jayce.nall |
Hey! First post ever here.
I know the playtest is over, but I downloaded the most recent version of the playtest back in December and only just now got around to playing with it. My question is about the Swashbuckler feats. On the forum I see people reference feats like "Signature Deed" but I don't see anything like that anywhere on the most recent play test PDF. Were these feats only included in the earlier versions? If so is there any way I can see them? I'm trying to help a player build a swashbuckler but feel like I'm missing some important stuff.
Thanks for any help or response you can give.
Duraxis |
Signature Deed, and likely other the other things you're looking for, are Gunslinger feats. The Swashbuckler can use Gunslinger feats for any of his panache deeds.
I was wondering this myself. Does it say that anywhere specific? Just so my GM doesn't think I'm cheating :P I want Signature deed for my Parry/Riposte
Duraxis |
Yup. Says so in the sidebar where it talks about Panache and Grit being one pool.
"For purposes of feat prerequisites, a character with
the panache class feature satisfies the prerequisites asif she were a grit user, and vice versa."
I understand that part, but does that mean a swashbuckler counts as the gunslinger class for feats? Signature deed specifically requires "Gunslinger 11"
Piccolo Taphodarian |
If they don't kill the nearly unlimited opportune parry and riposte before putting in Signature Deed, they are going to create a huge problem with the Swashbuckler class.
It's easy to see that a Dex-based class with Combat Reflexes using Signature Deed combined with Opportune Parry and Riposte with the equivalent of Weapon Training, Greater Weapon Focus, and +20 BAB is going to be a real balance problem. Not only will their AC be high, but they'll have a chance to parry every single attack coming their way. It will make them more difficult to strike than the old Crane Style at low level.
I hope they think this one through before they release that errata.