Primalist and their class features

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

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Primal Magic (Su)

At 1st level, a primalist may attempt to channel primal magic as a swift action to cast a prepared spell without losing that spell from its spell slot. Essentially, a primalist is forcing primal magic into the world and attempting to shape it into a specific spell effect. To use this ability, she casts the spell as she would normally, but as the spell’s effects take place, she makes a concentration check (DC 20 + double the spell’s level). If she fails this check, she expends the spell normally as if she had cast it, but its actual effects are replaced by a primal magic event with a CR equal to her caster level and she is staggered for 1 round per level of the spell she was attempting to cast. If she makes this check, she casts the spell normally and it is not expended from her prepared spell slot, allowing her to cast that spell again at a later point.

Enhance Primal Magic Event (Su)
At 5th level, when a primalist triggers a primal magic event, as a swift action she can increase or decrease its CR by 1. If she makes a concentration check (DC = 15 + the primal magic event’s CR), she can instead increase or decrease the CR by 2. If she reduces a primal magic event’s CR to less than 1, the event is negated. She can choose to use this ability after she determines what primal magic event she triggers, but before she resolves the effects of that event.

By my count that is 2 swift actions (which cannot be bought with larger actions I thought) and a standard in one turn. Am I missing something?

Grand Lodge

Nope. That's the RAW. Don't know how that made it past any design edits and playtests they did with the archetype though.

I have a player interested in playing a Primalist wizard, so I just found this issue today. He's already considering getting rid of the archetype because of the poor design shown.

The second ability isn't used with the first. It's for when you trigger a primal magic event without using the first power.

Is it useful? Not unless you're in an area where you expect to get lots of primal surges.

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