Eric Cote 361 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The fomorian, one of my favorite monsters, is part of the Irish folklore since centuries. Because of that, he cannot be owned by WotC and that means that, maybe, we are going to see him rewrited for Pathfinder. However, in the previous editions of D&D, the fomorian was just another giant with lower (2nd E) or higher (3rd E) CR. I think that the 4th E made him a fey, and that's not a bad choice IMO.
Now, tell me, how would you like YOUR fomorian in Pathfinder ? What kind of abilities would you give him so that he can be something more than just a very, very ugly giant ? :)

Oneiric Imperium |
For me as a DM its all about context more then powers, which is manly a mechanics issue. If I was going to use those creatures in way consistent with traditional folklore I'd open up a Brian Froud book, let the feeling his art evoked in me get worked up, and take it from there. To use the Fomorians I'd try to portray them in some sort of atavistic, primordial, and chthonic manmner-

Goth Guru |

If they're done for Pathfinder, they will cleave to the mythology. I guess they will be pretty powerful giants, maybe giant-like outsiders even.
Did you note that their king was called Balor?
Giant abberations native to the pit?
Infect one with werewolfism and then vampirism and you would have the highest stack of templates.
nighttree |

Now, tell me, how would you like YOUR fomorian in Pathfinder ? What kind of abilities would you give him so that he can be something more than just a very, very ugly giant ? :)
Like the Jotunar of the northern tribes, the Famorian's are not easy to peg down to a specific "type".....
Some are hideous, some are beautiful, some are chaotic and prone to acts that humans define as "evil" some are not.More than anything I would like to see Pathfinder continue it's tradition of looking at actual cultural folklore, and using that as a guide.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Maybe some have hideous appearance, some have stunning beauty?
Ideally, they'll have 4 special powers: Once based on a Fortitude Save, one based on a Reflex Save, one based on a Will Save, and one based on CMB vs CMD.
A variety to choose from, but not an overwhelming shopping list of magic spells and abilities that never get used because combat only lasts 1d6 rounds.

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In what way do you think they own these?
KU: Goblin, Gremlin, Kobold, Pooka, Bugbear
DHWERGHER: Dwarf, Elf (Dark - those that dwell in Forest and Caves/Light - those that dwell in the sky), Fairy, Fae, Sidhe, Troll, Giant, Ogre, Cyclops, Banshee
ELEMENTAL: Gnome, Nerid, Sylph, Slamander
TAXIM: Walking Dead, Vampire
Every last one of them comes from folklore

Spanky the Leprechaun |

In Slaine: the Horned God, there were a plethora of fomor......a whole lot of them looked like ogres, but there were some really goomy individual types.....
Balor of the Evil Eye comes to mind.
I......think they were the same as Oni from LO5R etc.....all different variety, such as the way demons/devils/etc. are portrayed in D&D.
I grok to this approach.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

Spanky the Leprechaun |

not a fomor, but badass none the less
he's Weird Slough Pheg, the drune lord, and the old Horned God.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

Etymology, copypasted from Wikipedia...
"The race are known as the Fomoire or Fomoiri, names that are often Anglicised as Fomorians, Fomors or Fomori. Later in Middle Irish they are also known as the Fomóraig. The etymology of the name Fomoire (plural) has been cause for some debate. Medieval Irish scholars thought the name contained the element muire "sea", owing to their reputation as sea pirates.[1] In 1888, John Rhys was the first to suggest that it is an Old Irish word composed of fo "under/below" and muire "sea", concluding that it may refer to beings whose (original) habitat is under the sea.[2] Observing two instances of the early genitive form fomra, Kuno Meyer arrives at the same etymology, but takes it to refer to land by the sea.[3] Whitley Stokes and Rudolf Thurneysen, on the other hand, prefer to connect the second element *mor with a supposed Old English cognate mara "mare" (which survives today in the English word night-mare).[4][5] Building on these hypotheses, Marie-Louise Sjoestedt interprets the combination of fo and the root *mor as a compound meaning "inferior" or "latent demons".[6]"
heh heh.....can you tell I like fomorians?

