The Waking Rune on Hard Mode - Wish Us Luck!

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

I played a skill-based inquisitor who, after hearing about Haruka's conjurers, concentrated on making the party prepared for the most iconic spells of that school. I don't intend to hog any glory or somesuch, but I reckon it was that prep which ultimately saved the day.

Which is why I won't spoil said prep in a prep-themed thread.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Still very bitter about being on the bad end of this scenario. Tpk in first encounter.

Should have only played this with veterans, not just whoever showed...

Still the worst gaming experience since I started gaming in '82

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I don't know how anyone can survive hard mode we did 13k worth of prep and spent 12k on deva and got killed in the first room.

our experience:
surprise round she used limited wish to cast similacrum to create a magic bane bandersnatch which pounced us at the portal and insta gibbed a wizard and now our group lost all magical items and cant cast... all in its threatened area and the beast has 34 ac. So our other wizard and our hex/scar healing witch, enchanter witch, mystic thurge that were still up were worthless. Our ranger and paladin lost all buffs and everything but ex.... 15 rounds of struggling we finally escaped

It felt like a no win sencario from the start and

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Velsa-IronRage wrote:

I don't know how anyone can survive hard mode we did 13k worth of prep and spent 12k on deva and got killed in the first room.

** spoiler omitted **

It felt like a no win sencario from the start and

Ehm, that's a really dirty way of using the summoner spell list for it's lower level spell access. I was under the impression that kind of stuff was not allowed, but that may be just for wands/potions.

Simulacrum can only be cast through Limited Wish by using it as the 5th level summoner spell, as otherwise it's a 7th level sorcerer/wizard spell which cannot be duplicated by a limited wish

Also, was there an ice scuplture and 10.000 gp worth of powdered rubies present? Because The material components still have to be provided for according to the Limited Wish wording

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Damanta wrote:
Velsa-IronRage wrote:

I don't know how anyone can survive hard mode we did 13k worth of prep and spent 12k on deva and got killed in the first room.

** spoiler omitted **

It felt like a no win sencario from the start and

Ehm, that's a really dirty way of using the summoner spell list for it's lower level spell access. I was under the impression that kind of stuff was not allowed, but that may be just for wands/potions.

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Answer to the edit

According to our GM it is a spell like ability no component is required


My wife was the ranger and is taking a break from pathfinder because of this game. She lost everything on her favorite character in a way there was no way to win. We also waited 9 months for our group because we wanted hard mode before eyes of the ten. Guess what we are not doing.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

Yet another gm not using the tactics provided and/or the spelss/spell like abilities properly.
So many done wtong in this scenario.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

joe kirner wrote:

Yet another gm not using the tactics provided and/or the spelss/spell like abilities properly.

So many done wtong in this scenario.

To be fair the text in the adventure says to use the rest of her spells to the best of her ability which this does do.



It is just something that is extremely powerful that I feel without a group of 3 raging barbarian we lose... and even then they all get planeshift'd after the bandersnatch dies

Dark Archive 5/5 *

Velsa-IronRage wrote:
joe kirner wrote:

Yet another gm not using the tactics provided and/or the spelss/spell like abilities properly.

So many done wtong in this scenario.

To be fair the text in the adventure says to use the rest of her spells to the best of her ability which this does do.

Also ** spoiler omitted **

if she feels like she is hidden and aware of intruders she uses a certain sla first. Which i say would be the surprise rd.

Also simulacrum is lvl 7 as Damanta pointed out already which cant be used with the other spell as lvl 6 spell is max you can duplicate. Which is main problem.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

It is lvl 5 on summoner list

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Joe, it's possible by using the summoner spell list instead.

dirty use of spell lists:
Simulacrum is a 5th level Summoner and 7th level wizard/sorcerer. By using the Limited wish option: Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell does not belong to one of your opposition schools, you can cast Simulacrum as the 5th level Summoner version.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

If spell component over 1000 gp needed for spell it duplicates then it has to be provided as per damantas post. Also a save is allowed vs 7th lvl spell.
creature will have half its lvls, abilities etc as outlined in the spell.
Just another dm used by the gm .


