Ultimate Psionics - Dual Discipline Archtype

Product Discussion

I am making a Dual Discipline Nomad/Telepath but i have some questions on how it affects the psionic item Students Robes.

Student's Robes - If i am a 3rd level Dual Discipline Nomad (Main)/Telepath & I use the Telepathy version of the robes which adds +5 levels to Discipline abilities, does that mean I can use the 2nd & 8th lvl Telepathy Discipline abilities as a 8th lvl psion?

If so, can I choose to take the alternate Telepath 2nd lvl discipline ability Mindbender Impose Will ability?

Thank you for your assistance

Student's Robes: You pick one of your Disciplines to be affected. You are treated at 5 levels higher for your Discipline powers gained from that Discipline only.

A Dual Disciple gains the abilities of his primary Discipline at the normal intervals (2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th).

They only gain the first two abilities from their Secondary Discipline. The one normally gained at 2nd is instead gained at 10th level, and the one normally gained at 8th is instead gained at 15th level.

In your example, if you choose Telepathy to gain the benefit from the Student's Robes, then when you hit 5th level, the robes allow you to be considered 10th, and you get the first Telepathy Discipline power. Once you reach 10th level (considered to be 15th with the robes), they would grant you access to the second Telepathy Discipline power.

As for taking an Advanced Discipline, I cannot see why you couldn't--except that the choice has to be made at 1st level and cannot be changed.


Weren Wu Jen wrote:


Thank you!

You're welcome!


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