Maerimydra |

In what way do you think they own these?
KU: Goblin, Gremlin, Kobold, Pooka, Bugbear
DHWERGHER: Dwarf, Elf (Dark - those that dwell in Forest and Caves/Light - those that dwell in the sky), Fairy, Fae, Sidhe, Troll, Giant, Ogre, Cyclops, Banshee
ELEMENTAL: Gnome, Nerid, Sylph, Slamander
TAXIM: Walking Dead, Vampire
Every last one of them comes from folklore
They don't, and I never said they did. That's why most of them are featured in the PF's Bestiary. And that's also why I hope to see some Fomorians in the Bestiary 2. (;

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

The Fomorians are a race but are known for having various traits.
For Pathfinder, I'd make them a bit like the Azlanti gill men in that they should be humanoid but able to breathe water. Some should be giant but some should not be, so we're talking basically ogrekin blood, especially since some were hideously deformed and some looked rather nice. Then put in the fey blood but mix it around with traits from the tieflings and use the same rules but twist them so they read as more first world than Hell. Those goat horns are from a satyr, not a devil. That sort of stuff.

Goth Guru |

Sea Ogres=Merrow.
Good looking Fomorian=Giant.
Aquatic Fomorians are bigger and freakier than any Ogre.
Just as the Japaneese called a whole host of creatures Kitsunes, the Celts(My ancestors) probably called any strange enemies Fomorians.
Any story that has a Fomorian that looks suspiciously human was intended as an insult.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

Sea Ogres=Merrow.
Good looking Fomorian=Giant.
Aquatic Fomorians are bigger and freakier than any Ogre.
Just as the Japaneese called a whole host of creatures Kitsunes, the Celts(My ancestors) probably called any strange enemies Fomorians.
Any story that has a Fomorian that looks suspiciously human was intended as an insult.
Check up on Bres the Beautiful.
The fomorians had their lookers among the freakish hordes. It just made them freakier altogether.

nighttree |

I'm thinking they might warrant a Dual Nature special ability. They can look beautiful and fey, or fugly and giantish. When they look beautiful, they are treated as fey and can use stunning beauty. When they look ugly, they are treated as giants and can use horrible appearance.
Of course if one is using the old folklore.....fey are often "fugly" as well ;)

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SmiloDan wrote:I'm thinking they might warrant a Dual Nature special ability. They can look beautiful and fey, or fugly and giantish. When they look beautiful, they are treated as fey and can use stunning beauty. When they look ugly, they are treated as giants and can use horrible appearance.
Of course if one is using the old folklore.....fey are often "fugly" as well ;)
Glamor seems restricted to the Albho branch of the Dhwergher (Sidhe, Fairy, Banshee, Sprite) When the pretty wears off even fairies are ugly pirana with wings.

Goth Guru |

If a Fomorian is born human sized and perfectly formed, they switch them with a human baby that looks like them. This is called a changeling. They may have a growth spurt, and become a large adult. Someone who role plays this gets to roll on my magical mutation chart. See Magical Mutations(Cleaves) in Homebrew.

Robert Ranting |

D&D's giant intelligent ants are Formians, not Fomorians, although the confusion is understandable especially when skimming text.
As for the various types of Fomorian...why not just make Fomorians a "family" of related monsters in their own right? If we can have multiple kinds of outsiders like Agathions and multiple kinds of fey like Gremlins, why not just stat up Deformed, Beautiful, and Baleful Eye Fomorians?
Fo-More the the Merrier I say. ;-)

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I think the Formorians should be a diverse culture of Fey including lesser ugly one armed peons and gradually getting more beautiful, larger, and more magical up to the royalty levels. The more royal they are the larger ram horns they would have and some may be anthropomorphic similar to saytrs only aquatic or earthen themed. Undersea dwelling and primordial so the royalty has ancient looking robes and so on and their buildings would be partially alive like coral and thick underwater vines and inhabitable beasts like anemones. The highest royalty levels I would like to see similar to named demons and devils where each one has evolved into a unique form such as Balor who had an eye in the front and the back. In that sense they may have a set of common beneficial mutations like sahaugin.
Also! I miss the Beholders and this is a perfect opportunity to revamp the idea as Evil Eyes born from the head of Balor (who in legend got his head lopped off and his eye was used as a weapon). Of course we won't have eyestalks and all those old things but it'd be a perfect side to make abberant eye monsters who are warring on the formorians and keeping them unable to invade the surface world or other planes...for now.

