High Level Clerics in Korvosa?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

So one of my players contracted lycanthropy from a wererat and according to the rules, it needs a remove disease or remove curse from a level 12 cleric.

Which brings me to my questions:

What level clerics to the various churches have in Korvosa?

Is there a standard formula for the size of a town or city that I can't find?

Meredith Jones wrote:

So one of my players contracted lycanthropy from a wererat and according to the rules, it needs a remove disease or remove curse from a level 12 cleric.

Which brings me to my questions:

What level clerics to the various churches have in Korvosa?

Is there a standard formula for the size of a town or city that I can't find?

If you need a level 12 cleric, only two clerics have the appropriate level in Korvosa: Darb Tuttle of Abadar (clr13) and Keppira d'Bear of Pharasma (clr13). The third highest ranking priest is Ornher Reebs of Asmodeus, who's only level 11.

According to the Core Rulebook, a typical Large City will have NPCs capable of casting up to 6th level spells. So the highest-level NPC clerics will be 12th level.

According to Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, the city of Korvosa has the Magically Attuned property, which increases the caster level of NPCs by 2 levels (to 14th). This means that there will be casters available with access to 7th-level spells.

Guide to Korvosa lists the following high-level NPC casters:

Bishop Keppira d'Bear, High Priest of Pharasma (N female human cleric of Pharasma 13)
Ornher Reebs, High Priest of Asmodeus (LE male human cleric of Asmodeus 11)
Archbanker Darb Tuttle, High Priest of Abadar (LN male half-elf cleric of Abadar 13)

Additionally, there are dedicted temples to Sarenrae and Shelyn, but their high priests are not detailed.

In my Korvosa-based game, I created the following characters:
Father Viorec Korvaski, High Priest of Sarenrae (NG male human (Varisian) rogue 3/cleric of Sarenrae 12)
Ellandra Velloria, High Priest of Shelyn (NG female half-elf bard 6/cleric 5/ mystic theurge 4).

Since there aren't dedicated temples of other faiths, I figured any given church leader that worked out of the Pantheon of Many to probably top out at 8th or 9th level, at the highest-- assuming that they're actually clerics.

My homebrew clergy of Korvosa does not quite reach Haladir's levels:

Ezekiel Sollux, high priest of Sarenrae is a level 9 cleric;
Larella Semyr of Shelyn is a bard2/cleric5.

The Pantheon of Many has some priests of different faiths, but none higher than level 3. So I guess I'm a lot stricter when it comes to handing out levels.

Thanks everybody.

I reread the Guide to Korvosa and I just saw that I missed the appendix on page 62. And it seems that I have to get the Guide to Varisia.

It's amazing what you miss even after looking for an hour. :-)

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In case anyone might be interested, I put a character profile of my version of the High Priest of Sarenrae, Father Viorec Korvaski, on my campaign site.

Also, I was mistaken on my earlier level estimates of my high priests of Sarenrae and Shelyn.

They're both 12th-level characters: a rogue3/cleric of Sarenrae 9, and a bard 5/cleric of Shelyn 3/ mystic theurge 4, respectively.

MrVergee wrote:

My homebrew clergy of Korvosa does not quite reach Haladir's levels:

Ezekiel Sollux, high priest of Sarenrae is a level 9 cleric;
Larella Semyr of Shelyn is a bard2/cleric5.

The Pantheon of Many has some priests of different faiths, but none higher than level 3. So I guess I'm a lot stricter when it comes to handing out levels.

This thread got me thinking, so I started a post in the Golarion Products forum asking whether the NPC levels in Guide to Korvosa should be lowered for PF play.

My own approach has been to keep Darb Tuttle at 13th, since the Church of Abadar seems dominant in Korvosa, with at least one 9th level underling. The churches of Pharasma & Asmodeus have leaders of at least 9th level (ie they can Raise Dead PCs - but not dead NPCs, judging by King Eodred!) while other church leaders are likely to be in the 6th-8th range for casting purposes, though they may have the occasional Aristocrat etc level on top. Saranrae's high priest is probably 8th level, while Durnhelm the PC Barb 1/Clr 5 of Gorum may well be the highest level Cleric of Gorum in Korvosa. :)


According to the Korvosa stat block from Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, Korvosa is a Large City that has the Magically Attuned city trait. That grants +2 levels to available highest-level spellcasters. According to the Settlement Statistics table, a Large City should have NPC spellcasters available for hire that can cast 7th-level spells. With the Magically Attuned city trait, that bumps up to 8th-level; meaning that there should be at least one NPC caster of at least 15th level who'd deign to cast spells for hire.

Given that Korvosa's magical attunement is more arcane than divine (i.e. the Acadamae), I'd say that the 15th-level caster is probably a wizard associated with the Acadamae.

Unlike 3.5, Pathfinder doesn't define the number of available NPCs that can be hired for spellcasting: only the highest spell level available. I'd keep the number of such NPCs low.

And, honestly, Guide to Korvosa does just that! There are two 13th-level NPC clerics listed (of Abadar and Pharasma). This seems very appropriate, as they're both Neutral-- meaning that a GM can probably justify their cooperation with just about any PC party.

Haladir wrote:
Given that Korvosa's magical attunement is more arcane than divine (i.e. the Acadamae), I'd say that the 15th-level caster is probably a wizard associated with the Acadamae.

Toff Ornelos is supposedly an aristocrat1/wizard16.

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