Diekssus |
So, A player has shown interest in becoming a Soulbound Shell. He has asked a couple of questions about his options, Not knowing the answers myself, that I intended to answer at the next session after research.
Going over the rulebook, bestiary 4, I'm left with quite a lot of questions myself.
- 1. Does a Soulbound Shell keep its own mental scores?
- 2. Does a Soulbound Shell have to ability to prepare "more" spells if he gains additional spell slots since that would not change his prepared spells, just the quantity of the spells.
- 3. Does gaining class levels in spell caster levels that gives you spells known on level up still happen?
Depending on the answers he'll (seemingly) be a sorcerer/Soulbound Shell cleric casting Mystic Theurge or Soulbound Shell wizard casting/alchemist.
I realize some of these questions might seem... dumb. I really am not comfortable with the rules dealing with becoming other beings.