PaizoCon 2014 Event Schedule Questions, Comments, Concerns & Errata

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Well, it rolled over at 2pm their time (an hour before this post), so almost certainly within... the next two hours, because who wants to work overtime. ;) Of course, it's impossible for someone like me to say, because who knows what they're turning on other than event trading and schedule setup.

I'd recommend checking back every hour or so if you're concerned about getting into a particular scenario or other open event.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

At almost exactly 2:00pm (Pacific time) the whole Paizo site went dark.
It seems unlikely that this is merely a coincidence, and has nothing to do with an influx of folks trying to find out what lottery events they got into and/or sign up for open events.

Shadow Lodge

I set aside time to be able to go on and sign up for events. I'm running out of time and still no events listing. Still refreshing and hoping for the best.

Grand Lodge

It was fine until 2:02PM. I'm hoping it was not correct, cause I wasn't favorably disposed to the results.

Dark Archive

Yeah we had basically nothing.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All I saw was the banquet... I'd be upset if I got zero lottery events.

Organized Play Developer

It would be nice to be able to have time to review my lottery results before selecting my choices from the open event schedule. It looks like we may not have that luxury this year.

I am concerned that Paizo is not on top of the whole PC sign-ups for Paizocon thing. I love this company and your products but DANG is this frustrating. Paizocon is one of the highlights of my year (I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment) and it would be a shame if the massive influx of users/delayed posting of my lottery schedule made me unable to get into the open events I want.


I mean no offense to any Paizo staff but I think this is an issue that y'all should work on for next year!

Shadow Lodge

Jezebelle wrote:

It would be nice to be able to have time to review my lottery results before selecting my choices from the open event schedule. It looks like we may not have that luxury this year.

I am concerned that Paizo is not on top of the whole PC sign-ups for Paizocon thing. I love this company and your products but DANG is this frustrating. Paizocon is one of the highlights of my year (I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment) and it would be a shame if the massive influx of users/delayed posting of my lottery schedule made me unable to get into the open events I want.


I mean no offense to any Paizo staff but I think this is an issue that y'all should work on for next year!

I agree completely. We are flying across country, and this will be the only chance we get to do this ('cause we'll never be able to afford it again), we set time aside to be able to sign up for events, and have had to cancel our Wed. game so we can wait to sign up.

Dark Archive

It's up. No lottery events for me =/ Oh well.

Dark Archive

For some reason the Friday pathfinder seminar is telling me it conflicts with Sundays green ronin and pathfinder. Plus pathfinder and green ronin doesn't show up on Sunday. Can we get a clarification. If it,s really Friday I,d love to get into good and evil.

bdk86 wrote:
It's up. No lottery events for me =/ Oh well.

Really? I got in two - did you have mostly 0's?

Dark Archive

Majuba wrote:
bdk86 wrote:
It's up. No lottery events for me =/ Oh well.
Really? I got in two - did you have mostly 0's?

I only had three I wanted, so I'm certainly not surprised at all I didn't get any =D

Shadow Lodge

bdk86 wrote:
Majuba wrote:
bdk86 wrote:
It's up. No lottery events for me =/ Oh well.
Really? I got in two - did you have mostly 0's?
I only had three I wanted, so I'm certainly not surprised at all I didn't get any =D

We had 5 events we were interested in and 0 on everything else. We got our lowest choice. *shrug* What are you going to do, we don't even have anything to trade.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

My wife didn't get into either of the lottery events she was interested in.

I, however, got my top-priority pick, and will be dragging out my old three-booklet box (the 'White Box' 5th printing, bought in 1975) to play "Back to 1974" with Frank Mentzer! Woot!

We're GMing on Friday & Sunday, so we were only trying for Saturday lottery slots.

Shadow Lodge

There appears to be a glitch in the system. It won't let me register for anything during the 11-12 Fri time slot because it says it conflicts with Green Ronin & Pathfinder, which isn't till Sunday according to my schedule. (It won't let me add anything on Sun either.) Additionally, Green Ronin & Pathfinder no longer is listed any where on the event listings.

