Arithmancy Focused Arcane School

Homebrew and House Rules

Posted this previously, but I'm hoping it may get a little more feedback with its own thread.

I'm playing an arithmancer, or what the common folk call a "mathemagician". In short, the character has discovered the "rules" that govern his world. With an abacus and a bag of seven magic dice, the arithmancer bends these rules to suit his ends.

While exploring the concept, I concluded that it would be weird to play a wizard who's all about math without acknowledging the math of the game itself. Hence the "Numerical Sight" power. Mathematical Mist was taken from the Crystalline Dust Form ability Axiomites possess:


Associated School: Transmutation.

Replacement Powers: The following school powers replace the telekinetic fist and change shape powers of the transmutation school.

Numerical Sight (Su)
You recognize the math inherent in all things, enabling you to see them as they truly are: a combination of numbers, symbols, and equations. As a standard action you can gaze at a creature, object, or 5-ft. area within 30 feet and attempt a Knowledge (mathematics) check to determine the absolute value of a single number related to the target. For example, you could determine an enemy’s hit points, the Disable Device DC of a trap, or the hardness of a wall. The DC of this check is equal to 10 plus the target’s CR (if it has one). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Mathematical Mist (Su)
At 8th level, as a free action, you can transform your body into a golden crystalline cloud resembling a shifting mass of glowing mathematical symbols and equations. In this form you can fly (30 ft. good maneuverability) and gain the incorporeal quality. You can use spells and spell-like abilities but cannot make physical attacks. This transformation lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

I'd make mathematical mist a swift action. Also an arithmancer should be bothered that almost all probability in his/her world comes in increments of 5%...

Thanks, Bardarok! Making Mathematical Mist a swift action is a definite improvement.

Does anyone have feedback on Numerical Sight? It was originally written as a cantrip, but I changed it to a school power to limit its use.

Why transmutation school?

Sights not bad, I can see how it's useful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Divination, or create a new school. I can see Mirror Image as being additive, as there are apparently more of you. Simulacrum, clone, and Disintegrate on the minus side.

Grand Lodge

IS this a actual archetype? or something Similiar to Cadderly Bonaduce from Forgotten realms? I know he was a cleric but his domains and entire spell casting was mathematics based.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

For numerical sight, make it a Knowledge (engineering) check. Magical math, like the kind performed using the Sacred Geometry feat (from Occult Mysteries), is typically resolved using Knowledge (engineering). (Plus, that skill already exists in Core!)

I absolutely love that first ability, but the second one doesn't speak to me as much. I like Goth Guru's mention of mirror image, maybe there's something you can do with that?

Really flavorful stuff you've got here. Nice work!

To me it feels more like a divination thing than transmutation.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd agree with the idea of it being a divination sub-school.

That said this is totally MATHEMATICAL!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I almost want to create one and name him Adric. I'd need to stat up an item called the Badge for Mathematical Excellence first.

Then I'd put him on a doomed barge heading for pre-Absalom Kortos and blow him up.

I think this concept would best fit its own School. Not to mention, either its own archetype or prestige class so it can piggy-back on the Wizard chassy.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I think divination works better as the entire school is about using magic to obtain and process information. Divination also deserves more love, and there's not enough material and design space to justify creating an entirely new school, which would require making many many spells. I'm also pretty sure the Pharaoh of Numbers was a diviner.

I also agree that the check should involve Knowledge (engineering) as existing material, like the Mathematical Prodigy trait, groups math into this knowledge.

I am currently playing a level 10 diviner who have + 25 on profession ( engineer) he would have loved to be this School instead of (forsigth)
But i think there need some text explaining the level 1 power better since the current discription is all metagamey.

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