Evangelist Spells Per Day

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

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In the book Inner Sea Gods, the prestige class "Evangelist" gains the Aligned Class feature. This lets the character continue to receive the class features of a single, previous class at their Evangelist level, minus one. Does this ability then count as gaining Spells Per Day/Spells Known in the Evangelist's aligned class if the class gains spells as a class feature? If yes, does this increase the caster level of an existing spell casting class? For example, a Magus 6, Evangelist of Nethys 2 would have access to third level arcane spells?

To the best of my understanding, yes. Spells are a class feature and follow the normal progression for the Evangelist class.

A Magus 6 / Evangelist 2 would be treated as a 7th level Magus as far as spells, class features and so on are concerned. The exception would be his hit die, his skills, his base attack bonus and his saves, which follow the progression outlined in the Evangelist chart.

Grand Lodge

Thank you. I wanted to get that cleared up before I started using it in society play.

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