untyped bonuses from equipment?

Rules Questions

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Are "untyped" bonuses gained from equipment really untyped and stackable? or are they just considered a certain equipment bonus unless otherwise specified?

Specifically looking at the "brawling" quality for magic armor giving a +2 to grappling and the gauntlets of skilled maneuver for another +2 to grappling checks. There are no typed bonuses listed in their description.

Seems pretty op if they stack, so thought I'd check first

I have had a look at other deliberations of this questions and looked into the rule book. I have come to this conclusion:

Untyped bonuses, as long as they don't originate from the same ability, spell, etc., they do stack.

That's my opinion anyway. Hope this helps.

Warboss666 has it right. Brawling giving a +2 to Grapple maneuvers and the Gauntlets of Skilled Maneuvering giving a +2 to Grapple maneuvers would stack.

And to be honest, there aren't that many untyped item bonuses. Those are the only kind I've ever seen from items that grant untyped bonuses. Those that do stack are hardly overpowered.

Especially considering that the Grapple Maneuver, although a nice debilitating effect, is also easy to counter by the later levels. (Hai dere Freedom of Movement.)

Generally speaking, items are limited by equipment slots and not by bonus types. You can see this with stuff like ring of protection and amulet of natural armor, which explicitly stack due to having different types; the price of doing so is that they take up your valuable neck and ring slots.

Grand Lodge

Untyped bonuses are rare.

They most certainly stack though.

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