Masterwork Transformation

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Transformation:
You convert a non-masterwork item into its masterwork equivalent. A normal sword becomes a masterwork sword, a suit of leather armor becomes a masterwork suit of leather armor, a set of thieves’ tools becomes masterwork thieves’ tools, and so on. If the target object has no masterwork equivalent, the spell has no effect. You can affect 50 pieces of ammunition as if they were one weapon. You decide if the object’s appearance changes to reflect this improved quality.

The material component for the spell is magical reagents worth the cost difference between a normal item and the equivalent masterwork item (typically 300 gp for a weapon, 150 gp for armor, or 50 gp for a tool). If an object has multiple masterwork options (such as a double weapon, or a spiked shield that could be made masterwork as a weapon or armor), you choose one option of the object to affect (though you can cast the spell again to affect another option).

OK, so I can convert 50 arrows into masterwork arrows for 300GP. Does the MTW arrows' +1 bonus to attack stack with the MTW +1 bonus of the bow (if MTW)? I never thought I would ever pay 300GP for a masterwork arrow : )

Not quite correct.
You would pay 250gp to transform 50 arrows into masterwork arrows.
It would also not stack with the bonus from a MWK bow (note, MWK and magic are different things, just FYI)
Afterwards you would have to enhance either or to turn it into magical arrows/bow

Edit: ah, yes, you would also pay 2.5gp (not 50) for the arrows themselves. Normally you would just buy mwk weapons/arrows, the spell lets you upgrade your current gear into MWK (and later magical) equipment rather than having to buy a brand new bow, just to upgrade it.

Shadow Lodge

Masterwork bonuses don't stack with each other, just like they don't stack with magical +1's. Its still an enhancement bonus to attack rolls.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Gobo Horde wrote:
You would pay 250gp to transform 50 arrows into masterwork arrows.

Belay that, it's 300 gp, the same as if you were buying them as MW.

Bling wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

OK, so I can convert 50 arrows into masterwork arrows for 300GP. Does the MTW arrows' +1 bonus to attack stack with the MTW +1 bonus of the bow (if MTW)? I never thought I would ever pay 300GP for a masterwork arrow : )

Then aren't you paying 6GP for a masterwork arrow, not 300? (300/50=6)

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