Hero's Handbook in BB

Beginner Box


New Pathfinder player (and soon-to-be GM) here. I have the Beginner Box, and I will be playing through the example dungeon with some other newbies. After that I expect to play through some, or all, the various Beginner scenarios I see out there.

My question is this: In other RPGs there is some form of player handbook, like the BB's Hero's Handbook, of which each player usually has his/her own copy. In the BB there is only the single Hero's Handbook. Doesn't each player need their own? If so, where do you get them? If not, why not?


- s.west

swest wrote:


Doesn't each player need their own? If so, where do you get them? If not, why not?


- s.west

Each player can copy enough information from the Hero's Handbook (or the premade character pamphlet thingies) to their character sheet such that they would have all the info they need to run their character. A wizard or cleric might also want to make spell cards detailing individual spells, but they can just grab the Hero's book when they want to cast a spell. One copy of the book should be fine.

Thanks for the guidance.

- s.west

If the internet's an option at the table, there's also the excellent reference at pfbeginner.com.

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