Dark Archive

Shadow Sorceress wrote:
There appears to be a glitch in the system. It won't let me register for anything during the 11-12 Fri time slot because it says it conflicts with Green Ronin & Pathfinder, which isn't till Sunday according to my schedule. (It won't let me add anything on Sun either.) Additionally, Green Ronin & Pathfinder no longer is listed any where on the event listings.

Ditto for me. Help!

I keep trying to sign up for the Midgard 13th Age event Friday night. The button is there. I click on it and refresh and nothing happens. I really wanted to try out 13th Age.

During the madness of trying to sign up for open events earlier, did anyone else happen to land on the PaizoCon main page when all the threads were from 2009? It was most peculiar, and I was so eager to go back in time, but the site crashed again before I could do so.

Khelreddin wrote:
During the madness of trying to sign up for open events earlier, did anyone else happen to land on the PaizoCon main page when all the threads were from 2009? It was most peculiar, and I was so eager to go back in time, but the site crashed again before I could do so.

That sounds fascinating, but no.

Dark Archive

Hi guys,
can someone please give a look into the Green Ronin and Pathfinder glitch? Is it Friday or Sunday, there is an event on either day I'd like to add but the system won't let me because it keeps telling me there is a conflict.

Shadow Lodge

just a question as this will be my 1st PaizoCon and being that Im a Teir 1 GM

are we as GM's responsible for Chronicle sheets or are they provided by Con Staff

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Looks like the end time was set to 12pm on the 4th which was causing it. I've adjusted the date and hopefully that solves the issue there.

Dark Archive

awesome! got what I was looking for ! THANK YOU! and look forward to seeing you there.

Question on contacts with lottery events.. If I have questions about character creation for the Rappan Athuk bonus level, where should I turn?
The event just lists "Frog God Games"..

I am specifically wondering about casters/item creation feats, and the wording of the item creation rules. IE, Pathfinder using exp cost to create magic items?

Derfmancher wrote:

Question on contacts with lottery events.. If I have questions about character creation for the Rappan Athuk bonus level, where should I turn?

The event just lists "Frog God Games"..

I am specifically wondering about casters/item creation feats, and the wording of the item creation rules. IE, Pathfinder using exp cost to create magic items?

I would send a PM to Bill Webb - you can find him on this thread: here

Skeeter Green runs that session. I would ask him.

The GenCon Special event on Friday still doesn't have a proper title but says it is the Season 6 special. What is the title of the scenario we will be running?

Based on the level range given of 1-11 I'm guessing it is the Season 5 conclusion. Can I get a confirmation on this as it will affect my GenCon schedule.

Season 5 conclusion: Legacy of the Stonelords (levels 1-11)
Season 6 kick-off: The Paths We Choose (levels 3-7)

Grand Lodge Global Organized Play Coordinator

It is Legacy of the Stonelords.

Michael Brock wrote:
It is Legacy of the Stonelords.

Thanks Michael, now I can volunteer to GM a table of it at GenCon.

Sovereign Court

still waiting for access to stuff im runnin so i can start reading and doing prep.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Customer service is currently in the process of granting scenarios for PFS GM's at PaizoCon. Not all scenarios are finished, but we will grant everything we can and wrap up those last few scenarios as soon as they are ready.

Sovereign Court


Round two of Derfs Dumb Questions...
The Into the Emerald Spire.. Nothing is listed about what PCs to be using. Pregens? Level 1? I can't be the only one that starts building characters once I know what games I actually got into..

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Derfmancher wrote:

Round two of Derfs Dumb Questions...

The Into the Emerald Spire.. Nothing is listed about what PCs to be using. Pregens? Level 1? I can't be the only one that starts building characters once I know what games I actually got into..

Assuming you are talking about my Into the Emerald Spire (as opposed to Erik or Lisa's events, where they run the levels they wrote), I'll be providing Pregens, minis, maps, pencils, heck even dice if you need them. :)

Sara Marie wrote:

With over 125 events there's a lot of data to be entered for PaizoCon events! If you happen to notice something not looking quite right, go ahead and post in this thread and I will take a look as soon as possible. If you have a question, comment, concern or errata about an event and you do not wish to post it in a public forum (for whatever reason) please email

There are some events that are not listed on the schedule because they are not events that have traditional registration. These include things like the Goblinworks Demo Room, PFS Headquarters, The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Events and the Editing workshops and the infamous and deadly Pathfinder Delves. We plan to have a page with descriptions of those events early next week.