Goth Guru |

I think the Formorians should be a diverse culture of Fey including lesser ugly one armed peons and gradually getting more beautiful, larger, and more magical up to the royalty levels. The more royal they are the larger ram horns they would have and some may be anthropomorphic similar to saytrs only aquatic or earthen themed. Undersea dwelling and primordial so the royalty has ancient looking robes and so on and their buildings would be partially alive like coral and thick underwater vines and inhabitable beasts like anemones. The highest royalty levels I would like to see similar to named demons and devils where each one has evolved into a unique form such as Balor who had an eye in the front and the back. In that sense they may have a set of common beneficial mutations like sahaugin.
Also! I miss the Beholders and this is a perfect opportunity to revamp the idea as Evil Eyes born from the head of Balor (who in legend got his head lopped off and his eye was used as a weapon). Of course we won't have eyestalks and all those old things but it'd be a perfect side to make abberant eye monsters who are warring on the formorians and keeping them unable to invade the surface world or other planes...for now.
I made a variant on the beholders. They are called Ooglers.
You could just have the Ooglers come from that evil eye diety.
Goth Guru |

Also known as Aberrant Eyeballs, Lost Lookers, the Unblinking Ones, or Iris.
This floating eyeball has an iris with a swirling pattern.
Usual power: Charm person beam. Will save or trust thoughts it puts in target’s head.
Name: Tiny Oogler Bud CR: ½
Type: Aberration Terrain: Any air Climate: Not Arctic
XP: 200
Alignment: LE Size: Tiny Type(Subtype): Aberration
Init: +4 ; Senses darkvision 60 ft Perception +4
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
AC 17 Touch 17 Flat footed 17 ;( 15+size adjustment )
Acid reflex- Any natural or non-magical weapon must fort save or take acid damage if it hits the
white of the eye.
Acid Immunity
Hp 5 ( 1d8 + 1 ) [1D4 if attached]
Fort +0 ,Ref +0 ,Will +2
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Speed 30 (Flying only)
Melee Acid touch (1D4)
Space N/A Reach N/A
Spell-Like Abilities: Constant Mage Hand and Fly.
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Str 6 ,Dex 10 ,Con 10 ,Int 18 ,Wis 16 ,Cha 16
Base Atk. +2 ;CMB 0 ;CMD 0
Feats Improved initiative
Skills Fly: 5 Intimidate 5 Knowledge(The Planes): 5 Perception: 5
Stealth 5 Survival 5
Languages Common, undercommon, Dragon, Goblinoid (Can't speak itself)
Telepathic (100 feet)
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Environment any (far realm)
Organization Solitary or gang, usually charmed minions.
Treasure Armor, small tools, special lenses, ioun stones, etc.
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Special Abilities
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Usual power: Charm beam. Will save or trust thoughts it puts in target’s head. Range 50 feet + 10ft per dice. Save DC 15 (14+dice) Will. Works on anything intelligence 1 or higher and not immune.
Internal gas bag. Will drift if unconscious.
Race memory: Will know everything parent knows but may not be able to use everything till they grow larger.
Inflate/Deflate: Can grow or shrink 2 size categories without changing hits or abilities. AC will change as normal.
If attached; All saves are as parent body, Hit points are 1D4, and does not think for itself. Dice dependent things, like eye beam saves and range are as parent body.
If unattached: Usually eats bugs and tries to grow larger.
Name: Oogler-Adult CR: 6
Type: Aberration Terrain: Any air Climate: Not Arctic
Alignment: LE Size: M Type(Subtype): Aberration
Init: 6 ; Senses Cannot be surprised Perception +4 visual
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
AC 18 Touch 18 Flat footed 18 ;( 15+Natural Armor +1 Dusty Rose Prism)
Acid reflex-Any natural or non-magical weapon must fort save or take acid damage if it hits the
white of the eye.
Acid Immunity
Hp 40 ( 6d8+6 )
Fort 6 ,Ref 8 ,Will 10
___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Melee Acid touch (6D4) Damage continues 5 rounds unless wiped off.
Space N/A Reach N/A
Spell-Like Abilities
Constant Mage Hand and Fly.
Str 6 ,Dex 16 ,Con 10 ,Int 18 ,Wis 16 ,Cha 16
Base Atk. ;CMB ;CMD
Feats Improved initiative
Skills Fly: 10 Intimidate 5 Knowledge(The Planes): 5 Knowledge(Arcana): 5 Perception: 10 Stealth 10 Survival 10
Common, undercommon, Dragon, Goblinoid (Can't speak itself)
Telepathic (100 feet)
Environment any (far realm)
Organization Solitary or gang, usually charmed minions.
Treasure Armor, small tools, special lenses, ioun stones, etc. Plus Standard.
Special Abilities
Usual power: Charm beam. Will save or trust thoughts it puts in target’s head. Range 100 feet. Save DC 15 (14+dice) Will. Works on anything intelligence 1 or higher and not immune.
5 buds, one on; top, lower surface, right side, one left side, and on back. Usually Dispel on right, Scorching ray on back, Sleep on top, Cause wounds on left,
