by Roger Zelazny?

I loved that book, largely because I spent a lot of my undergrad time at night on roofs and fire escapes, and I used to regret not being able to climb the computer center building before graduating.

Xabulba wrote:
I would kick her out of bed for her accent alone.

Oh, would you prefer this one?

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