Cleric of Anubis?


Hey all, I'm going to be playing through Rise of the Runelords with my 10 year old brother shortly, with a few tweaks. This is going to be his introduction to Pathfinder, and I want to make it special.

It's just going to be him and I, so we'll be starting at level 2.

My question is, how would you go about building a Chaotic Neutral Cleric that worships Anubis, the ancient Egyptian God, and wields a bow? I'd also like to work in a level of Cavalier for the mount.

Also, the Domains for Anubis irl, would be as follows- Death, Judgement and Burial Rites. Idk what equivalents there are in Pathfinder... I've never actually played a Cleric. ^_^

20-point buy, and my brother will likely be playing Pali. Thanks for the help everyone! ^_^

Scarab Sages

In Pathfinder, Anubis is LN with the Death, Earth, Law, Protection, and Repose domains.

I am aware, but this is inaccurate. This is 1 of the minor tweaks that will be made in this campaign, and the only 1 that effects this characters creation. Sorry for any misunderstanding. =3

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

a LG pally and a CN cleric are going to have a... complicated relationship. you'd really be better off with LN (especially since that's the actual alignment of the god). although, i guess the real question is 'why anubis if you don't want his alignment, favored weapon, or domains?' just pick a different god, or if you're just gonna GM-fiat away everything you don't like just invent a god...

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Or, if you have a source that indicates that Anubis is CN, use that source. Of course, in that case we wouldn't be able to help you unless you tell us the domains and favored weapon given in that source.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Anubis is (in Pathfinder) LN, as stated above, so he wouldn't have any CN clergy; now if your GM is okay with that fine.

Now on to the build. Are you focusing on spellcasting, bow usage? If the bow, I would grab deadly aim by 3rd, and perhaps precise shot to negate that -4 for shooting into melee.

Alright well, why don't we just ignore the deity choice and focus on a build, if that's alright?

I'll be focusing on the bow, however, I don't want to neglect casting entirely. I mainly want to support my brother, and let him get a great deal of the action.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What's your race and stats?

Kitsune, and haven't decided stat wise. Obviously going to need high Dex/Wis, and I'd like a decent chunk of Con as well. Willing to be flexible, however. C=

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