Aaroneous |

I've read a few of the (fantastic) guides out there for words of power, but one thing that hasn't been addressed is the use of teleportation words against enemies. I'm still learning basic rules, and I was hoping to clear something up.
Is it possible to target an enemy with a teleportation spell if they're considered an unwilling target? My assumption is that it's allowed, but the opponent would be allowed a save against it.
For example:
I cast Dimensional Hop on an enemy, who then makes a Will save to see whether or not the spellword takes effect. If they fail their save, the spell takes effect as normal.
Do I have this right?

Cheburn |

Dimensional Hop specifically states that the target has to be willing. Unless the Conjuration (Teleportation) spell says otherwise, which I don't recall any PFS spells that do, the target must always be willing, otherwise they don't go.
This is correct.
The normal Dimensional Hop allows for unwilling targets to be taken along with you, though they are granted a Will save.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/rite-publishing---3rd-party- spells/d/dimension-hop
Every Teleportation Word that allows a target of 'Selected', though, specifies that it only works for willing creatures:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/wordsOfPower/effectwords/t eleportationWords.html

Aaroneous |

That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. Just to be sure I understand: If a spell says that it does something to a "willing target", an unwilling target would not have to make a save to resist it, and the spell will fail. Is this right?
I'm asking for clarification because I've seen threads where it was indicated that healing spells and the like could be used on enemy creatures, but the enemy was allowed a save to resist. Thanks in advance for humoring me.

Cheburn |

You're welcome! Just a guess, but my assumption would be the change from the normal spell is to avoid the "I teleport him into that pool of lava over there." With the normal spell, you'd have to (A) get into touch range, and (B) go along for the ride. Being able to dump anyone where you want in line of sight, just by winning against their Will save, at a level 3 spell ... it's a little powerful.