Fey sorcerer?

Rise of the Runelords

Hello, I am planning on running a fey or draconic sorcerer and was leaning more to the Fey side. However I was worried that I wouldn't be that useful if there are a lot of mindless creatures who are immune to most of the things this bloodline has to offer and I will be better of going draconic.
If there are only a few encounters I don't think it would be a problem but would like to know what im getting myself into before I chose something that might hinder me.


Masei wrote:

Hello, I am planning on running a fey or draconic sorcerer and was leaning more to the Fey side. However I was worried that I wouldn't be that useful if there are a lot of mindless creatures who are immune to most of the things this bloodline has to offer and I will be better of going draconic.

If there are only a few encounters I don't think it would be a problem but would like to know what im getting myself into before I chose something that might hinder me.


We had a Kitsune Fey Sorcerer as one of our party of four when we ran through Runelords and I have to say that this might be the most friendly AP there is for that sort of charCter. Lots of humanoids to maximize your abilities against. There were just a few instances where she was unable to be as effective but in those instances she always still had something to offer, either in the form of charmed or dominated creatures to fight for her or a handful of other useful spells. The AP is relatively heavy on humanoids and light on undead or mindless foes to be sure. There were even a few periods in the AP where the martials had to serve as a vanguard for her because they enemy knew just how dangerous she was and often tried to take her out first.

I don't want to get too specific and risk spoiling anything, but if you have particular questions or concerns I'd be happy to address them.

Thanks! Looks like I will be going for fey then. I think it fits our party make up a lot better which is a Barbarian, Monk and a Ranger. Would you be able to recommend any must have feats/spells/items I should try pick up?

Masei wrote:

Thanks! Looks like I will be going for fey then. I think it fits our party make up a lot better which is a Barbarian, Monk and a Ranger. Would you be able to recommend any must have feats/spells/items I should try pick up?

I can actually give you some really nice options for the full character build if you're interested, either as a Human or a Kitsune. The Human would be much more versatile and would have an animal companion whereas the Kitsune would be an incredibly potent controller. Don't know what's available in your game though.

Just using the core rulebook at the moment and am going to be a gnome

As someone who played a Gnome Fae sorcerer at the beginning of this I would say be ready for frustration as there will be many times your primary focus will be worthless in the AP. I would make sure you are well diversified so you don't feel worthless or aren't contributing enough when mind effect isn't going to work.

Okay thanks! I was going to take things like grease to give me some more versatility in those situations. Could you recommend a blasting spell in case I need one and maybe some starting equipment to buy?

MattR1986 wrote:
As someone who played a Gnome Fae sorcerer at the beginning of this I would say be ready for frustration as there will be many times your primary focus will be worthless in the AP. I would make sure you are well diversified so you don't feel worthless or aren't contributing enough when mind effect isn't going to work.

There was never a time in our run when the player was frustrated or lacked options regarding what to do. Sometimes she was just effective and other times she was utterly dominant.

Masei wrote:
Okay thanks! I was going to take things like grease to give me some more versatility in those situations. Could you recommend a blasting spell in case I need one and maybe some starting equipment to buy?

The Kitsune gains more potent Enchantment spells as its Favored Class Bonus, but its fringe enough of a race that I'd understand it not being used. To be honest, the most versatile spell-caster I've ever seen is a Human Fey Sorcerer that took the Arcane Bloodline via Eldritch Heritage feats. If you go Wildblooded Sylvan instead, you'd get an Animal Companion to keep you safe and through your favored class bonus would get a large number of additional spells known which would greatly increase your versatility and usefulness to the party. Gnomes are good choices for flavor, but aren't as effective.

If you stick with Gnome, I'd suggest you go Wildblooded for sure and take the trait Animal Friend. Keep this in mind - even as a 1st level character, you're small sized and a Roc could give you a flying mount.

Grease is a great low-level spell, as is Silent Image and Color Spray, but none of them play to the strengths of a Fey Sorcerer (which is Enchantments).

There are a number of encounters where the creatures are immune to mind-effect or have good Will DC. Your sleep, color spray, hideous laughter etc will get laughed at. You can never go wrong with magic missile btw. Its boring but effective.

MattR1986 wrote:
There are a number of encounters where the creatures are immune to mind-effect or have good Will DC. Your sleep, color spray, hideous laughter etc will get laughed at. You can never go wrong with magic missile btw. Its boring but effective.

Dealing direct damage is usually the least effective means a full caster has at his disposal to help the party, unless he is optimized for it from the outset. In our campaign when faced with a create immune to mind effects (and again, they are few and far between in this AP), our Sorceress 1) had a charmed or dominated creature (or three) along to fight for her and/or 2) was able to shape the battlefield through other effects like Entangle, Grease, Obscuring Mist, etc.

by the time you get dominated you've probably passed the majority of the creatures I'm talking about that were immune. Magic missile isn't meant to be a first resort, more of..eh I can't think of anything else here's my backup plan spell.

Also there's a number of tmes entangle can't be used either unless your DM is lenient on interpretation.

Silver Crusade

Yup. Going Fey, you'll be great an enchantments, but make sure you have a backup plan for when you're facing stuff without minds. Some of the spells mentioned here are good options for that. Straight up blasting may not be the best, but it's not useless, so it's good to have on occasion.

You can easily get away with an Enchanter but remember to have a decent backup plan for undead and any creatures immune to mind control. Nobody likes a one trike pony who is easily defeated.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Really, this advice goes out to every PC - while D&D is a game that rewards you for specializing, you need to have an answer when your big trick doesn't work.

Hey guys thanks for the help! I did end up going Fey and took colour spray and grease as my first level spells. If I was looking for some blast spells as I might be called on to do some damage as our party rather lacks it (Monk, bard, cleric(plays as a healer mostly), me) what should I pick up? Was thinking fireball for sure but not really sure on any others!

Masei wrote:
Hey guys thanks for the help! I did end up going Fey and took colour spray and grease as my first level spells. If I was looking for some blast spells as I might be called on to do some damage as our party rather lacks it (Monk, bard, cleric(plays as a healer mostly), me) what should I pick up? Was thinking fireball for sure but not really sure on any others!

1st level

Burning Hands (Area of Effect at 1st level is nice)

2nd level
Summon Swarm (many targets can't deal with swarms), Stone Call (low damage but massive area), Flaming Sphere (continuous damage throughout combat), Scorching Ray (multiple targets, scales by level)

3rd level
Fireball (watch that back-blast), Spiked Pit (damage and removes foes from combat), Diamond Spray (suits thematically and has some nice side-benefits)

4th level
Acid Pit (see Spiked Pit), Ball Lightning (damage every round of combat, scales up), Phantasmal Killer (suits thematically)

5th level
Cloudkill (area death), Hungry Pit (see Spiked Pit), Fire Snake (multiple targets, high damage), Suffocation (save-or-die)

That should take care of you for a while...

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