Aurelio Queiroz's page

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Thanks guys! I believe this answer it! No cleric lvs for my inquisitor!

No... totally fighty!!! :)

I was planning to have travel and spellkiller inquisition to pop right beside spell casters...

Hello all! I'm building an Inquisitor for the first time from lv 1. And I have a build question: A single cleric level worths for the second domain power (i.e spellkiller Inquisition)?

Just for you to know, I'm building a half-orc melee inquisitor with keen scent as lv 1 feat.

Thanks for the help!

I came up with na idea... change my first feat to keen scent and take my second level as Cleric to get Travel and Spellkiller inquisition.

If I understood right, scent is unbelievably Strong (much more than grudge fighter!!!)

But do you think a cleric level worths just to get some lv1 spells (some nice like cure light, protection from evil etc) and spellkiller inquisition?



Thanks for the advices guys. Fruian, last question... when would you get Big Game Hunter? Lv 5 instead of Furious Fucus?


You're right... Any suggestion to replace it? Maybe Armor expert?


In fact, I think I cannot get weapon focus at lv 1 because of +1BAB prereq ... But was between Grudge Fighter and Judgment Surge.

Hi all!

It's my first post and I just started playing. We're starting RoRL at level 1 and I plan to play with a half-orc inquisitor of Desna.

25 point buy:

Str: 18(16+2)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 7

Half-orc racial: Sacred Tattoo and Shamans Apprentice

Traits: Defender of Society(+1AC) - Combat
Fate's Favored - Faith
Finish the Fight - Racial (orc)

Drawback: Pride

Domain: I'm between Spellkiller and Travel (Thinking if sometime a cleric level will be nice to have both domains...)

Feats: lv1 - Grudge Fighter (orc)

The progression I'm thinking:

Lv 3 - Power Attack and Horde Charge (teamwork - orc)
Lv 5 - Furious Focus
Lv 6 - Precise Strike (teamwork)
Lv 7 - Cornugon Smash
Lv 9 - Instant Judgment and Outflank (teamwork)

Main weapon: Falchion.

What do you think? Is it ok?