Internal gas bag. Will drift if unconscious.
Race memory: Will know everything parent knows but may not be able to use everything till they grow larger.
Inflate/Deflate: Can grow or shrink 2 size categories without changing hits or abilities. AC will change as normal.
Can regrow buds, dictate eye beam, alignment, etc.
Name: Oogler Rex CR: 12
Type: Aberration Terrain: Any air Climate: Not Arctic
Alignment: LE Size: Large Type(Subtype): Abberation
Init: 8 ; Senses Cannot be surprised Perception +4 visual
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
AC 28 Touch 26 Flat footed 23 ;( 20+Natural Armor-size+Dex+2 leather armor)
Acid reflex-Any natural or non-magical weapon must fort save or take acid damage if it hits the
white of the eye.
Acid Immunity
Hp 70 ( 10d8+10)
Fort 10 ,Ref 12 ,Will 18
___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Speed Fly 40
Melee Acid touch (10D4) Damage continues 9 rounds unless wiped off.
Space N/A Reach N/A
Spell-Like Abilities
Constant Mage Hand and Fly.
Str 6 ,Dex 18 ,Con 15 ,Int 20 ,Wis 18 ,Cha 18
Base Atk. 7 ;CMB ;CMD
Feats: Monster feat: Area effect-Cone: Any effect that ordinarily affects one target will affect all targets in a cone, as long as the original spelllike effect. Saves and magic resistance will be checked for all targets individually and will not negate the rest of the area. Can only be used for central attack.
Improved initiative
Skills Fly: 15 Intimidate 5 Knowledge(The Planes): 10 Knowledge(Arcana): 10 Perception: 10 Stealth 10 Survival 10
Common, undercommon, Dragon, Goblinoid (Can't speak itself)
Telepathic (100 feet)
Environment any (far realm)
Organization Solitary or gang, usually charmed minions.
Treasure Armor, small tools, special lenses, etc, ioun stones. Double Standard.
{It has a broach of shielding on it’s Stench Cow leather armor.)
Special Abilities
Usual power: Dispel Ray. Acts as Dispel magic except as noted. Hit dice is caster level for checks. It dispels one magical effect for each 2 levels. It has to be at least 10th level to swap for Antimagic Field.
10 buds, A circle on top like a crown. Charm, Disintegrate, Fear, Slay Living, Flesh to Stone, Negative Energy, Sleep, Slow, Telekinesis, and Polymorph.
Internal gas bag. Will drift if unconscious.
Race memory: Will know everything parent knows but may not be able to use everything till they grow larger.
Inflate/Deflate: Can grow or shrink 2 size categories without changing hits or abilities. AC will change as normal.
Can regrow buds, dictate eye beam, alignment, etc.
General. All ooglers have internal gas bags and strange ring shaped brains behind their iris.
These strange brains generate their eye beam, their telepathy, their flight, and their mage hand.
The flight and mage hand are both telekinetically based. Aside from the brain and iris the thing is amorphous, allowing it to shrink or blow up like a balloon. This also allows it to instantly repair minor punctures so it won't pop like a balloon unless dead. They claim to have invented Ioun Stones.
Eye powers: Range 50ft + 10ft per dice. Save DC 14+dice
01: Charm Monster: Will save or trust thoughts it puts in target’s head. Range 100 feet. Save DC 15 (14+dice) Will. It works on anything intelligence 1 or higher and not immune. Duration 1 hour per hit dice, then they get another save.
02: Dispel Ray. Acts as Dispel magic except as noted. Hit dice is caster level for checks. It dispels one magical effect for each 2 levels. It has to be at least 10th level to swap for Antimagic Field.
03: Sleep Ray: Hit dice is maximum hit dice affected by sleep.
04: Healing: For slaves and each other: Normally heals 1D8 per 2 levels. At 10th level and above can be swapped for Heal.
05: Scorching ray: 1D6 per hit die. Spell resistance, yes.
06: Lightning beam: 1D6 per hit dice ref save for half. No spell resistance.
07: Freeze ray: 1D6 per hit dice ref save for half.
80: Vibro ray: 1D6 per hit dice ref. save for half. Failed save includes deafness for 1D6 minutes.
09:: Negative Energy: Heals Undead. Normally does 1D8 per 2 levels. At 10th level and above can be swapped for Slay Living (Fort save to instead take 3D6+1 per level).
10: Fear: Will negates:
11: Disintegrate: Destroys unattended object about the Ooglers mass, or does 2D6 per level on a ranged touch. A fort save means it takes half damage. A thing reduced to 0 or less hits it suffers disintegration as described.
12: Polymorph: If target fails their fort save they become an aberration selected. The Oogler can also turn a servant into a humanoid for a spy mission.
13: Flesh to Stone: Fort save negates. GM must rule on whether a Flesh Golem gets temporary stoneskin.
14: Stone to Flesh: Restores petrified creatures, but turns a statue into a perfect vacant body for a lost soul.
15: Slow: Will negates or 1D10 rounds.
16: Curse: Will negates or 1D10 rounds. -4 to everything.
17: Hold Person: Will negates or 1D10 rounds.
18: Illusion: Can be used to communicate. Will negates, but can still be seen faintly.
19: Force: Magic missile 1 a round.
