Pathfinder in London

Gamer Connection

I'm trying to find a group for Pathfinder but none of the people I know are interested. Is there any way to find local groups that I could?
(Not online)

Aw, you disappointed me. I thought this was about London as a campaign setting. I assume there would be werewolves....

Try this forum. It's for finding groups both online and offline.

blahpers wrote:

Aw, you disappointed me. I thought this was about London as a campaign setting. I assume there would be werewolves....

Try this forum. It's for finding groups both online and offline.

Thanks, if you are interested in an RPG set in London though, I'd check out World of Darkness

London, England (UK)? London, Ontario (Canada)? Any other London?

Pathfinder has a world wide player base, and it pays to be a completionist in your information-gathering :).

If you mean London, UK, you could try checking the Orcs Nest messageboards where people post their games wanted and available lists. I've found a few players there in the past, and they weren't all deranged. Haven't looked for a couple of years though.

Whereabouts in London are you?

Do you mean you don't want to play online, or you don't want to find a group by looking online?

Send a private message to Wintergreen here. He is Dave Harrison, Venture Captain for the UK.

Liberty's Edge

There are a couple of London Pathfinder groups listed HERE. The contact for one of them is Rob Silk, the Pathfinder Society Venture-Captain in London.

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