I'm about 90% sure she can't do that because she's never seen one of those according to the adventure (Trapped inside for centuries) and you must be familiar with the monster. She could however do something else nasty with that.

That's in addition to the material component thing.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

joe kirner wrote:

If spell component over 1000 gp needed for spell it duplicates then it has to be provided as per damantas post. Also a save is allowed vs 7th lvl spell.

creature will have half its lvls, abilities etc as outlined in the spell.
Just another dm used by the gm .

I double checked with a GM friend of mine to make sure I was right on this but since it is a spell like ability the Spell component isn't required like a efreeti's wish. Also:

I am not saying I agree with the tactic it basically made the fight a CR 20 fight considering the 40 by 40 room where the only place to stand to not be in the Anti-magic field is on the stairs where she is standing. because it is a 20x20 sized creature emminating a 20ft radius Anti-magic field. The fact that even reduced it has +16 to hit, no one has any magical protection (so you are talking if you are a dex fighter with a mithril bp, started with 20 dex and then put two points into and had a tower shield you are ac 26... except you can't have a reach weapon and you will die to being 15 feet away and you can't get to it and it has 5 attacks with a 50% chance to hit you), your hit points are reduced (con belt/stone gone/buffs gone) and has 5 attacks averaging 20 damage = dead caster every round. probably dead fighter above in 2 rounds. Then you have to take into effect that she can move to the hallway and wish for something else.


it is obviously a no win fight unless you know what you are going into fight. Even then you have a 2% chance of winning. So if I didn't know this GM I would assume the GM hates their players and want them to quit. I will admit that even I am thinking of taking a break because the no win scenario made the 6 hours 2 of it prep the rest getting mauled with no solution possible was disheartening and frustrating. I feel that if my players feel that way after a game then I failed as a GM.


Velsa-IronRage wrote:
joe kirner wrote:

If spell component over 1000 gp needed for spell it duplicates then it has to be provided as per damantas post. Also a save is allowed vs 7th lvl spell.

creature will have half its lvls, abilities etc as outlined in the spell.
Just another dm used by the gm .

I double checked with a GM friend of mine to make sure I was right on this but since it is a spell like ability the Spell component isn't required like a efreeti's wish. Also:

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He's wrong. It's a cost of the spell not a material component. A summoner still has to pay the bargain price for his gate SLA and the creature still has to pay the cost of the simulacrum. The ONLY part they ignore is the listed material component cost.

He's wrong and cannot do what he did.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Undone wrote:

I'm about 90% sure she can't do that because she's never seen one of those according to the adventure (Trapped inside for centuries) and you must be familiar with the monster. She could however do something else nasty with that.

That's in addition to the material component thing.


Bandersnatches were once native to the primal world of the fey, where they preyed on the greatest hunters of that ancient realm. As with other legendary creatures from this realm, such as the jabberwock, bandersnatches belong to a group of creatures known collectively as the "Tane." Whether the fey were careless in guarding their portals or released the first bandersnatches into Material Plane deliberately cannot be said with certainty. Rare in the extreme on the Material Plane, bandersnatches lair within forgotten forests where ancient beasts walk the world. Bandersnatches mate only rarely. A female becomes fertile perhaps once or twice per century, leaving the male soon after mating and giving birth to only one or two kittens per litter. The mother brings meat to her ravenous young, which mature into lesser bandersnatches within a year. Bandersnatches live for a thousand years or longer.

So they were around before she was trapped. she could know of them.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Undone wrote:
Velsa-IronRage wrote:
joe kirner wrote:

If spell component over 1000 gp needed for spell it duplicates then it has to be provided as per damantas post. Also a save is allowed vs 7th lvl spell.

creature will have half its lvls, abilities etc as outlined in the spell.
Just another dm used by the gm .