20: Telekinetic: 25 pounds per level. Concentration means each eye can try to move only one thing at a time. Will negates to resist by a creature or to keep an attended item still.
Monster feat: Area effect-Cone: Any effect that ordinarily affects one target will affect all targets in a cone, as long as the original spelllike effect. Saves and magic resistance will be checked for all targets individually and will not negate the rest of the area. Can only be used for central attack.
Monster feat: Wall: Creates a wall of some energy that appears in front of the creature like a tower shield. Force becomes a Wall of Force, Scorching Ray becomes a wall of fire, ect. The damaging ray can either attack, or form the wall, not both.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I like the idea of different fomorian castes, fomorians with eye-rays replacing beholders, bigger horns for those with bigger magic, and glamor to disguise the ugliness of the fomorians.
Maybe the fomorians can worship a raven goddess, and maybe even be "orc-blooded," which explains why orcs remove one of their eyes.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Formorians are chthonic ancestors of the orcs. Legend says they came from a kingdom beneath the seas. Fomorians are hideous and misshapen, with mismatched limbs, a single eye, and goat-like horns.
+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence: Fomorians are strong and fierce, but crude and primitive.
Medium Size: Fomorians are medium sized.
Crippled Leaper: Fomorians have a base speed of 20 feet, but they have a +10 racial bonus to Acrobatics skill checks made to jump.
Darkvision: Fomorians can see 60 feet through darkness.
Evil Eye: Fomorians have a +2 racial on Intimidate skill checks, and can spend a swift action to demoralize an opponent.
Glamor: Fomorians can use disguise self as a spell-like effect at will, but can only assume a single form that masks their horrid disfigurements and appears as beautiful, alternative versions of themselves.
Grotesque Physique: Fomorians must pay double the base cost for their armor and clothing due to their misshapen forms.
Orc-blooded. Fomorians are considered orcs for the purposes of any effect based on race or creature type.
Undersea Ancestry: Fomorians have a +2 racial bonus on Swim skill checks and Constitution checks to hold their breath. Fomorians can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution score multiplied by 4.
Languages: Fomorians speak Common and Orcish. Fomorians with above average Intelligence can choose to learn the following languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan, Terran, or Undercommon.
Anti-paladin: +½ to damage rolls when using Smite Good.
Barbarian: +1 round of rage per day.
Cleric: +¼ to the Save DC of your channel energy ability.
Druid: +1 hit point to your animal companion.
Oracle: Treat the fomorian’s level as +½ higher for the purpose of determining the effects of the oracle’s curse ability.
Rogue: +½ to damage rolls when you make a sneak attack.
Sorcerer: +¼ to your caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Witch: +¼ additional known hexes.
Amphibious: You can breathe air and water.
Baleful Appearance: You are so ugly that creatures within 30 feet who can see you must make a Fortitude Save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. This ability does not work if you are using your Glamor ability.
Chthonic Vision: The range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet. You may take this trait multiple times; its effects stack.
Foul Leaper: Your racial bonus to Acrobatics skill checks made to jump increases to +20.
Gaze of the Evil Eye: You gain a gaze attack. Creatures within 30 feet that can see you must make a Will Save with a DC of 10 + ½ your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. You may also take a standard action and target a creature within 30 feet of you with your gaze of the evil eye.
Horns of the Goat: You gain a primary gore attack that causes 1d6 points of damage, plus your Strength modifier.
Iron Skin: You gain DR 1/cold iron. You may take this trait multiple times; its effects stack.
Oversized Arm: One of your arms is much larger than the other. You can wield Large-sized one-handed and light weapons without penalty.
Undersea Legacy: You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim skill checks, and you can always Take 10 on Swim skill checks, even if threatened.
Withered Arm: One of your arms is much smaller than the other. You increase the Save DC of any touch spell you cast by +1.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Note: All evil eye feats target a single individual within 60 feet of the fomorian. The saving throw, if any, is equal to 10 + ½ the fomorian’s Hit Dice + the fomorian’s Charisma modifier.
Evil Eye of the Apocalyptic Decay
Your evil eye can disintegrate your foes.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 19 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use disintegrate as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Enslaved Thrall
