Marakash Arkenrae |
My party will be facing a Roc soon, which likes to swoop in, grab foes, lift them into the sky, and drop them. The Roc (which will be scaled down slightly) has flyby attack and grab, I want to make sure I do this right.
Any corrections / suggestions?
1. Roc moves into position, makes attack, if it hits it rolls to grapple. It chooses to use it's claws to make the grapple at a -20, if successful it does not gain the grappled condition and may continue moving the rest of it's move speed with PC in tow.
2. Roc moves into position, makes attack, if it hits it rolls to grapple. It may choose to make the grapple check normally (without the -20) but it gains the grappled condition and may now only move half its remaining speed. (Or does it have to wait until the next round and another successful grapple check [now at +5 if PC hasn't broken free] to be able to move half speed?)
I have also searched the forum and found this thread which seems to confirm #1, but I am reasking for confirmation if anyone is interested.
another roc thread
Hendelbolaf |
Sounds good but remember that Flyby Attack allows you to just take the standard action at any time before, during, or after the move action. So the roc can fly down and attack the victim and potentially grab him and fly away. However, the roc needs to have some move left after the attack/grab or else it will just be sitting there waiting for the next round to fly away.
It will also draw attacks of opportunity with this move but as the roc has a 15 foot reach, they would be hard pressed for most normal characters to get a strike at it.
Otherwise it seems like you have the mechanics down for the -20 penalty to avoid the grapple condition and move normally. In the case of #2 I would still allow it to continue to move the rest of it's move at half speed.
Rikkan |
You have to make a standard action to maintain a grapple when you're grappling to move yourself and the target.
And if you move the target in a hazardous situation (like say the air for a non-flyer) it gets a free attempt to break the grapple with a +4 bonus.
So for your Roc, it can grapple an opponent in round 1 (either normally, or with the -20 to not gain the grapple condition itself) and can only start moving in round 2.
Drakkiel |
![Devargo Barvasi](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_devargo_final.jpg)
It was discussed in another thread...for some reason your link would not open for me but that one may be it...if the roc uses the option of the -20 it does not gain the grappled condition and can then complete whatever it was doing (on this case flying up and away) however if moved into a potentially dangerous area (way up in the sky) then the target gets a free escape attempt. Now if the roc does not maintain the grapple on his next turn he had to drop the target.
EDIT: ah that was the thread...it finally opened
Are |
![Nexian Galley](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF22-06.jpg)
Ahh, yes, it does provoke AOOs. Flyby attack does nothing to prevent that... Good catch.
If the roc in question is from the adventure I think it might be from, then it has the Snatch feat, which allows it to grapple without provoking AoOs (since it works as the grab ability):
This creature can grab other creatures with ease.
Prerequisite: Size Huge or larger.
Benefits: The creature can start a grapple when it hits with a claw or bite attack, as though it had the grab ability. If it grapples a creature three or more sizes smaller, it squeezes each round for automatic bite or claw damage with a successful grapple check. A snatched opponent held in the creature's mouth is not allowed a Reflex save against the creature's breath weapon, if it has one.
The creature can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled. If the creature flings a snatched opponent while flying, the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.
Marakash Arkenrae |
It's a homebrew campaign, not a published AP, but I think I know which Roc you are talking about. It's not the grab / snatch that provokes, it's leaving a threatened square if there are other PCs / enemies nearby. I should have elaborated earlier. I will be modding this Roc a bit for flavor and whatnot, maybe I will give it snatch so it can toss PCs instead of just dropping them... hmmm (sadistic DM laugh)
Yes, that is the ruling I think I am going to go with, though I technically think by RAW that Rikkan is correct. I read through that thread, just wanted to run it through the rules ringer one more time as I have one rules lawyerish player who I want to be prepared for.
Are |
![Nexian Galley](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF22-06.jpg)
It's not the grab / snatch that provokes, it's leaving a threatened square if there are other PCs / enemies nearby.
Since a roc can grab a PC from 15 ft in the air, and most PCs don't have similar reach, potential AoOs for leaving a threatened square probably won't come into play :)