I double checked with a GM friend of mine to make sure I was right on this but since it is a spell like ability the Spell component isn't required like a efreeti's wish. Also:

** spoiler omitted **


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He's wrong. It's a cost of the spell not a material component. A summoner still has to pay the bargain price for his gate SLA and the creature still has to pay the cost of the simulacrum. The ONLY part they ignore is the listed material component cost.

He's wrong and cannot do what he did.

Can you link the rules for that so I can show it to them. They are running again tonight for another group and I don't want them to suffer the same fate if possible.


Core Rulebook, Spell-Like Abilities (p.221): A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus.
A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal, but the save DC is for a 7th-level spell. When a limited wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 1,000 gp, you must provide that component (in addition to the 1,500 gp diamond component for this spell).

Limited wish cannot duplicate spell like abilities.

Spells require material components.

Spell like abilities do not require material components.

Using limited wish does not negate the copied spells components.

See your local VO because you shouldn't have died to that.

EDIT: Also

Bandersnatches were once native to the primal world of the fey, where they preyed on the greatest hunters of that ancient realm. As with other legendary creatures from this realm, such as the jabberwock, bandersnatches belong to a group of creatures known collectively as the "Tane." Whether the fey were careless in guarding their portals or released the first bandersnatches into Material Plane deliberately cannot be said with certainty. Rare in the extreme on the Material Plane, bandersnatches lair within forgotten forests where ancient beasts walk the world. Bandersnatches mate only rarely. A female becomes fertile perhaps once or twice per century, leaving the male soon after mating and giving birth to only one or two kittens per litter. The mother brings meat to her ravenous young, which mature into lesser bandersnatches within a year. Bandersnatches live for a thousand years or longer.
So they were around before she was trapped. she could know of them.

It's extremely unlikely she ever encountered one and the knowledge check should be at least 20+ HD if not 25+ HD. It's also not clear you can copy templates which should be even rarer.


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All scenarios are to be run as written. If they intended to have a simulacrum in the first encounter it would have been there. It is a 12 hour cast time.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

David_Bross wrote:
All scenarios are to be run as written. If they intended to have a simulacrum in the first encounter it would have been there. It is a 12 hour cast time.

Doesn't it also make a summon monster VI a standard action? And planar Ally is 10 mins and it makes it a standard as well. The text from the encounter says she uses her spells to her best ability. If this isn't the best ability I don't know what is.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Velsa-IronRage wrote:
It is lvl 5 on summoner list

When spells are on multiple lists, if you're not one of those classes who actually owns the lower level list, you have to use the higher one. If you're emulating spells you use the wizard/cleric list before all others. unless the spell you're using is not found on those two lists.

Hard mode is supposed to be tough, but your DM was running it like the worst of the munchkin posters seen on this board, using one of the most munchkin spells in the game.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, simulacrum is banned from PFS play. The DM is suppsoed to use her abilities to the best of her ability, but that does not mean going beyond what is intended to be used.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

LazarX wrote:
Velsa-IronRage wrote:
It is lvl 5 on summoner list

When spells are on multiple lists, if you're not one of those classes who actually owns the lower level list, you have to use the higher one. If you're emulating spells you use the wizard/cleric list before all others. unless the spell you're using is not found on those two lists.

Hard mode is supposed to be tough, but your DM was running it like the worst of the munchkin posters seen on this board, using one of the most munchkin spells in the game.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, simulacrum is banned from PFS play. The DM is suppsoed to use her abilities to the best of her ability, but that does not mean going beyond what is intended to be used.

I was told that that doesn't apply to monsters (IE if it is banned in pfs doesn't mean that you can't fight it) Also Limited wish does say any lvl 5 spell on a non-wizard/sorcerer list. My understanding from the other GM's I have talked to about it is that since it is on that list and that is what she is using limited wish for it is allowed.

also I would never use this tactic personally because I feel it is over the top even on hard mode. This is a Bonekeep 3 tactics in a regular PFS adventure


LazarX wrote:
When spells are on multiple lists, if you're not one of those classes who actually owns the lower level list, you have to use the higher one. If you're emulating spells you use the wizard/cleric list before all others. unless the spell you're using is not found on those two lists.

