I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
A while back, I discovered that my local Pathfinder Society group still has a few unclaimed Boons associated with a convention from 2 or 3 years ago. They're perfectly good Boons that were obviously received as part of that convention, but somehow, they were never awarded to anybody. My question now is: What are we supposed to do with them? Surely there's still a way to award them to people. Is there a "by-the-book" protocol (which is what the local Venture-Captain and his de facto Venture-Lieutenant seem to be holding out for), or can we just "Santa Claus" it? There's also a "Mini-Con" (which may or may not be "officially recognized") coming soon here, is there anything wrong with tacking them onto the prize support (which presently consists of books, novels, and the Boons associated with the novels)?
Paz |
I assume if the boons were provided officially for that one event, and that event is now over, they should be put in the recycling bin.
As far as I know, VOs are provided with PDFs of the boons on the understanding they'll print as many as they need for the event in question, plus a few spares to meet any unexpected demand. That doesn't give them carte blanche to hand out the spares as they wish, as it dilutes the whole con boon incentive.