Who has what you need?

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to cordially invite any individuals, companies, and settlements with designs on crafting, trade or paid services to join us in efforts to build not only a functional, but a flourishing network of commerce.

As we enter into the first round of landrush drafts we are going to gain a slightly better idea of what we may be able to provide in terms of goods, but many of us already have thoughts as to what kinds of services we may be able to provide, if any. Keeping in mind your own plans, what would you as a merchant, a crafter, or a service provider be willing to provide to the community at large? Likewise, what do you anticipate needing from the community to be successful in your endeavors?

Think of this as a role call for all the various types of organizations and individuals to stand up and let others know where they stand.

Goblin Squad Member

First, we at Dagedai aim to provide facilities for crafters, a place to buy and sell the supplies needed in crafting, as well as the final goods themselves, and of course a home to those who are glad to see these goods safely elsewhere, for a nominal fee. We will also be promoting active import and export to ensure you can buy and sell your goods in places other than where you live.

Second, as part of Audacity I will have a hand in coordinating the flow of goods that we will be transporting or protecting, along with a variety of other services. We are a group of specialists for hire, if you have a job that needs to be done you should reach out to us. Beyond the callings our members have chosen to pursue, I am on the lookout for those that are capable and trustworthy, so even if we cannot handle a job directly, there is a good chance we will know someone who can. Be it a sword through the chest or the armor to protect you from it, we aim to provide for these needs and everything in between.

Lastly, I myself am likely going to be busy enough with the first two that I will not have time for much in the way of personal contribution.

Goblin Squad Member

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It is far too early in the pre-game to say much and the 1st Draft isn't even out yet so any mention of resources is moot.

However I will say that Freevale has 3 primary goals at this point, all community related.

1. Providing a marketplace for trading in and out of Freevale.

2. Access to a top tier Barbarian Training facility.

3. A tavern to enjoy the music of Bards and drink with some of the most entertaining characters you will ever meet.

Goblin Squad Member

Dagedai has what I need!

Goblin Squad Member

Agreed. much too early to make trade agreements. I would, however, say you could work to certain goals: Namely you know what settlements are where. In the second to last Vlog stuff we were given examples of what is grown where. Settlements can use that to stretch preliminary feelers to each other: Brighthaven is in the mountains, will probably need food. Someone else is in the plains, they make food. Brighthaven can supply better weapons. Nothing set in stone, but hey you guys can start something tentative like:

"Be it known that Brighthaven and Commerce Company A are agreed to open negotiations in regards to food for weapons when such a time exists that both company and settlement are set up."

In other words a treaty agreeing to talk which ensures commerce will exist but at the same time leaves details to the time when details need be discussed, as well as a back door for either party to escape should they need to.In this way Brighthaven can invite multiple companies and settlements to a discussion meeting at a pre-determined time, where everyone is given equal weight and say, ensuring competitive economic stimulation before the game even takes place.

Goblin Squad Member

My guess is that any settlement with a large number of ranger types with a variety of knowledge skills (as knowledge skills will apparently affect mob drops) will create an enticing local for crafters.

Precisely why I plan to make just such a character as my alt. I'm hoping that mob drops will be the best method for farming the alchemical ingredients my main intends to use.

Goblin Squad Member

Not looking to set up trade agreements at this point. As you can see above I explained what we as a settlement and separately we as a company would offer for services.

Individuals could simply say they intend to guard caravans, or be a metal worker, or a bounty hunter, or a group of gatherers. An inventory of services really.

Goblin Squad Member

Darcnes wrote:
I would like to cordially invite any individuals, companies, and settlements with designs on crafting, trade or paid services to join us in efforts to build not only a functional, but a flourishing network of commerce.

Invitation accepted! I've been brainstorming on this very idea ever since I joined up in the Landrush.

As a member of TEO Company: The Golden Scales at Brighthaven, I do not speak for the leadership. We will adapt and invest in all that is available as it rolls out in EE, as any good merchants would. I suppose all I can offer with certainty here is that I would love to be on your Friends list as the game launches and that we should follow up with each other on needs as the game evolves.

My primary desire in the game is to be an ACE character (Aristocrat/Commoner/Expert) and to pursue profit where profit can be found.

To answer your second question,

Darcnes wrote:

Likewise, what do you anticipate needing from the community to be successful in your endeavors?