This is true.

LazarX wrote:
Hard mode is supposed to be tough, but your DM was running it like the worst of the munchkin posters seen on this board, using one of the most munchkin spells in the game.

This is also true

LazarX wrote:
Also, if I'm not mistaken, simulacrum is banned from PFS play. The DM is suppsoed to use her abilities to the best of her ability, but that does not mean going beyond what is intended to be used.

This is not true. It's a major part of a particular season 4 adventure. While it's true the best of his abilities are supposed to be used in tactics that doesn't license you to break the rules.

Doesn't it also make a summon monster VI a standard action? And planar Ally is 10 mins and it makes it a standard as well. The text from the encounter says she uses her spells to her best ability. If this isn't the best ability I don't know what is.

Unclear, it's the most favorable interpretation of the spell though.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

joe kirner wrote:

Also a save is allowed vs 7th lvl spell.

creature will have half its lvls, abilities etc as outlined in the spell.

The spell has no saving throw, nor does it have SR, it's treated effectively like a golem. The creature was stated out to be half of the original as per the spell.

Undone wrote:
It's extremely unlikely she ever encountered one and the knowledge check should be at least 20+ HD if not 25+ HD. It's also not clear you can copy templates which should be even rarer.

"For particularly rare monsters, such as the tarrasque, the DC of this check equals 15 + the monster’s CR or more."

The "or more" is GM discretion and the tarrasque is literally unique creature. The Spellbane Bandersnatch is a variant, not a template.

LazarX wrote:
When spells are on multiple lists, if you're not one of those classes who actually owns the lower level list, you have to use the higher one. If you're emulating spells you use the wizard/cleric list before all others. unless the spell you're using is not found on those two lists.

This is for players in regards to wands, scrolls, and potions. The spell limited wish specifically calls out “Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell does not belong to one of your opposition schools.”

David_Bross wrote:
All scenarios are to be run as written. If they intended to have a simulacrum in the first encounter it would have been there. It is a 12 hour cast time.

Limited wish is a standard action, it only duplicates the effects of a spell, not the casting time. She has limited wish and it is in her stat block to use her spells to the best of her ability. Therefore, it was run as written.

For a little more backround, the GM in question actually opened up with the disclaimer from Bonekeep 3. Two venture officers were present at the table and the tactic used was something one of the venture officers came up with.


Limited wish is a standard action, it only duplicates the effects of a spell, not the casting time. She has limited wish and it is in her stat block to use her spells to the best of her ability. Therefore, it was run as written.

This is an extremely generous and not necessarily RAW interpretation of limited wish.

Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell does not belong to one of your opposition schools.

Limited wish Duplicates and casts the spell.

It does not bypass the casting time.
If the casting time is less than a round it finishes in the same round because the spell effectively cast it. The simulacrum finishes 12 hours later per RAW. It does not copy merely the effects of the spell it duplicates the spell starting from the first line in the text to the last. As I said that interpertation is extremely generous.

For a little more backround, the GM in question actually opened up with the disclaimer from Bonekeep 3. Two venture officers were present at the table and the tactic used was something one of the venture officers came up with.

Everyone makes mistakes. Some devs even thought monks could only flurry while using two or more weapons. Not to name names.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

Undone wrote:

Everyone makes mistakes. Some devs even thought monks could only flurry while using two or more weapons. Not to name names.

"A limited wish lets you create nearly any type of effect. For example, a limited wish can do any of the following things. "

You are duplicating the effect of the spell, not the spell.


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I'd also like to point out that he cannot duplicate simulacrum because it is not a non-wizard spell of that level. Being on another spell list does not make it a non-wizard spell.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

Undone wrote:
I'd also like to point out that he cannot duplicate simulacrum because it is not a non-wizard spell of that level. Being on another spell list does not make it a non-wizard spell.

