Advice on multiclassing Yokai Hunter / Dusk Stalker and Ninja


I have been playing pathfinder for about 10 weeks now and have enjoyed it thus far. My Society Character is a Tetori Monk (lvl 3) and I have a level 6 Fighter that just finished the Dragon's Demand Module.
Now I'm looking to make something a little more complex. I'm looking for advice on a dual class Fetchling using Yokai Hunter or Dusk Stalker and Ninja classes.

The idea:
Take 4-6 levels of Dusk stalker(closer to 4 to get Shadow Bond) or Yokai Hunter(closer to 6 for 2nd favored yokai and automatic check to detect disguised yokai, and fits the character's RP element better). I would have enough Ranger levels to cast 1vl Ranger spells, which the one that stands out for me is Leaden Blades.

The cons to using either ranger class:
Yokai Hunter: Hunter's Bond is nigh useless
Dusk Stalker: favored terrain bonus is essentially halved ( no guarantee the Shadow Plane will even come into play during the campaign)

His weapon is a Fauchard (1D10 reach,trip, 18-20/X2) so using leaden blade would jump it to 2D8. I'm looking to make the most opportunity to use sneak attack and from what I've read there's a few different methods I can take:

Diving through threatened spaces (which is where Shadowbond helps)

Taking advantage of dark/dim lit areas ( which is great until the GM pits the party in a battle in a open field during broad daylight)

Feinting( although the ninja guide I read generally dislikes this method, not sure why)

the Tripping Feat line.

or a combination of any of the above limited by number of feats/ ninja tricks of course

The campaign this character will be used in will start at level 6.

Will this make an effective sneak attack user? I'm aware that I'll have to spend a feat for EWP to use the Fauchard, and I'm okay with that. I'm wondering if it is better to take the extra bonus feat from the 6th level of the ranger class as opposed the extra sneak attack die/no trace/ Master Trick from 16 levels of ninja as opposed to 14.

Also, for a character like this, is it better to try to get a high AC or to maximize 20/50% miss chances?

Any and all help is appreciated
-The Lincle

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