Your evil eye can make friends of your enemies.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 1 rank in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use charm person as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Final Breath
Your evil eye slays your enemies.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 15 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use slay living as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Grasping Wind
Your evil eye can move objects from a distance.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 11 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use telekinesis as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Hindering Path
Your evil eye causes your enemies to move slowly.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 5 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use slow as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. It targets a single opponent.
Evil Eye of the Monstrous Thrall
Your evil eye can make monsters your allies.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 9 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use charm monster as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Nightmare Repose
Your evil eye makes your enemies slumber.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 1 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use sleep as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. It affects a single creature of up to double your class level in hit dice.
Special: When you have 9 ranks in Intimidate, creatures that are affected by your Evil Eye of the Nightmare Repose also suffer the effects of a nightmare spell.
Evil Eye of the Panicking Horde
Your evil eye makes your enemies flee in terror.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 7 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use fear as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Evil Eye of the Wounding Glance
Your evil eye makes your enemies suffer.
Requirements: Fomorian, Gaze of the Evil Eye trait, 5 ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: You can use inflict moderate wounds as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Special: When you have 10 ranks in Intimidate, you can use inflict serious wounds as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. When you have 15 ranks in Intimidate, you can use inflict critical wounds as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. When you have 20 ranks in Intimidate, you can use harm as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.
Extra Fomorian Traits
Your bloodline runs thick.
Requirements: Fomorian.
Benefit: You gain 2 Fomorian racial traits.
Fomorian Build
You grow to the very upper limits of your size category.
Requirements: Fomorian, BAB +1, Strength 15+, Constitution 13+
Benefits: You gain the powerful build feature. You are treated as 1 size category bigger than normal if that is beneficial for you. You can wield weapons that are 1 size category builder than normal without penalty.
Great Horns of the Goat
Your horns are larger than normal.
Requirements: Fomorian, Horns of the Goat trait, Strength 15+.
Benefit: Your gore attack causes 1d8 points of damage plus 1 ½ your Strength bonus.
Great Leaper
You have excellent jumping abilities.
Requirements: Fomorian, 7 ranks in Acrobatics, Agile Leaper trait.
Benefit: Your racial bonus to Acrobatics skill checks made to jump increases to +30. You suffer no penalties on Acrobatics skill checks made to jump if you don’t get a running start. You can make an Acrobatics skill check to jump as a swift action.
Greater Fomorian Build
You become a titan amongst fomorians.
Requirements: Fomorian, BAB: +13, Strength 23+, Constitution 17+, Fomorian Build, Improved Fomorian Build, Large Size.
Benefit: Your size increases from size Large to size Huge. Your Strength increases by +2, your Dexterity decreases by -2, you gain a -2 size penalty to AC and Attack Rolls, a -8 size penalty to Stealth skill checks, and +2 size bonus to CMB and CMD. Your Spacing and Reach increase to 15.
Improved Fomorian Build
You become a giant amongst fomorians.
Requirements: Fomorian, BAB: +7, Strength 19+, Constitution 15+, Fomorian Build.
Benefit: Your size increases to Large. Your Strength increases by +2, your Dexterity decreases by -2, you gain a -1 size penalty to AC and Attack Rolls, a -4 size penalty to Stealth skill checks, and +1 size bonus to CMB and CMD. Your Spacing and Reach increase to 10.
Ultimate Fomorian Build
You tower over all other fomorians.
Requirements: Fomorian, BAB: +19, Strength 27+, Constitution 19+, Fomorian Build, Greather Fomorian Build, Improved Fomorian Build, Huge Size.
Benefit: Your size increases from size Huge to size Gargantuan. Your Strength increases by +2, your Dexterity decreases by -2, you gain a -4 size penalty to AC and Attack Rolls, a -12 size penalty to Stealth skill checks, and +4 size bonus to CMB and CMD. Your Spacing and Reach increase to 20