Now you're arguing semantics, you can request a FAQ if you'd like clarification. My point is the boards judges can argue this to death. Refer to your local VO's for their resolution to this situation, in this case it's pretty obvious.

Sovereign Court 2/5

LazarX wrote:
Velsa-IronRage wrote:
It is lvl 5 on summoner list

When spells are on multiple lists, if you're not one of those classes who actually owns the lower level list, you have to use the higher one. If you're emulating spells you use the wizard/cleric list before all others. unless the spell you're using is not found on those two lists.

Hard mode is supposed to be tough, but your DM was running it like the worst of the munchkin posters seen on this board, using one of the most munchkin spells in the game.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, simulacrum is banned from PFS play. The DM is suppsoed to use her abilities to the best of her ability, but that does not mean going beyond what is intended to be used.

Man, here I thought the cloak of dreams limited wish was strong.

I mean, as far as I can tell, the tactic is legit per RAW, but man is it a low blow even for hard mode.

What was planned for Krune?


Undone wrote:
I'd also like to point out that he cannot duplicate simulacrum because it is not a non-wizard spell of that level. Being on another spell list does not make it a non-wizard spell.

Good point, the GM made a mistake. It happens. This is kind of the problem with having spell lists that list spells at lower levels than other spell lists.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

Acedio wrote:
What was planned for Krune?

I wasn't the GM, but man... it was really really bad.


Now you're arguing semantics, you can request a FAQ if you'd like clarification. My point is the boards judges can argue this to death. Refer to your local VO's for their resolution to this situation, in this case it's pretty obvious.

Saying I'm arguing semantics when it's wizard spell list vs not on the wizard list is like saying there is no difference between the attack action and the full attack action. It's Huge.

I have no problem with a group TPKing in any part of this adventure. I have a problem knowing that if this is legal (Which I'm fairly sure it's not) then every single time I see limited wish I should get cthulu, a magic bane bandersnatch, a demilich, or similar absurd overpowered creature. The spell is on the wizard spell list. Therefor it is never a non wizard spell.

You're arguing that any adventure which contains limited wish should be an automatic instant TPK.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Undone wrote:
You're arguing that any adventure which contains limited wish should be an automatic instant TPK.

I agree that the tactic was not legal, but hyperbole is never helpful!

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

Hard Mode makes character death likely. Antimagic shell is a reasonable expectation to encounter when you know you are going to fight a Runelord, one of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived.

I don't think the tactics used were according to RAW though. When I look up Simulacrum, it is a level 7 sorcerer/wizard spell. As a GM, my RAW means that if a spell meets the category of a bullet, you don't go farther down the list. I wouldn't let a player do what the GM did which means a GM can't do it either. At best, it's a gray rule which then goes to the "Don't be a jerk" rule applying to GMs as well as players.

No matter what, the cost of the Simulacrum would be 500gp per HD or 11,500gp which is higher than what Limited Wish allows you to ignore. That rule alone should have prevented it.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Yeah, but Simulacrum is actually a wizard spell, so it doesn't meet the following criteria:

Limited Wish, CRB, PRD wrote:
Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell does not belong to one of your opposition schools.

Note that it doesn't say "cast a spell of 5th level or lower from the spell list of another class".

Also, Antimagic Field is a 6th level Wizard/Sorcerer spell, so it's beyond the capabilities that Limited Wish should be able to achieve. Super jenky.


Hard Mode makes character death likely.

Let me say one thing. I completely agree with this. I'm not annoyed they died. Hard mode waking rune should likely kill 75%-90% of all characters who attempt it. There are a number of reasons the WAY they died worries me because of the macro implications of it being legal would have. On normal mode at lower tier this tactic is still available if it is legal and by RAW anyone who knows of it must attempt it.

So just let me make it clear. Death happens. That's fine.

These deaths have unsettling implications if actual RAW.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

The particular tactic that was used was actually originally thought up by one of the players at the table (a Venture Officer).

