Question about Reign of Winter Pawns

Product Discussion

Dark Archive

I am in the process of organizing the pawn set, but I didn't get this series of Adventure Paths. I am hoping someone can help me with the "Type" of some of the individual pawn (as in Undead, humanoid....)

Dancing Hut
Animated Tank
Idol of the forgotton God

I don't need the full stat, just the Type of each.

Thanks for any help here



Dancing Hut & Animated Tank are constructs
Ursikka is a Magical Beast

Not sure about the others as I'm at work (don't tell anyone im not doing work).

Paizo Employee Developer

Shoring up the ones that Redman didn't already answer, the Idol is a construct and the kokogiak is a magical beast.

Dark Archive

Thank you both for your help

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Kokogiak is the reason I bought two sets. I threw him into the mountains of my Runelords game, just cause I love him so much.

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