Which Light ?

Rules Questions

I am a human cleric, and have a bullseye lantern with a heightened continual flame spell inside it.

So that it follows me around, I want to cast dancing lantern on it, so that I do not need the hand to carry it.
Which spell takes affect on the dancing lantern ?

a - the lantern hovers 5' from me, and uses the continual flame, or
b - the spells affect suppresses my heightened continual flame, and the lantern hovers 5'from me.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Dancing Lanter says "The lantern illuminates its normal area, even if it does not have any oil in it."

What is your lantern's normal area ?

"A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light)."

But your lantern is powered by a heightened continual flame, not oil.

Bottom line: Your lantern continues to illuminate the same area that it did before you animated it to follow you around.

The light from each spell overlaps but does not stack.

appreciated, that is what I figured, but wanted to be sure.

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