Simulacrum would normally require material components, except that in this case the Limited Wish was a spell-like ability, meaning that no material components were required. Otherwise, how does a Glabrezu grant a mortal a Wish?

Simulacrum is on the summoner list as a 5th level spell. Therefore, it meets the criteria for Limited Wish (a non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level). The caster just needs to duplicate the Summoner version of it; i.e. "I wish to cast Simulacrum as a summoner."

This setup, while extremely challenging, does not seem as difficult as a Season Zero PFS scenario, where one has to deal with three greater invisible creatures that are grapple-pin-tie up specialists in a potentially in-escapable anti-magic field. This particular tactic was therefore not outside the difficulty realm of PFS, and also resulted in one monster being completely nerfed, as it had to stay in the anti-magic field and could not use any of its spells against the PCs effectively.


Tristan Windseeker wrote:
The particular tactic that was used was actually originally thought up by one of the players at the table (a Venture Officer).

Doesn't make it legal.

Tristan Windseeker wrote:
Simulacrum would normally require material components, except that in this case the Limited Wish was a spell-like ability, meaning that no material components were required. Otherwise, how does a Glabrezu grant a mortal a Wish?

Because the SLA exception ignores only the M part of the spell. Not anything in the text

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Spell-like abilities are magical and work just like spells (though they are not spells and so have no verbal, somatic, focus, or material components). They go away in an antimagic field and are subject to spell resistance if the spell the ability is based on would be subject to spell resistance.

Some spell-like abilities duplicate spells that work differently when cast by characters of different classes. A monster's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

Gate and lesser planar binding are examples of spells where you can ignore the material components and still have to pay a hefty price for the spell. Wish doesn't get around those either.

Tristan Windseeker wrote:
Simulacrum is on the summoner list as a 5th level spell. Therefore, it meets the criteria for Limited Wish (a non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level). The caster just needs to duplicate the Summoner version of it; i.e. "I wish to cast Simulacrum as a summoner."

It doesn't.

Is it a non-wizard/Sorc spell? No. It appears on Wizard 7. As such this is failed to be met.

Tristan Windseeker wrote:
This setup, while extremely challenging, does not seem as difficult as a Season Zero PFS scenario, where one has to deal with three greater invisible creatures that are grapple-pin-tie up specialists in a potentially in-escapable anti-magic field. This particular tactic was therefore not outside the difficulty realm of PFS, and also resulted in one monster being completely nerfed, as it had to stay in the anti-magic field and could not use any of its spells against the PCs effectively.

Presuming this is a legal tactic (It's not) whenever I run this I'm required to use it to the best of it's abilities. As such Cthulu, haster, demiliches spamming wail of the banshee, and so on. If you think monks grappling in an AMF is anywhere close to a magic bane bandersnatch I'm not sure what to say. Even if you took the time to painstakingly reduce the bandersnatch to 8 hit dice removing it's feats in order reducing it's BAB, HP, AC, Damage stats, and so on (I highly doubt it) it's no means legal.

Sovereign Court 2/5

I suppose I'm confused about why it's no longer on the wizard spell list by virtue of being on the summoner's spell list.

Again, it doesn't say "Duplicate any spell of 5th level or lower from a non-sorcerer/wizard spell list." It says "Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower."

Simulacrum is still a 7th level wizard spell even if it is also on the summoner's spell list as a 5th level spell. You therefore cannot cast it with Limited Wish.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Let's take this argument over here and FAQ it.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

There is a precedent in the Samsaran alternate racial ability of being able to add arcane spells (such as the Summoner's Haste) to a Wizard's spell book and obtain the spell at a lower level, even though the spell is available at higher Wizard level. That said, I see the argument, but short of a dev clarification we must simply agree to disagree. My understanding is that Simulacrum is both a sorcerer/wizard spell of 7th level AND a non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level, making it a legal cast from Limited Wish. The two spells are different spells (Summoner 5 Simulacrum vs Wizard 7 Simulacrum) with different properties (for example the Wizard version requires a Greater Metamagic Rod, while the Summoner version does not).

