Snorri Nosebiter |
And- look none of you are more experienced in DMing that I am. (That doesn't mean I am better or more imaginative and heaven knows you quite possibly know the PF ruleset better than I do). When I am DMing I am already running dozens of re-occurring roll NPCs, the BBEG and of course thousands of one shot "meet & greet or kill" monsters, shopkeepers and what not. And of course, I have a couple PC's in other games. I dunno about you guys, but this mere mortal thinks that's enuf for one guy.
none of us are more expierenced than you? oh rly? That's something only a noob would say.

DrDeth |
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DrDeth wrote:none of us are more expierenced than you? oh rly? That's something only a noob would say.
And- look none of you are more experienced in DMing that I am. (That doesn't mean I am better or more imaginative and heaven knows you quite possibly know the PF ruleset better than I do). When I am DMing I am already running dozens of re-occurring roll NPCs, the BBEG and of course thousands of one shot "meet & greet or kill" monsters, shopkeepers and what not. And of course, I have a couple PC's in other games. I dunno about you guys, but this mere mortal thinks that's enuf for one guy.
How about "Get off my lawn!"? ;-)
or "when rocks were soft...."
or "Nog Nog! Mkellen bebog! V'luch Matuch Maluch M'tog!"

Jaelithe |
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As I have said, we're not having a High School debate club here.
And we're not at the Old DM's Home sitting at the feet of the master, either.
Did I use "fallacious appeal to authority" in the precise sense it's employed in formal logic? No. (But rest assured, my command of it needs no informing from you.) You're right; we're not in a high school debate, or a college philosophy class. Pretty obvious I was using it colloquially.
I wager you and everyone else knew what I meant, and so it accomplished its purpose.
Since I respect your contributions to the game and this forum, but do not remotely acknowledge you as an "expert" to the extent you're anything more than a peer to dozens of others here who've also played and run games for decades, the reference in the broader sense is valid, whether you happen to like it or not.
So spare me your off target correction, and us a reference to your credentials every other freakin' post. (That, by the way, was hyperbole, employed properly: We both know you don't do it every other post; just often enough to be irritating.)
I'm starting to hear Alan Rickman every time you do that:
"I played Richard III ... five curtain calls."
We got it.

pres man |
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I was gaming so far back, we didn't even any of your fancy tools like paper or dice (I remember when this was the new thing on the block). Then there was when papyrus was suppose to revolutionize gaming, been there, done that. Hell we had to create religions, just so that they later could become myths and we could create stories using the creatures in them. You want to talk about LARPing, try running around with a hat with a bunch of live snakes stuck to it. Turn people to stone, that was just because Jimmy was butt ugly, the snake bites on the face didn't help (didn't really hurt his looks either, come to think of it).

Tacticslion |
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In other news, have you heard of Bill Willingham? In a live interview, he claimed that Gary Gygax once told him that he and his friends "probably" played more D&D than anybody. (They were in the army with nothing else to do.)
That's pretty awesome.

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It's so good to have at least one poster who makes me feel like a youngster. Me? I grew up in the 80s (sympathies and condolences will be accepted if they take the form of cash). At least it gave me plenty of practice in explaining the difference between "role-playing games" and "satanic rituals". ;)