Given our current lack of knowledge on the game itself, what I could really use is just a good contact list of like-minded people. A good person to person network is a worthy goal for now before we can actually get our hands on the game. I agree that no one area can or should dominate trade, so a variety of active hubs is best for all of us.

Beyond the game itself, it will be very important for those of us who are "Economy-minded" or whatever term you prefer, to be as open and clear for Crowdforging purposes as possible. The ever precious "trade secrets" to our markets and profit are great and all, but perhaps if we have a more global understanding of what it feels like as a player to participated in the sandbox economy of PFO, we can make better recommendations to GW on how to improve it. I pledge to do the best I can to contribute to this, "trade secrets" being what they are and all. I'd say we should all sign some sort of elaborate nonbinding agreement but there are so many of them already :P

Glad to see Dagedai and Freevale here with a representative. I look forward to seeing where you are on the map, and I look forward to seeing you on the Goblinworks forums as a more permanent home in the future.

Anyone who wants to add me please do so. You can feel free to contact me later in EE and if I can't help you directly, I can find someone in Brighthaven who can. If outside of Brighthaven, perhaps one of my fellow contacts in another Settlement. A rising tide... you get the idea ;)

Grand Lodge

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Darcnes wrote:

I would like to cordially invite any individuals, companies, and settlements with designs on crafting, trade or paid services to join us in efforts to build not only a functional, but a flourishing network of commerce.

As we enter into the first round of landrush drafts we are going to gain a slightly better idea of what we may be able to provide in terms of goods, but many of us already have thoughts as to what kinds of services we may be able to provide, if any. Keeping in mind your own plans, what would you as a merchant, a crafter, or a service provider be willing to provide to the community at large? Likewise, what do you anticipate needing from the community to be successful in your endeavors?

Think of this as a role call for all the various types of organizations and individuals to stand up and let others know where they stand.

Carbon checking in. I think you can rely on me as a long-term dedicated trade partner. Let's be friends.

Also I you could say that you've got what I need.

Edit: I just couldn't help myself.

Goblin Squad Member

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I believe that Forgeholm will be in need of bulk food and wood.

Goblin Squad Member

As a friend of Darcnes,

I'd like to bump this and point out that it is a good place to talk economy and begin preliminary talks.

Goblin Squad Member

We finally have the faintest idea of where we may end up. Nothing set for sure of course, but enough to get an idea of where you are, what you will be providing and what you are likely to need.

I expect some of these things may change as people are added and removed from the results, but the conversation can change as this happens.

To reiterate:
What will you be providing as goods or services?
What will you be needing for goods and services?

This applies to settlements, companies and individuals.

(C)ompany (S)ettlement (I)ndividual
+ Has available / - Looking for

A basic list thus far:
(C)Audacity :: +protection, bounty, crafted goods
(S)Dagedai :: +crafting, commerce, rogue/cleric, bulk food
(S)Forgeholm :: -bulk food/wood
(S)Freevale :: +commerce, barbarian, tavern
(I)Roughshod :: -contacts

Goblin Squad Member

Do we have some well respected TN mercantile companies? I'm looking for a second and third company to be part of for my main crafter.

Goblin Squad Member

The tricky part is going to be finding ones that are not sponsored, as you can only belong to one of those. I know of a few that are, but none that are simply groups of players that already have homes.

I suppose we could get one going sooner than later. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I am sure the Keepers of the Circle will look to several of our neighbors to supply food, and we may also require services for caravan guards. We are looking to export stone and iron, of course, and our settlement will focus on crafted goods as well. We are most certainly planning for a Market POI as one of our primary draws in Keeper's Pass. Perhaps it can serve as a common meeting place given a somewhat central location (and I suspect we'll have some friendly competition with Dagedai--though our 2 communities align very well for needs vs. offers). We are also looking to more craft-oriented facilities, and so would be open for business to folks that want to bring in materials and trade for crafted goods.

Our obvious position for Keeper's Pass at present is:

(S)Keeper's Pass :: +Bulk Iron/Stone/Crafted Goods (esp. Iron); -Bulk Food, crafting materials of all types

Goblin Squad Member

well done Darcnes, count me in.

Goblin Squad Member

Excellent Erian, thanks for formatting that ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Any updates to this proposal now that the Land Rush is over?

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