Simulacrum has the rubies and the ice sculpture specifically listed as a material component (see the spell's M listing). Not an extra cost like Gate or Planar Ally. Thus it can be ignored by being an SLA.

It wasn't Monks in an antimagic field. It was a creature with natural invisibility that had pounce, grab, constrict, and quite a few more in an extremely large area that was entirely within an antimagic field. The difficulty level here was challenging but similar to other PFS scenarios.

Actually the GM took the time to painfully de-level the creature so its simulacrum was much weaker than the original. From what I heard, some bad luck with PC dice contributed to the struggle. The tactics in this mod allow a 30 INT immortal herald of a deity to use Limited Wish to the best of its abilities in a scenario marked specifically as being extra-difficult and having a "Hard Mode."

Sovereign Court 2/5

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Sorry, they are different cases. Please note the wording.

Mystic Past Life (Su): You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class's key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you're adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.

Here you get to pull spells from a completely different class that casts spells of the same type. So I agree with you that this ability would give you early access to those spells if you were to pull them off the summoner's spell list and onto your wizard spell list. There's no wording here that says "spells that don't occur on your current spellcasting class's spell list." So you get early access to spells in this way. Cool.

Limited Wish uses completely different wording, and there's not a lot of ambiguity there. It specifically says "non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower." Simulacrum is still a 7th level Wizard spell, period, and can't be used with Limited Wish.


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Tristan Windseeker wrote:
Simulacrum has the rubies and the ice sculpture specifically listed as a material component (see the spell's M listing). Not an extra cost like Gate or Planar Ally. Thus it can be ignored by being an SLA.

Limited wish however does however have material components of 1,500 dust then if you cast an expensive spell you must pay as part of the spell effect exactly like gate and ally.

When a limited wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 1,000 gp, you must provide that component (in addition to the 1,500 gp diamond component for this spell).
There is a precedent in the Samsaran alternate racial ability of being able to add arcane spells (such as the Summoner's Haste) to a Wizard's spell book and obtain the spell at a lower level, even though the spell is available at higher Wizard level.

As linked above these have exactly zero to do with each other.

That said, I see the argument, but short of a dev clarification we must simply agree to disagree.

You may have the power but that doesn't make you right, you're being willfully ignorant of text directly in front of you because you don't like the idea of killing an entire party and ruining their chances because you made a mistake. This isn't intended to be combative but it's really clear. Simulacrum is on the wizard spell list. It does not qualify as a non wizard spell.

The two spells are different spells (Summoner 5 Simulacrum vs Wizard 7 Simulacrum) with different properties (for example the Wizard version requires a Greater Metamagic Rod, while the Summoner version does not).

They aren't different spells.

The tactics in this mod allow a 30 INT immortal herald of a deity to use Limited Wish to the best of its abilities in a scenario marked specifically as being extra-difficult and having a "Hard Mode."

Hard mode is not a license to ignore the rules.

Sovereign Court 2/5

BTW Past me is an idiot and incorrectly stated that anitmagic field was beyond the ability of Limited Wish. The GM can get access to Anitmagic Field with Limited Wish, just not attach it to anyone other than Kurshu.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Acedio wrote:
BTW Past me is an idiot and incorrectly stated that anitmagic field was beyond the ability of Limited Wish. The GM can get access to Anitmagic Field with Limited Wish, just not attach it to anyone other than Kurshu.

Anti Magic field we can say is fair... we can move out of it we can adjust around it... it is a 10 ft radius... 40 foot room there is some adjusting but we can have people move... a 20ft radius on a normally CR 20 Creature that is 20ft by 20ft... in a 40 ft room and to be fair the only reason we didn't get totally hosed was because a witch got slumber hex off on her because he found 1 square without the field... other wise should could sat on the stairs and summoned. From then on the 2 int bandersnatch moved to make sure there was no way anyone could get out of his field...

