Matthew Guyder |

Hey guys,
This is an issue ENTIRELY on my OWN making.
I pledged at the Crowdforger Pioneer level, giving me access to the PDFs of the Flip Mats and the Emerald Spire Super Dungeon.
I'm essentially kicking myself that I didn't spend the money on the RPG Print Pack Add-on.
So to solve that I am going to pre-order the Print version of the module. Coolies, happy to do so.
However, because I am a Pathfinder Module subscriber, and due to your generosity regarding such subscriptions, I will be entitled to an additional copy of the PDF.
I was wondering if it were at all possible to 'gift' my second copy of the PDF to someone else?
With thanks,

Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

Hey Matt,
I'm checking with a variety of people to see how this is supposed to work, and if we have the option to do this. It may take some time to sort out the answer. If you haven't heard back from me by the end of the day next Monday, please respond to bump this thread back up to the top.

Matthew Guyder |

Thanks for the response Sharaya.
I was hoping to purchase this (but put it in my sidecart) prior to 31 May to take advantage of the May10 discount.
Will we still be able to discuss this if I do this?
If we can't, then it will be because of my own folly, and I shall live with it. :)
With thanks,

hewhocaves |

I have to add my concerns to this as well. I have not been able to access any of my add ons for the PFO kickstarter as well. Back before some of the add-ons moved to goblinworks, I couldn't access those either.
I was able to change the add-ons once after the kickstarter ended but not since. I can change the number of times I selected a particular add-on, but not the choice of add ons.
Whenever I've contacted Paizo in the past or asked the community the answer has been "be patient, we're working kinks out of the system".
Now the rewards are about to get shipped out. I think it is long past the time that this gets resolved. I have over $100- unused in the kickstarter fund. I will be VERY upset if that money goes away.

Matthew Guyder |

Hi Sharaya,
I think my issue remains distinct from hewhocaves, however, that was before I realised that the KS Pledge Manager had re-opened.
I've just seen Update #80 on the KS page. I may wait.
However, do you know how it will be possible to add other add-ons to the pledge manager? Whilst I can't see the Print Add-on, I also can't see a few other options. I only see the add-on options that I previously selected and can only increase or decrease the previously selected add-ons but not other options such as "Additional Player" or "Miniature Multiplier".
Am I special or is this happening across a number of pledges?
With thanks,

Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

The Pledge Manager isn't exactly re-opened. It's just up enough to finalize details and send information over to Goblinworks.
On the Paizo side of things, we can only add Add-ons to accounts that have remaining balances left on the pledge. We do not have the ability to add anything above that. Additionally, we cannot change any previously selected Add-Ons.
I hope that clears that up, at least. Still trying to figure out how the duplicate PDF thing may work. Thanks!

Matthew Guyder |

Hi Sharaya,
Any update on this? I'm hoping to add the print version to my June subscription order but would like to know about the additional PDF issue.
However, if I read between the lines, there also appears to be another Print Pack Add-on in the wings. Any news there?
With thanks, Matt

Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

Hi Matt,
After conferring with the tech team, it looks like there is not a mechanism in the system to grant the potentially "duplicate" PDF to someone else. This will not be something that is an option.
I'm very sorry for any inconvenience.
There are potential options being discussed for a different Print Pack Add-On, but this has not been confirmed as of yet. Feel free to keep an eye on Goblinworks stuff for updates.
If we can help with anything else, please let us know.

Matthew Guyder |

Thanks Sharaya, this just means that I don't need to worry about pre-ordering it, and can get it later, depending on what Goblinworks decides to do about another Print Add-On Pack.
As I said at the beginning, this is a situation of my own making.