RAdeMorris |

do people think this will unbalance it too much and is the Face of Evil Ebon god too early to start tier 1 mythic rank?
I was coming here today to check on if there was a post or two about adding Mythic Adventures to the Age of Worms...
I'm not sure how it's going to impact the overall story I have planned.. I do plan on adding some classic adventures to the AoW arc, but I plan on using Encounter at Blackwall Keep to calibrate the power level.

Adam500 |
I'm potentially looking at running this AP in pathfinder, and as such I started playing around with stating up the big bad Kyuss. Looking at his stats in Dungeon he was a whopping CR 34 encounter at full power (assuming a Divine Rank is a flat +1 CR like Deities and Demigods says), and rather than port the rules for Divine Ranks over to PFRPG I decided to try making him mythic instead. I also don't want to port over any PrCs so True Necro is out.
Right now looking at...
Mythic Rank 9 Giant (x2) Worm that Walks Cleric 17/Sorceror 8
Since Mythic ranks add +1/2 rank to CR this comes out to the same CR 34 while keeping Kyuss' abilities in the same ballpark.
Don't have a full statblock yet, its a monster and its late in the evening, but if I finish one I'll post it.

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I'm not sure aiming for CR34 in Pathfinder is quite right. The recent Wrath of the Righteous adventure path pits the PCs as 20th level, mythic tier 10 against a CR29 demon lord, and that's supposed to be one epic fight. I'm not well-versed enough in mythic rules yet to make more than a general comment, however.
That said, the final module does assume/hope you're going to do things that can power down Kyuss to a more manageable level.
Just something to consider. Regardless, I look forward to seeing your take on a Pathfinder-ized Mythic Kyuss.

Adam500 |
Its fear of making him overpowered when compared to a party of pathfinder adventurers at 20th that makes me hesitate to do the write-up to that extent (nevermind that I still can't deduce how his ability scores were originally decided on).
I personally have little to no experience with pathfinder, and if I run this campaign with the ruleset it will be my first real foray into it (excepting an aborted campaign).

Adam500 |
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So I did a bit of work on a Mythic'd version of Kyuss, statblock below is missing most of his feats, and mythic abilities, plus his pair of artifacts. It is though in the ballpark of what I was looking at... I'm just not sure if this would be too much for a party of 20th level characters (Even assuming they knock a couple mythic ranks off him like Divine ranks were removed in 3.5).
CR 34 MR 10
Huge Worm that Walks (Human) Cleric 7/Sorceror 8/Mystic Theurge 10 (+4 CR)
Huge Vermin (Augmented, Mythic)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Blindsight 30ft
Languages: Common, +2
AC (Insight +WIS, +10 Natural Armor); DR 15/-; Fast Healing 29
HD: 8+6d8+18d6+150+80 = 394
Immune: Disease, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep effects
Aura: Evil
Spd 30ft
Melee Atk + (Slam 1d8)
CMB (+4 grapple); CMD +4
Cleric Spells per day 4/4+1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1
Domains: Evil, Death
Sorceror Spells per day 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5/3
Bloodline: Arcane
SA: Discorporate, Squirming Embrace, Channel Energy 4d6, Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12)
SQ: Worm that Walks Traits, spontaneous cast (inflict), Combined Spells (5th), Spell Synthesis
Mythic Abilities: Dual Initiative, Mythic Magic 3/day, 9
Feat: Bonus, Diehard, 10, Eschew Materials, Spell Focus, 5 Mythic
Skills: Bluff 11, Diplomacy 10, Know Arcana 28, Know Religion 28, Know planes 10,
Perception 26, Spellcraft 28, Sense Motive 21, Stealth 8
STR 24 DEX 14 CON 22 INT 14 WIS 22 CHA 21

Adam500 |
That was unfortunately just how his hp turned out.
Hes no longer 30 HD but rather 25. Even with Mythic bonuses to hp, and max hp he still was bound to lose some of his original 660hp in the conversion.
Maybe I could use a mythic ability to give him some kind of divine health hp boost? Even the mythic book itself says he should have far more hp than he does.

Bloodwort |

Yes, mythic Age of Worms can work.
Holy Sh*t, mythic PCs are ridiculously powerful.
I think it makes a really cool arc. Each evil mythic encounter for us has been the PCs getting closer and closer to Kyuss and his divine power. Sort of like the quickening in the highlander series. They absorb the power of the defeated mythic foes.
I started mythic with their ascension when the PCs fought a mythic Harbringer at the bottom of the Spire of Long Shadows.
That was epic. The PCs had no idea what was coming.
Then the question became, what tier will they reach by the end?
Pros: as the DM you get to throw mythic bad guys at the party.
Cons: you have to build the mythic bad guys and triple their hit points.
Seriously, I have a group of serious gamers that lean a little too much on the power gaming side. They recognize it so now they're trying to not add "power" but instead trying to add "fun" to their PCs but they're already ridiculous.
I highly recommend DMs triple or quadruple hit points on any bosses or they will not last one round. Good luck hitting a PC's AC with anything but a boss.
Extra Pro: I get to make a mythic dragotha, which will be freaking amazing and hopefully terrifying.
Because my PCs are so unbelievably powerful, I get to bend rules all the time just to make it a tiny bit challenging.
Rule #1 is that everyone is having fun. Don't forget that part.
Challenging your mythic heroes will be an epic task in itself.
Good luck!