Scam by PM alert

Website Feedback

I am being contacted in my Paizo PM box by a confirmed scam. Please review my PM inbox latest messages, confirm the scam and get this guy. I would use email, but I am on a smartphone preparing for sleep. My concern is for someone else falling for the scam.

Refer to
Scam looks word for word.

Digital Products Assistant

Thank you for letting us know. This account has been taken care of.

I.m having the same.

someone called Email Alert did send me a PM asking for mij log in and PW.
it's dated at last saterday 6 something
Dear Customer,

Access to e-mail is about to expire,
We recommend that you upgrade your account to avoid the suspension.
Please update your Paizo account by inserting your Paizo registered EMAIL ID AND PASSWORD and click submit post

Thank You.
Paizo Inc

Please ban this person.


Dark Archive

I received the exact same message as snowyak and dated on the same day from the account "Email Alert". Seems like this is happening to a good number of people.

Ditto. His profile is blank, but the message was Identical to the one posted above.

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