PFS PDF chronicles

Pathfinder Society

Hey all, had an issue and needed some advice.

I recently purchased a tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note) for use with my PFS games. I play mostly online so figured it would be the easiest way to view my chronicles and other pdfs for the game adn had hoped there was a way to fill out the chronicles.

Unfortunately the programs installed, don't do a very good job. I have a pdf viewer but it only allows annotations for edits, and that just doesn't seem to work very well.

So does anyone have any suggestions for apps (i'd prefer free, but if it does everything I want I'd buy it too) for viewing and editing pdfs that I receive? Or what do you guys do for the online games and filling out your chronicles?

Thanks for any advice I can get.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Greetings Tobias,

I've got a Note 10.1. I just figured out that you can import a PDF into the S-Note app, which then you can use your pen to fill out stuff on it, such as the bottom of the chronicle sheets. You can then export that single page so you can print it.

Hopefully that helps.

Actually, when I was looking at the note, the S-Note App was what I was hoping to use for my chronicles. but when I've been playing iwth it, i can't seem to figure out how to get the pdf's into it.

how did you get the app to open the pdf?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Use Foxit PDF Editor or Nitro PDF on your computer.

Both will let you add text (not just annotations) to PDFs.


I was about to recommend Goodreader, but just googled it, and found out that it doesn't exist as an Android App.

There seems to be some altenative suggestions in this thread: os-goodreader.html

Grand Lodge 3/5

Tobias, up in the top right corner, click the 3 lines with the arrow: select import, select PDF file and then the file you want to import. If you're doing a scenario, it will take a few minutes to import.

I just did a character sheet and it works out pretty good.

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