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I'd be tempted to dig out the old 1st edition Monster Manual 2 and use the Hordeling 'random limbs chart', applied to a Hill Giant or Cloud Giant 'chassis' for a Fomorian (Cloud Giants for the nobles, Hill Giant or even Ogre for the rank-and-file).
Other sources could be the Mutations chart in Green Ronin's Unholy Warrior Handbook, or in one of the Gamma World versions, or WW's Freak Legion: Fomori Handbook to come up with appropriate deformities.
(In addition to being the least rules-compatible, Freak Legion might go a bit too far away from cool mythological abilities to just flat-out gross stuff, like the ability to vomit up swarms of flesh-eating worms.)
Heck, you could even poke some fun at more modern 'mutations' and make an encounter with a group of Fomori inspired by the X-Men (with Balor of the Evil Eye being the 'Cyclops' of the group)...

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I'd be tempted to dig out the old 1st edition Monster Manual 2 and use the Hordeling 'random limbs chart', applied to a Hill Giant or Cloud Giant 'chassis' for a Fomorian
For Set and other Grognards
Just call me The Bringer of Doom
MM II 1st ed wrote:
The exact appearance and abilities of a given hordling are determined
randomly. Armor class, movement rate, hit dice, magic resistance, intelligence and size are determined using 1d4 (see above for size, 1=small, 2-3=medium, 4=large.) Roll ld6 for each physical characteristic detailed below.
1 = Wedge-shaped
2 = Conical
3 = Discoid
4 = Spherical
5 = Cubical
6 = Ovoid
Overall Visage
1 = Gibbering, drooling
2 = Glaring, menacing
3 = Twitching, crawling
4 = Wrinkled, seamed
5 = Hanging, flaccid
6 = Rotting, tattered
Eye Color 3 (4).4 -6( 5-6)
1 = Dull black
2 = Purple
3 = Metallic
4= Maroon
5 = Blank White
6 = Opalescent
1 = Wide, protruding
2 = Slitsonly
3 = Hanging snout
4 = Long, pointed
5 = Large, many-warted
6 = Narrow. beaked
Appearance of torso
1 = Fat
2= Rubbery
3 = Thin
4 = Narrow, long
5= Wide
6 = Short, thick
1 = Humped
2= Hunched
3 = Knob-maned
4 = Bristle-maned
5 = Fan-winged *
6 = Bat-winged **
* Flies 18" - maximum move 9" on ground
** Flies 12" - maximum move 12" on ground
Head Adornment
1 = Bald
2= Mane
3 = Frills
4= Lumps
5 = Spikes (2-8)"
6 = Horns (1 -4)*
* Attack 1 /spike; 1-2/horn
Ears 2 (1-4o)r 4 (5.6)
1 = Large, pointed
2 = Small, pointed
3 = Large, drooping
4 = Large, fan-like
5 = Huge, humaniod
6= None
Arms- l(1). 2(2-5).3 -4( 6)
1 = Multi-jointed
2 = Telescoping
3 = Short, thick
4 = Trunk-like
5= Long, thin
6 = Tentacle*
* Reach is double
Eyes 1D4 - 1 (1), 2 (2,3).3(4).
1 = Huge, protruding
2 = Small, stalked
3 = Large turreted
4 = Small, sunken
