The Morphling |
So, I'm playing solo as Seoni and Valeros, doing Local Heroes (no villains to complete, so closing locations can be kind of tough). I trounced the few monsters who made it into the decks, acquired a chunk of allies and an item or two, and finally got both Valeros and Seoni into the Woods to finish out the adventure - the only still-open location.
We clear out the deck and empty all of the cards - and fail every check to close the location on the way.
With about ten cards in the Blessings Deck, we start making the Wisdom/Survival checks to close the Woods... with a d6. Oops...
In the end, Seoni and Valeros failed the scenario because these "local heroes" wandered off into the woods and got lost.
KL Sanchez |
In my group, a player was using Sajan and was intentionally trying to cull out items from his deck so that he could be short at the end of the adventure and be able to restock his deck with more useful items. After breaking open a locked chest and collecting his loot, he suddenly realized that he'd just refilled his hand with items he didn't want and declared through a maniacal laugh, "Oh, wait! Sonofa*****!"
He immediately decided to take a vow of poverty and threw all the items back into the box. We pretended he chose to fail the check. -_^
Siygess |
Barl Breakbones. On the Mountain Peak. Playing solo with my custom Bard with 1d4 Wisdom.
I had closed off the Shrine and Shimmerglens pretty quickly and as a result, I had plenty of boons in my discard pile so two cures later I had ~19 cards in my deck and ~14 cards left in the blessings deck. I had this.
But my bard is no mountaineer so each time something shiny caught her eye, something fell out of her pack. By the time I found Barl I had buried 5 cards. But it was okay because I went into the encounter with my trusty Shock Longbow +1, Lightning Bolt, Blessing of Erastil and Blessing of Lamashtu. It was Malugus Kreeg all over again. The Shock Longbow + Erastil got me through the first check but then I had to discard a card and naturally it was my Lighting Bolt. With no other option (mm, useless allies and items) my bard used the bow again and then had to make a 'haha I was only kidding' gesture when it did nothing to him. The giant hit her back.
So another turn, another card buried and I have a cure but nothing to fight with. So, licking her wounds, my bard retreats to a lower ledge, heals up, discards a few useless cards and does the same the next turn too. But now she has the Shock Longbow back plus a Blessing of the Gods (Erastil), Frost Ray and Blessing of Pharasma.
You know what? Exactly the same thing happened.
..and then a few turns later, after a judicious use of a double Cure, I figured it couldn't possibly happen again.
It absolutely did. She went in with two attack spells and was hit so hard that she forgot the second spell and only had a handful of trinkets and some harsh language to atemtempt the second check. She attacked him with the bard judo chop. It is not super effective.
On my fourth and final attempt, she went in with two attack spells but only one blessing which I would need for the second check. But she couldn't loose the Eyes of the Eagle, oh no. Instead she uttered an oath which lost her the favour of the gods and without the blessing, her final Scorching Ray failed to leave much of a mark.
When the blessing deck finally ran out I had 1 card left in my draw pile, nothing offensive in my hand (again!) and about 14 buried cards. I'm sooo glad of the two cure spells and the fact that I made all of my recharge checks.. but boy that was still some epic failure right there!
Barl sure is a toughie!
Dave Riley |
Failing Karzoug's first combat check with a Word of Force (d12+3d8+3 from Kyra, and I think we Wand of Enervated it too) wasn't what I would call "hilarious," but fortunately we were able to eat our wiped hands and try again.
For actually hilarious failures, I chronicled Kyra's repeat attempts at pig murder here: e#1
Andrew K |
I remember reading about your nemesis pig back when you posted that, it still gives me the same great laugh. I love when did like that happens,honestly. What really made that support though was the last sentence from Kyra -- "You see, there was this pig ..." I assume the words that followed weren't very fammily friendly :)
alkatrazshock |
i just last night almost got destroyed by a plague zombie, turn one, we were at the glass works, so everytime you fail a check, you discard the top card of your deck, ran into the plague zombie, it was an easy combat check, but I failed it by 3, so there went the top card of my deck, 3 of the 5 cards I had in my hand, then I failed the constitution acid damage check, so there went the top card of my deck and the rest of my hand, so when I drew back up to my 6 card hand, I had 2 cards left in deck, which left me completely depressed that turn 1 I got f~%#ed up by a simple plague zombie >.> luckily we came out on top of that scenario and won