RMcD |
Hello everyone.
I would like some help in building an Aasimar Sorceror Dragon Disciple.
I rolled 17, 17, 16, 15, 14, 12.
I mainly wanted to be able to fight in Melee with my claws early on but I don't see that being too possible. Also not sure what other bloodline is best to take.
The idea is that I am descended from Angels and Dragons and have come to purge the evil. The bloodline I took was Gold to fit with that.
A general guide in what traits, feats and classes to take at each level would be great.
Thanks for the help it's my first time experimenting with prestige classes so very new to it.
Fruian Thistlefoot |
I would do your points like this:
Str: 17, Dex: 15 Con: 16 Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 17
Your going to want to take extra HP first few levels. You can fight in combat with your claws it is just a dangerous Route to go. Early levels things will hurt. But once you get your first few levels of dragon disciple then your going to be putting the hurt down on People.
I personally recommend Using a 2 handed weapon and the Bite attack tho. Mixed with your breath weapon and spells you would be a mighty foe indeed.
Add spell storing to your weapon and deliver brutal touch spells while attacking. After a while you will then be Polymorphing into a dragon and fighting that way.
As for spells use Buff spells and the occasional Debuff. Enervation is a great spell. No Save so casting stat is low doesn't matter. Make sure the Debuffs have No saves or Partial Effects if the save is passed.
Your going to want to stay out of combat for the beginning of your career. Acting like any normal sorcerer. Once you have a respectable magical AC and mitigation then you can go in. D6 HD is hard to overcome till your a Dragon disciple and getting D12s.
Chillsabre |
If you want to be a dragon disciple, the best bet is going draconic bloodline. The dragon disciple prestige class stipulates the following :
"Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation. If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the draconic bloodline. If the character gains levels of sorcerer after taking this class, he must take the draconic bloodline"
This leaves little choice when it comes to a sorcerer's bloodline.
The other nice build that would fit in the same line of idea is an Aasimar Oracle with the Purifier racial archetype.
You get spells like you would with sorcerer, you are less vulnerable at early levels and can wear heavy armor.
Since you will have a high charisma as part of your stats since it governs your casting, you can invest in UMD as a skill and benefit from emulating the Wizard/Sorcerer spells for Dragon Form/Polymorphs.
The purifier allows you to take control of good outsiders as well although you may want to be careful with this one as to not step on the wrong person's toes.
RMcD |
Thanks for the help, the purifier sounds nice too, but I definitely like the idea of a Dragon-bred warrior some more.
Your going to want to stay out of combat for the beginning of your career. Acting like any normal sorcerer."
Is there any crossblooded bloodline that could enable me to tank some more earlier on, or is the loss of spells too harsh?
Also, is the
Sorc 5
DD 10
Sorc 5
way to build? Even assuming I get there I noticed that some people don't like going DD10.
As always thanks a lot for the replies
Chillsabre |
Thanks for the help, the purifier sounds nice too, but I definitely like the idea of a Dragon-bred warrior some more.
Your going to want to stay out of combat for the beginning of your career. Acting like any normal sorcerer."Is there any crossblooded bloodline that could enable me to tank some more earlier on, or is the loss of spells too harsh?
Also, is the
Sorc 5
DD 10
Sorc 5way to build? Even assuming I get there I noticed that some people don't like going DD10.
As always thanks a lot for the replies
Crossblooded is an archetype and not normally allowed as the DD requires a Bloodline which a crossblooded isn't as is a Wildblooded one unless your GM allows it.
Personally, I think you gain little by going over lvl 8 in DD as a sorcerer as it makes you lose another caster level for little in return (wings, a bigger dragon form and blidsight) since most of these can be achieved as well or better with simple spells (Overland flight/fly, echolocation, Greater Polymorph/Form of the Dragon X).
Chillsabre |
Although it costs you another caster level, the Evangelist lets you advance your sorceror class abilities (including bloodline) with 3/4 BAB, so it's not a bad choice.
I always found the Evangelist a little cheesy as you gain all but lose none in return a little like the chigong monk. That being said, it is a good choice if it is allowed as it does help you progress in sorcerer and allows you to gain abilities as long as you spend a feat and follow a certain deity.
