Retraining Wizard's Opposition School in PFS

Pathfinder Society

4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1) Can a wizard retrain an opposition school via the retraining rules in PFS?

2) If so, is this accomplished by one retraining session of 5 PP or two for 10 PP (basically, training out of the original school and back into it)?



2/5 5/5 *

Yes, you can retrain an opposition school in that way.

"You can retrain your arcane school (including changing to or from a universalist). Doing so replaces your school’s bonus spell slots and school powers. This training takes 5 days for every school power you lose from changing schools."

Gold Cost = 10 x Level x 5(X); X = # of Arcane School Powers you lose from changing schools.

Prestige Cost = 1 PP per day of training, so... 5(X); X = # of Arcane School Powers you lose from changing schools.

All of the non-Universalist schools start with 2 school powers in the core, so at a minimum that is 10 days of retraining (a.k.a. 10 PP). If your character is high enough level to have the third school power, it is 15 days of retraining (or 15 PP).

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