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Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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You need help, son. I hear there's medication for that, now.

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There is a feat for that is what she wrote.
1337speak proficiency and it is not free.

Throw anything makes your ranged weapons free. Be it a chair, a desk, a statue...

Who need's feats? I've got magic! :D

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Tacticslion wrote:
Who need's feats? I've got magic! :D

<0|\/||>/23|-|3|\||) |_4|\|9|_|4935 |5 4 /=|_||\| 5|>3|_|_.

Right up there with Prestidigitation, Reincarnation, and Create Food and Water that would absolutely rock everything in the world.

(Cure Light Wounds, Keep Watch, Scholar's Touch*, Unseen Servant, and Endure Elements all also make honorable mention, among many, many others.)

* I'm compelled by law to wonder: what would happen with Scholar's Touch and a computer? Or: Scholar's Touch and the Internet?

... aaaaaaaaaaaaand we're pretty off-topic at present...

EDIT: Speaking of spells and free stuff *BAM! Back on topic, baby!*, if you go by "rock costs money" (I'm still trying to find it, but, meh) the mighty fist of earth spell is really quite amazing.

Fourth level qinggong monk can get it; it's an, instantaneous effect, it's a conjuration (creation) [earth] effect, and first level.

Heck, who needs a quarry?
One at-will this-trap.
One at-will summon monster trap.
Place a heavy piece of wood on each of them, to cause them to repeatedly activate at each other.
Rake in the dough... er... rocks.

Use fabricate every once in a while and you're really good to go for building everything.

If you're worried (justifiably, I might add) about the morality of repeatedly and endlessly summoning creatures just to beat them down with fists of rock, you could always make shadow conjuration instead. A bit more expensive start-up, but worth it for good sleeping at night, I think. :)

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I once ran a 3.x game that was set in the modern world, using a mixture of D20 Modern and D&D. The campaign, simply entitled "Magic World", was our world after the border between it and a nearby plane, which had been weak in places throughout history, finally collapsed. The result was the world was thrown into disorder and chaos for a few decades or so as things like dragons, wizards, and so forth became part of the the universe.

It was definitely fun playing around with mergers between magic and technology. For example, the Paladin's divine warhorse bond was replaced with a celestial racing motercycle (at his request) and one of the party's mages (a wizard/cleric) rode around on a moped scooter, while one of the party's wizards preferred the more traditional phantom steed which he felt was even more awesome as he could give chase to badguys driving in cars and such on a phantom-horse that galloped through NYC.

We used an alternative magic system which I cooked up for the campaign which used Spellcraft + your key ability modifier (rather than Int) to cast spells. You could cast your spells indefinitely and at-will, but the DC scaled in such a way as to dissuade throwing around high level spells haphazardly (as a result, even through early teens, 0-3rd level spells were the norm). Failing your spell resulted in losing control over the magic energies and suffering a mishap of some sort (generally you just melted your face).

The party worked as a sort of task force that was assembled to help the world deal with the change, since the laws set in place in society had never been written to deal with things like magic. So they did things like investigating crimes suspected of having magical or monstrous influences, which led to them dealing with a group of vampires and then later a mind flayer.

One thing that stands out in memory as my favorite part was actually a narrative one that didn't show up in play. In one of the handouts I gave to the PCs, it mentioned that dragons quickly learned of black gold and a very powerful blue dragon, with a sizeable force of kobold commandos who quickly learned and adapted modern technology to their uses took over much of the middle east and rule it with an iron fist.

Liberty's Edge

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You should've called it Semitautomagic, by Butcher!

Grand Lodge

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Is ILU short for "I Love Underpants"?

I know I do! :D
EDIT: Black ones!
EDIT 2: Silky and soft!
EDIT 3: Sadly, those aren't free, though.

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