I was also at this game. Although I am not a seasoned GM I am an experienced player. This game is just an example of what I have been noticing for a long time. GM's are becoming increasingly blood thirsty. It used to be that a good GM was someone knowledgeable and fun. Now the sign of a "good" GM is to be hard, prompting many GM's to not play things as written in order to make it more "challenging". In addition to this I have also noticed a great deal of metaing from GM's based on known party make up. This includes changing scenarios to specifically be difficult for cretin players (or whole parties) and pulling punches on favored players when the scenario proves to be a bit too hard (note: punches were not pulled in Waking Rune). Both of these things can be avoided if you play things as written in the first place. This Waking Rune game is just the final straw in a long list of issues. I am fine with hard, I am not ok with impossible. PFS just isn't fun anymore and at this point I don't see that changing any time soon.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Honestly GMs in our area seem to like to kill people lately. I killed a player last friday... I spent the time to make sure there was nothing he could do not to die because I don't like when my players fail. I have heard more and more about I killed this person I killed that person... make sure that person dies.

Reveling in the fact you came up with a strategy that our party had 0 way of dealing with ever. Other then all be martial characters.

My wife is taking a break from society because she sees it and I have seen it. One GM that I have spoken to a VL about made a friend of mine stop coming after his first game for 3 months. Bloodthirst is running rampant. I didn't bring up who was at the table or who ran it but halfway through I have all the GMs at the table and that came by defending it and throwing around how many VLs where there and what stars they were.

PFS use to be telling a good story having a good adventure with some danger. Now it is GM vs Players who cares if they have fun.


I am fine with hard, I am not ok with impossible. PFS just isn't fun anymore and at this point I don't see that changing any time soon.

When I ran waking rune we had 7 electing not hard mode high tier. I knocked every single player to either single digits or within 1 HP of neg con in the case of 2 of them. I should have killed one (Misinterpreted the circle vs evil) but no one died.

I'm all for lethal but if a player ever dies it should always be by RAW.

Anti Magic field we can say is fair...

And well within the GM's boundaries to use. I'd use it if the group looked caster heavy. I'm not saying this should be easy I'm saying what was done is absurd. And as to the AMF it wouldn't even cover as much. She has to pick a square inside her large mini and gets 10 feet from that, not from the edge of the square.

Hard mode explicitly is required to be unanimous consent from the table.


Honestly GMs in our area seem to like to kill people lately. I killed a player last friday... I spent the time to make sure there was nothing he could do not to die because I don't like when my players fail. I have heard more and more about I killed this person I killed that person... make sure that person dies.

I killed a paladin in golemworks in the last fight. They were 7.8 or so after rounding they ended at high tier and had a tough time. A couple of blown will saves and they had to run.

Death's happen. We have PP for it. TPK's happen. PP for it. The situation described should never have happened in the first place.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I recommend that anyone having trouble with local GMs not following the PFS guidelines and/or fostering a bad atmosphere at local events should contact their local Venture Officer with their concerns rather than argue about what is and is not right with forum members who are not a part of their local area.


Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I recommend that anyone having trouble with local GMs not following the PFS guidelines and/or fostering a bad atmosphere at local events should contact their local Venture Officer with their concerns rather than argue about what is and is not right with forum members who are not a part of their local area.

The problem is that in this case it appears to be the venture officers and high star GM's who are doing it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Undone wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I recommend that anyone having trouble with local GMs not following the PFS guidelines and/or fostering a bad atmosphere at local events should contact their local Venture Officer with their concerns rather than argue about what is and is not right with forum members who are not a part of their local area.
The problem is that in this case it appears to be the venture officers and high star GM's who are doing it.

In which case the people involved should contact campaign leadership.

Sovereign Court 2/5

In that case, PMs to campaign management may be the best route. I hope that talking about the rules issues was productive, but there's nothing productive in accusing the GM of being bloodthirsty. AFAICT it was an honest mistake.

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