Help with a Hildegarde expy.


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Greetings all! I've recently had an idea for a character, but can't seem to find a way for it to work. I wanted to base the fighting style off of Hildegarde Von Krone from SoulCalibur IV & V. For those unfimiliar, she dual wields a spear and shortsword. Now, the only way I can find to get close is to dual wield a shortsword and shortspear, but that doesn't give me the reach that makes her combat style so deadly. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Silver Crusade

Bumping because I want to see this happen. :D

Two levels of Titan Mauler will make the longspear a 1-handed weapon.

Just to warn you though, you're going to have a difficult time hitting things.

hilde fighting style:
Hilde’s battle style, ‘‘Große Erbschaft’’, allows her to freely alternate between using her lance or her sword, depending on which button the player presses. Pressing the vertical-attack button controls Hilde’s lance, while the horizontal-attack button controls her sword.[1] Switching rapidly between these two weapons in moderation can properly assail an opponent from long range, and also dominate him or her in close-ranged environments; her sword is used for close range and the lance for long range attacks, and her signature charge attacks. Her charge attacks vary depending on how long the player holds the button. She has average speed but she has incredible strength in every attack especially her charge attacks. However, her charge attack combos are extremely difficult to perform because the player will have to hold the button for the preferred move after each attack and hold the button long enough to perform the desired move to chain the previous move to create a combo; so chaining charge combos from Hilde is extremely difficult but deals impressive damage to the opponent.

She doesn't dual wield, she uses whatever weapon happens to be closer to her foe. Effectively its the same as a warrior with a gauntlet and a spear in order to negate the dead zone that the longspear presents.
Removing one hand from a weapon is a free action so really all you need is to find a gm willing to play ball on quickdraw letting you sheath a weapon as a free action as well as draw it.

Silver Crusade

Note to OP - Sorry for the wall of text.

This is possible, I'm sure of it, but the build would require some rather unorthodox reading and research to pull off. First, lets address the tactical side of it.

A way you could make this function in combat is through the following procedure:

Round 1: Charge
- You have two options here. Charge up to one square away from your foe and swing at them with your spear, or charge adjacent to the foe and swing with your sword.
Round 2: Swing and 5 ft. step
- If you're close, swing your sword, then 5 ft. step, and swing with your spear. If you're one square away, swing with the spear, then 5 ft. step closer for the sword.
Round 3: Adjust accordingly.

Just as Arachno said, you'd need two levels of Titan Mauler for the longspear, and then you'd of course need a few feats in the TWF tree. I'd recommend Human with a few levels in fighter or ranger to cover the feat starving you'll go through.

The major problem you'll be running into is this:

Assume you have TWF and the required titan mauler levels.

Round 1: Charge (one square away, swing with spear)
Round 2: Swing with spear, 5 ft. step, swing with sword
Round 3: 5 ft. step away for swing with main hand...and...

That is where I have to explain, your first attack in a round is your main hand (your spear), if you take a full round action to attack with both weapons. In other words, the 3rd round, you won't be able to swing with the sword. That is, unless, you can alternate main hand and off hand weapons between's a thought.

(Btw, I really want this to work. I've had the idea before, but here is where I ran into problems.)

Quick Draw

Pathfinder said wrote:

You can draw weapons faster than most.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.

A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).

Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.

Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.

The following step depends on how many free actions one has in a round. If you have multiples you could possibly pull this off.

Have a longspear and sword in your hands, and keep spare longspears and swords on you. At round three, you could drop your weapons, free action draw sword for main hand and spear for off hand, swing with sword, 5 ft. step, then swing with spear. Although, if you can minimize the sheath action to a free action, too, you could always just alternate between those two sets. It'd take a lot of investing, but you might be able to pull it off.

People other than the OP, verify if my theories are correct or not, please. You'd make the day of two guys who'd love to see this through.

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