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I'm working on converting my favorite PFRPG character (a Magus - an agile hybrid of a swordsman and a wizard) to PACG, and I'm trying to figure out the exactly correct wording for some powers I'm interested in giving her.
The way the Magus class works is it allows them to cast attack spells through their sword - charging up the blade with the spell and then when they hit, the spell is released onto the unfortunate victim. They also gain the completely unique ability to "dual-wield" both a sword and a spell at the same time. Essentially, I want to be able to play both a weapon and a spell on the same Combat check - but I'm not certain how this power should be worded.
Currently, this is the wording I've got:
When you play a spell with the Attack trait on your combat check, you may play a weapon on the check. Use your Melee die instead of your Arcane die for this check.
I'm not sure if this is perfect, though. And does it mean what I think it means? If she plays Lightning Touch, I envision her rolling her Melee die (1d10+2), her weapon die (1d6+1), and the dice from the spell (2d4), for a total of 1d10+1d6+2d4+3. Is that right?
How would you word this power?

isaic16 |

I get what you're trying to do, but I don't think it works in the rules, since you can specifically only use one card on the 'choose your die' phase.
What I'd do to replicate your concept is something like this:
When you play a spell with the attack trait on your combat check, You may reveal a melee weapon. If you do, you can use your melee die instead of your arcane die and add 1d6 []+1 []+2.
Or something like that.

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Golden Rule means that the card overrules the rules. I can do it, I just need to figure out how to word it.
I considered the whole "reveal a weapon" thing, but I want the specific weapon to have an impact. I don't wanna reveal a bow, a spear, and a glaive alike and have each one just add 1d6+1. Same with revealing the spell.
Since it's a weird rules interaction, coming up with proper wording is quite difficult.

Brin Londo |

Golden Rule means that the card overrules the rules. I can do it, I just need to figure out how to word it.
I considered the whole "reveal a weapon" thing, but I want the specific weapon to have an impact. I don't wanna reveal a bow, a spear, and a glaive alike and have each one just add 1d6+1. Same with revealing the spell.
Since it's a weird rules interaction, coming up with proper wording is quite difficult.
Does this wording work? It feels as if it may be overpowered... But that was not what you asked. As you said the wording is difficult and I felt a need to add an example.
When you play a spell reveal a weapon to add its weapon value without the skill value i.e. A dagger would add +1d4.

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The Morphling wrote:Golden Rule means that the card overrules the rules. I can do it, I just need to figure out how to word it.
I considered the whole "reveal a weapon" thing, but I want the specific weapon to have an impact. I don't wanna reveal a bow, a spear, and a glaive alike and have each one just add 1d6+1. Same with revealing the spell.
Since it's a weird rules interaction, coming up with proper wording is quite difficult.
Does this wording work? It feels as if it may be overpowered... But that was not what you asked. As you said the wording is difficult and I felt a need to add an example.
When you play a spell reveal a weapon to add its weapon value without the skill value i.e. A dagger would add +1d4.
Since "weapon value" and "skill value" aren't pre-defined terms, sadly this wording doesn't work.
And yeah, I'm gonna balance it once I've figured out how to word it. Wording/templating comes first for me.

gavin kerr |
We have created a Magus and have the effect you are looking for the other way round.
The wording we have used is: During a melee combat check, you may recharge a spell with the attack trait to add its spell trait and one of its bonus die to your melee check ([] or bury it to add all its bonus die to the check).
Essentially it makes the Magus a combat led character who augments their duels with magic rather than the other way round.

Nefrubyr |

Since "weapon value" and "skill value" aren't pre-defined terms, sadly this wording doesn't work.
I think you're just going to have to define those terms, because ultimately what you're trying to do is separate the (Strength or Melee die) bit from the ( + 1d8 + 1) bit and the rules as they stand don't support pulling a power apart into its components like that.
Indeed, there's nothing in the rules to say that a weapon must have a power of the form "For your combat check, roll your <skill> die + <bonus>"; it's just that they all do.
Not all spells with the Attack trait define your combat check. How will your power work with a Toxic Cloud and a Longsword?

Hawkmoon269 |

How about something like:
For your combat check, you may play a spell and a weapon when you determine the die. Choose only one skill to define the check and do not use the other skill's die.
I think that would cover what you want to do. If you wanted to let them also add their Arcane bonus, tag on the end that that they can do so. Maybe make that a power feat like ([] but you may add the other skill's bonus).
If you wanted it to really be Melee weapons and Arcane spells, and that they always roll their Melee die, then:
For your combat check, you may play a spell with the Arcane trait and a weapon with the Melee trait when you determine the die. Your Melee skill defines the check and you may not roll your Arcane die ([]you may additionally add your Arcane bonus).
I'd take wording like that to mean I could only do that with cards that I would be allowed to play during the "Determine which die you're using" step. And I'd also take it to mean I get the traits from both cards. And it also means I've played both a spell and a weapon on the check, so I can't play another spell (i.e. Fiery Weapon) and I activate powers like the Thassilonian Dungeon's.