Last year there were a bunch of boardgames that were not pfs but I don't see them this year. Am I just missing them?

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Assuming you are talking about my Into the Emerald Spire (as opposed to Erik or Lisa's events, where they run the levels they wrote), I'll be providing Pregens, minis, maps, pencils, heck even dice if you need them. :)

Yep! Your game. I'm in the first group to see how far we can get. Pregens. Aye. Interesting that we will not be able to level up at all by the sounds of it..

I have a conflicting schedule, but it doesn't show that way and I just now realized it:

08:00 AM – 01:00 PM Washington Ballroom #5–18: The Stranger Within
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM The Tacoma Room Pathfinder Society: GM 101
This event takes place in two rooms on the 4th floor of the hotel. The rooms are across the hallway from each other. Proceed to either room and session GMs will assist.

I *want* the GM 101, but I can't find it anywhere. If I can't go to GM 101, The #5-18 Stranger Within game would work, though my wife and I want to be together whatever event.

Unfortunately, I have to go to sleep and I'm not sure I'll be able to be awake and check back how this resolves. I'm not sure if someone commented this or not, but it would be a HUGE help if we could get a download PDF "day-planner" showing all events and all times. We could print that out and talk about it with "buddies", scratch, doodle on it, make plans, and *THEN* hit lottery numbers and not worry so much about what events we might miss because we wanted so-n-such open event *more* than a given lottery, or whatever. I have open gaps of time where we don't have anything, and I have to wonder what I missed. Perhaps next year I'll have a better time understanding how all this works, but that "day-planner.pdf" would have really been a huge help.

Grand Lodge

The GM101 and 201 were canceled.

THAT would explain how those timeslots came open when I thought I'd fill them! Ok, that helps a great deal.

I regret they were cancelled, though. Perhaps I'll get to talk with people. Thank you. :)

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

verdigris wrote:
The GM101 and 201 were canceled.

Wait. If they were canceled, why is it still showing on my schedule? I can't take it off my schedule, either, as I cannot find the event, so I cannot sign up for anything else.

If it's on my schedule is it one that *wasn't* canceled?


Are you sure you can't sign up for anything else Drogon? I have an item on my schedule erroneously without it conflicting (and it sounds like Romaq has GM101 specifically).

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Majuba wrote:
Are you sure you can't sign up for anything else Drogon? I have an item on my schedule erroneously without it conflicting (and it sounds like Romaq has GM101 specifically).

Hm. You are correct. What is actually conflicting is Auntie Lisa's Story Hour which starts at 5:00.

Perhaps I'll leave it as-is and just see if I can drop into something if I'm bored. As of now it's my only free slot at the con (though I wish it weren't - I'd love to do GM201), so maybe I'll go shopping at the Paizo booth if I'm not playing anything.

Sovereign Court

lol should be last issue i have...... is the legacy of the stonelords suppose to still be unavailable to the gm volunteers?

They're probably still working on it, and the other PaizoCon scenarios Sarvei. Although the June scenarios and PaizoCon scenarios all say "will be available Friday", so there's hope :)

Sovereign Court

i figured just wanted to mention it in-case it was a simple coding error

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

So, even though the event was cancelled and shouldn't affect any potentially conflicting events, I started going through and removing the attendees who still had it showing on their schedules. It's not a quick process so I only did 2 of the session before I got tied up with other tasks. I'll try to make sure the rest are removed to avoid confusion.

For the events that closed with space still available in them, from what I remember last year, there was a board with "tickets" available to register/trade. Is that still the mechanism being used this year? If Yes, at what point will that be setup? I.E. after 8 o'clock Friday during registration. Is there another way to register/trade. My wife flipped the script on me after registration closed. She wants to get into the Sands III on Sunday which shows two spots open with a character which "should" qualify for exp after she plays Sands II Saturday. Original plan the one that has already played Sands I wouldn't have enough exp to be level 3, but now due to local play she didn't anticipate it could after completing the Sands II.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We'll have a "take a ticket/leave a ticket" space set up near registration as soon as somebody has a ticket to leave!

When does registration start in the morning? I'm one of the players with an 8am slot on Friday.

Associate Editor

7 a.m., bright and early!

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