Corlindale |
You can actually fight in melee fairly well even at early levels with a draconic sorceror as long as you have good strength. Two attacks per round is very helpful and if you get both Mage Armor and Shield your AC can be respectable too. Your low BAB will also make the least difference early on, though it will become more painful later.
Your main concern at level 1 is HP, but even then you can get a decent amount if you invest a bit. My DD had 12 hp at first level (6+2 Con + 3 toughness + 1 favored class bonus), which is pretty decent. Since you can afford 16 Con with your excellent stat array you might not even need toughness that much.
You don't necessarily need to seek out melee combat, but if something closes in on you anyway you might as well grow claws and try to rip them apart instead of just screaming like a baby the way a normal caster would.
A longspear is a useful weapon for early levels since its reach helps you stay alive while you're squishy. It also works very well with claws since you can just drop the spear and grow your claws if something gets so close that you can't use the spear.
As for your general career I would also advise you never to take more than 8 levels in DD, as it's simply not worth the loss of a third caster level. Many would probably advise you to mix up your levels with some melee classes, but I personally think Sorceror 12/DD 8 can be quite potent as well. Your BAB will not be great, but between DD bonuses and Polymorph spells you'll hopefully have a ridiculously good strength score to compensate for this.
Corlindale |
About traits and feats:
Magical Knack is an amazing trait for most DD builds, since it exactly compensates for the lost caster levels from taking the first 8 levels of DD (you still lose spell progression, of course, but it's nice to keep CL current). The importance of a high CL does depend on which spells you intend to use, but if you take advantage of your arcana and use some blasting spells it will be a godsend.
Arcane Strike can be a decent feat if you have swift actions to spare. The bonus is relatively small but it can add up quite a bit as you get more and more attacks per round (initially from claws+bite, later on from Polymorph spells. The dragon forms in particular get an obscene number of attacks per round).
Extend Spell can be useful throughout your career (you'll be very reliant on buff spells when you fight) and Quicken spell will be a must at very high level if you have a casting-heavy build. Handily the latter is an option when you select draconic bonus feats.
Speaking of the bonus feats, Blind-Fight might also be worth it since it synergizes very well with the blindsense you gain from DD. I plan to take it with my own DD at the exact level I gain blindsense, since you get a bonus feat there as well.
RMcD |
Thanks a whole bunch for the info Corlindale.
The reach weapon sounds like a good idea, no reason to go claw until I have to.
Your BAB will not be great, but between DD bonuses and Polymorph spells you'll hopefully have a ridiculously good strength score to compensate for this.
I did notice that if you took crossblooded Draconic and Orc you could get the crazy strength buffs instead of the Bloodline Powers that basically replicate the ones you get from DD. Of course the Orc bloodline is a little hard to wheel in with backstory (Oh yeah I am a Scion of Humanity with Orc, Angel and Dragon blood!), but what do I know if my ancestors happened to get around a lot. There is a bit of an overlap in that both the Orc and Dragon Bloodline Power if I went gold would give immunity to fire. But as far as I'm aware there are a lot more options for good fire spells for that +1 to damage dice rolls if I'm ever blasting.
Fire works well for purging the evil, but demons are associated with the flame too so I could always go Silver to act as a counter to that.
Also I don't know how it would work, but one of the Orc things lets you go large, I assume if you polymorph as a large creature you don't get to go one step bigger?
For Racial Traits
I'm also curious as to whether swapping out the Darkvision as I get it from Orc if I go down the crossblooded route and have barely any spells, apart from the g&$#*&n thematic awesomeness of having a Halo.
Skilled or Truespeaker, seems could go either way, thematically both Knowledge (Planes) for the evil, and Sense Motive (finding the evil doers) works. Though then I'd probably have to take a trait to make them class skills if I wanted that.
Chillsabre |
Crossblooded does not equal a sorcerer bloodline, its an archetype. Unless your GM accepts it, that does not work. This was debated several times and JJ from Paizo stipulated that crossblooded and wildblooded cannot be mixed and do not count as bloodlines nor can they benefit from feats for sorcerer bloodlines or the robe to boost bloodlines.