Jaelithe |
There's a point where your conversation is just one guy scoffing at anything, making accusations and insults, and not actually trying to talk any sort of reason.
Just because you make your insults oblique, and I'm straightforward enough to point them out, doesn't give you the moral high ground.
You can't accept that I don't agree with the majority on paladins, and have valid reasons you simply don't like. Fine. Everyone's made their position clear.
And if you don't like talking with me, then stop. Simple solution, eh?

MrSin |

You can't accept that I don't agree with the majority on paladins, and have valid reasons you simply don't like.
Valid reasons like what? What valid reasons have you given in this thread? A lot of your post have just been accusing others of something or telling them how much you don't like them rather than giving your own reasons for something.

Jaelithe |
Jaelithe, you surprise me. By your logic, we could just handle every paladin thread by rereading past paladin threads.
Kobold Cleaver, I'm allowed to find a conversation tiresome and direct someone to what I've recently said. That's not faulty logic; it's an unwillingness to say what I've said ad infinitum, ad tedium, ad nauseam.
And it's likely we could handle most paladin threads in the manner you suggest.

MrSin |

Jaelithe, you surprise me. By your logic, we could just handle every paladin thread by rereading past paladin threads.
That'd be a heck of a backlog to go through. I mean every paladin thread on falling and entitlement and what is and can I have and omg how many kinds of paladin threads can there be!? (Found a nice one!)
back on-topic: My paladin got Falling Insurance. How many babies does he have to eat before he can collect?
I'm sorry, your falling insurance only provides for instances of actual falling, you know, involving gravity. Should you fall over a cliff and survive, contact the nearest cleric and give them our information and we'll reimburse you for the gold spent on mending your wounds.
Not really that useful for a paladin. That lay on hands thing and all.

Kobold Catgirl |

And it's likely we could handle most paladin threads in the manner you suggest.
Whoops. I done opaqued meself 'gain.
Did the great civil rights activists ever say "Well black folks and women can't vote; thems the rules, so that's that"? Did the Wright Brothers say "Well people have legs, not wings, so that's that"? Did the writers of the New BSG say "Well 1978 BSG is a trite Star Trek knock-off, so that's what we're going to write"?
Did Hitler ever say
*Turns into a duck*
*Waddles off*

Jaelithe |
Jaelithe wrote:And it's likely we could handle most paladin threads in the manner you suggest.Whoops. I done opaqued meself 'gain.

Kobold Catgirl |

That'd be a heck of a backlog to go through. I mean every paladin thread on falling and entitlement and what is and can I have and omg how many kinds of paladin threads can there be!? (Found a nice one!)
Boah, I remember the first paladin mount thread.
I've seen things, man.
I'm sorry, your falling insurance only provides for instances of actual falling, you know, involving gravity. Should you fall over a cliff and survive, contact the nearest cleric and give them our information and we'll reimburse you for the gold spent on mending your wounds.
Not really that useful for a paladin. That lay on hands thing and all.
What if I fall off a cliff and can't use Lay On Hands on myself due to Falling?

Tequila Sunrise |

Wait, they can't fall in 4th ed?
For anything?
Not even for Gypsy card tricks in the street? Not even if it is really slippery?
Nope, not even tap dancing on oil-covered ice!
...Unless of course your DM house rules the paladin code and the LG restriction back in. But by the RAW, divine characters are invested with their power by a ritual performed by their fellow priest-types, rather than getting their power directly from their god. (Alternatively, the gods simply can't or won't micromanage their priests the way they do in other editions.)
The PHB does mention the possibility of divine characters who go rogue (not in the multiclassing sense!) being persecuted by their former brethren, but power is power in 4e. 'Explain the rules how you wish' and 'in-game consequences rather than mechanical punishments' are consistent themes of 4e.

Tequila Sunrise |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:Uh ... you called yourself a progressive, which is a (purportedly) a proponent of progress. :)Jaelithe wrote:Your word, not mine. ;)Tequila Sunrise wrote:We all know what the RAW says -- we 'progressives' just don't care.We differ on what constitutes "progress." ;-)
Yeah, after you asked me if I was really comparing myself to the progressives of...you know what? Never mind. I stopped trying to prove you wrong after my OP, but you still seem to think I am, so I'm going to just stop our little conversation.
I agree to disagree, and all that.

Jaelithe |
Jaelithe wrote:Yeah, after you asked me if I was really comparing myself to the progressives of...you know what? Never mind. I stopped trying to prove you wrong after my OP, but you still seem to think I am, so I'm going to just stop our little conversation.Tequila Sunrise wrote:Uh ... you called yourself a progressive, which is a (purportedly) a proponent of progress. :)Jaelithe wrote:Your word, not mine. ;)Tequila Sunrise wrote:We all know what the RAW says -- we 'progressives' just don't care.We differ on what constitutes "progress." ;-)
No, I just thought we were amusing ourselves at this point.
I agree to disagree, and all that.
But that's fine, too.