Aurelio Queiroz |
Hi all!
It's my first post and I just started playing. We're starting RoRL at level 1 and I plan to play with a half-orc inquisitor of Desna.
25 point buy:
Str: 18(16+2)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 7
Half-orc racial: Sacred Tattoo and Shamans Apprentice
Traits: Defender of Society(+1AC) - Combat
Fate's Favored - Faith
Finish the Fight - Racial (orc)
Drawback: Pride
Domain: I'm between Spellkiller and Travel (Thinking if sometime a cleric level will be nice to have both domains...)
Feats: lv1 - Grudge Fighter (orc)
The progression I'm thinking:
Lv 3 - Power Attack and Horde Charge (teamwork - orc)
Lv 5 - Furious Focus
Lv 6 - Precise Strike (teamwork)
Lv 7 - Cornugon Smash
Lv 9 - Instant Judgment and Outflank (teamwork)
Main weapon: Falchion.
What do you think? Is it ok?
Lazlo Woodbine |
Looks good to me! It's quite similar to the Inquisitor I made for a home brew game, but I took a level of Barbarian to add to the Travel Domain for an extra speedy character. Was a huge amount of fun!
Grudge Fighter looks ok, but you can't be sure that you'll be the target of anything in combat. Personally, I'd rather just take a +1 weapon focus that was active all the time, but I can see why you might prefer Grudge Fighter. At least it's something different!
Lazlo Woodbine |
Oh yeah, you're right. Either of those would be good choices. You could also consider Improved Monster Lore at some point if you want to save a ton of skill points on your knowledge checks. You're not starved for skill points as an inquisitor, but you do get a lot of good class skills that would be nice to make use of. Having to put a lot of points into knowledge skills for your bane to work can eat up a surprising number of them.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
i think travel is probably the best domain you can get from desna. if you want an inquisition, spellkiller is pretty good or conversion if you want to be able to handle some face stuff with poor Cha.
personally, of those 3 i'd take travel. though honestly i like gorum or ragathiel for destruction[rage]...
Aurelio Queiroz |
I came up with na idea... change my first feat to keen scent and take my second level as Cleric to get Travel and Spellkiller inquisition.
If I understood right, scent is unbelievably Strong (much more than grudge fighter!!!)
But do you think a cleric level worths just to get some lv1 spells (some nice like cure light, protection from evil etc) and spellkiller inquisition?