This is How A Dwarven Queen Dies, Part III

Silver Crusade

Link to Part I:

Link to previous part:

Visiting Telaki's mother it is!

The next part of the thread will be posted in a new thread on Saturday the 8th of March.

Part III: “Thicker Than Water”


“No.” Telaki inhaled, folding her hands in front of her. “I should see Shadra.”

High King Borogrim nodded in approval. “You should. Take a king's advice – do what your mother tells you. She is wiser than most give her credit for.”

“You are preaching to the choir, father. Of course I will.”

With a nod, Borogrim dismissed her. She returned the gesture then walked from the great hall towards the courtyard, her mind turning over her words before she spoke them. She wanted to be as prepared as possible.

She did not, however, prepare for the visage of her mother crying her eyes out into the courtyard fountain.

“I know why you're here,” said Shadra, her shoulders trembling. “You want to leave.”

Telaki's heart wilted. “I have to.”

“You don't have to do anything! You are Telaki Duerguin, only daughter of High King Borogrim, my only child! You owe the Pathfinder Society nothing!”

“This is not about the Pathfinder Society. It never was. This is about the good of Golarion.”

Shadra stood, her graceful dwarven features contorted with grief. “You cannot justify this! Golarion will survive without you, and Torag knows we need you here!”

“Why?” It genuinely confused her. “What part of me cannot spend a decade away from these halls? What dangers can my brothers, the king and you, yourself, not handle?”

“I am no warrior,” said Shadra.

Telaki reached up and brushed back her fringe. “I've seen your arrows strike a dwarf-shaped target at two hundred yards. You are not a warrior; you are what a warrior aspires to be.”

Shadra gripped Telaki's shoulders, her strong fingers holding her tight. “Don't leave,” she said, accenting every word for emphasis. “Please.”

Post “1” to ask Shadra to respect her autonomy.

Post “2” to bargain for Shadra's approval.

Post “3” to not attempt to convince her and leave anyway.

Voting ends on Thursday the 6th of March.

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