MythicFox |
Now, this question may be the unintentional result of our playstyle. When one of us plays Holy Candle, since the cards selected are random, we shuffle the Blessings discard pile, deal out the 1d6 cards face-down, shuffle them in, and put the discard pile back as we found it.
Assuming we're doing this right, does/should this effect the top card of the Blessing discard pile for the purposes of, say, the Lycanthrope cards? Because unless I'm misreading something, all that matters is which card's on top and not necessarily the same card flipped at the start of the turn.
3Doubloons |
You don't need to restore the order of the deck. Selecting random cards can have a major effect on the deck. This means that it is indeed possible for a Lycanthrope to become easier or harder during the same turn
motrax |
I think it also creates the possible situation of having a turn with NO TIMER BLESSING at all. One time, I waited until there were 6 turns passed to get max use out of the candle, and then rolled a 6! Hmm, I guess they all go back!
Never ran into anything like a lycanthrope on it, but woulda been nice to say that, NO.. there is NOT a blessing of gods on top of the blessing deck.
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
Hawkmoon269 |
I was just about to post this link:
But I got beaten by the man who said it.
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
Hawkmoon269 |
Right. Immediately after I said that sentence, we created a card that cared. So this is why we leave design space open in the rules.
Well, I think to some extent people should expect that what you say only applies with certainty to RotR or things that exist at that moment. You clearly might do something else in a different adventure path. You might change the turn order so that moving is before giving a card. You might make a power that recharges cards instead of discarding them, even if you didn't play them. You might make a card that tells you to put your character deck face up. And you might never do any of those things. While RotR and other adventure paths are all PACG games, we can't demand that you don't do anything differently from one to the other. Its those differences that will keep the different adventure paths fun.