Expeditious Retreat Eidolon Flight Speed

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Does Expeditious Retreat affect an Eidolon's flight speed?

Expeditious Retreat wrote:
This spell increases your base land speed by 30 feet. This adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus. There is no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. As with any effect that increases your speed, this spell affects your jumping distance (see the Acrobatics skill).
Eidolon Flight wrote:
An eidolon grows large wings, like those of a bat, bird, insect, or dragon, gaining the ability to fly. The eidolon gains a fly speed equal to its base speed. The eidolon’s maneuverability depends on it size. Medium or smaller eidolons have good maneuverability. Large eidolons have average maneuverability, while Huge eidolons have poor maneuverability. For 2 additional evolution points, the eidolon flies by means of magic. It loses its wings, but its maneuverability increases to perfect. Flying via magi makes this a supernatural ability. The eidolon’s fly speed can be increased by spending additional evolution points, gaining a 20-foot increase to fly speed for each additional point spent. The summoner must be at least 5th level before selecting this evolution.

For that matter, would adding legs (which add to base speed) affect flight speed?


1. No. Expeditious retreat adjusts base land speed only.
2. Yes. Legs increase base speed, period.

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