effects of acid splash

Rules Questions

Ok so acid splash....ranged touch 1D3 bla bla.

It says in the spell description that the acid lasts for 1 round.

Under acid affects in the Core Book it says that corrosive acid deals 1D6 damage per round of exposure (except in cases of immersion in which case it is 10D6).

Does this mean that when you use acid splash that 1 round later as the acid goes away the creature that was hit with acid splash takes an additional 1D6 damage?

It says that attacks with acid, such as from a hurled vial or monster's spit, counts as a rounds of exposure.

Is there any chance that a cantrip that creates a non-instantaneous acid effect also counts as 1 round of exposure?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It does exactly and ONLY what the spell says it does... 1d3 points of acid damage. Nothing more than that.


So is the reason that the acid flask deals 1D6 because it is the 1 round of exposure?

Or does the acid flask deal its 1D6 from the attack and then 1D6 after a round of exposure?

I am definitely erring on the side of no additional damage, since obviously this would overpower a cantrip....especially when in the context of comparing it to its peers (ray of frost)


That's basically just telling you that the spell only does damage once, so nobody can claim the target should be suffering ongoing damage because 'he has acid on him'. It's clumsily phrased.

And the acid flask does 1d6 damage because the designers wanted it to do 1d6 damage, not because it lingers.

The reading of that rule though suggests that the vial would do damage after a round.

Its either that or the 1D6 comes from the wording about a vial counting as exposure.

I do not need this interpretation to be true its more of just an interesting question.

Acid Splash does 1d3 damage in the round the spell is cast only. An acid flask does 1d6 damage in the round it's used only. There is no carryover to the next round. An acid flask does more damage than Acid Splash simply because a) there's more acid or b) it's more potent acid, take your choice.

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