5 = Large, round
6 = Small, slitted
Mouth-large (1-4)huge (5.6)
1 = Out-thrust tusks (a)
2 = Many small fangs (b)
3 = Long canines (c)
4= Tushes(d)
5 = Crushing teeth (e)
6 = Saw-toothed (f)
1 = Short, thick
2 = Short, thin
3 = Long, thick
4 = Thrust forward, thick
5 = Long, thin
6 = None apparent
1 = Long, prehensile
2= Short
3= Long
4 = Long, clubbed (I)
5 = Long, barbed (k)
6 = None
Legs- 2(1-4), 3(5), 4(6)
1 = Long, thin
2 = Short, bowed
3 = Short, massive
4= pringing *
5= Hopping **
6 = Telescoping ***
* can spring 20'
** can jump 10' any direction
*** can add 50% to normal height
1 = Prehensile toes, long
2 = Full hoofed (m)
3 = Splay hoofed (n)
4= Clawed (0)
5= Suckered
6 = Full webbed *
* swims 6", 9". 12" or 15"
Strength Color
1 = 17(+1/+1) 1 = Black-brown
2= 18(+1/+2) 2 = Russet-red
3 = 18/50 (+1/+3) 3 = Orange-yellow
4 = 18/75 (+2/+3) 4 = Olive-green
5 = 18/90 (+2/+4) 5 = Blue-purple
6 = 18/99 (+2/+5) 6 = Gray-white
Attack Table - Damage
(Match with rolled characteristics)
a= Tusks, large = 2-8, huge = 2- 12 damage
b= Small fangs, large 2-8, huge = 2 - 8 damage
d= Long canines, large = 1-6, huge = 1-8 damage
e=Tushes, large = 1-8, huge = 1 - 10 damage
f = Crushing teeth, large = 3-6, huge = 4 - 7 damage
9= Saw-toothed large = 1-3 and 1 -4/round thereafter; huge = 1-4 and 1 -6 hound thereafter
h = Blow = 1 strength, 2 hits =strangle for 2-8 damage +strength
C= Claw = 1 - 6 damage
i = Talon = 2 - 5 damage
j = Pincer = 1-4 + strength
k= Barbed = 1 /round and held fast (except by tail)
I = Knobbed = 1-3 damage +strength bonus
m= Full hoof = 1-2 +strength
n = Splay hoof = 1 =3
0= Claw(hind)= 1-4
Special Attacks Table
(10% chance for 2)
1 = Breath equals small stinking cloudspell vs. 1 opponent in 3' range
2 = Gaze equals ray of enfeeblement spell vs. 1 opponent in 5' range
3 = Legs used to equal trip spell vs. 1 opponent in melee
4 = Sound emanation equals fumble spell vs. 1 opponent in 5' range
5 = Double attacks for 1 round once per turn
6 = Acidic spittle missile, lo' range, 2-8 points damage, once per turn
Special Defenses Table
(10% chance for 2)
1 = +2 or better weapon to hit
2 = Fire and acid attack immunity
3 = Cold, gas, and poison immunity
4 = Electrical and magic missile immunity
5 = Immunity to illusions and mental paralysis (charm, hold)
6 = Regenerates at 2-5 hp/turn rate
All hordlings have ultravisual capabilities. Thosewith usable handscan
use weapons. They all can become near-invisible (75%) for up to 1 full
turn once per day; this requires 1 round. Hordlings are otherwise unremarkable.
Note: Treat hordlings as minor demons with respect to
clerical "turning" and like effects
Or we could just start a thread called '1001 Formorian Deformities'